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2018 Southern Hemisphere Grow Down-Under

Hi All
It's getting to that stage where we need to plan the next growdown.
I can supply the Aji Cito seeds, but will need to get them posted pretty quick so get voting
I also have no issue if we go with something else, but will need to order in good time as it takes ages to get to NZ
If you vote 'Something Else' post a suggested variety
Poll closes Friday 27th April
General Rules
  • Seeds to be started on or after start date
  • Germinate and grow as many as you want
  • All grow styles and techniques welcome
  • Only one plant can count towards your entry
  • Nominate your growdown plant at first weigh in
  • Weigh each harvest, and post picture of pods on scales here
  • Heaviest total weight of pods in one year from start will be the winner
  • Honour system - If you cheat the Aphid Gods will know
My chilli seedlings are coming along ok, first set of real leaves out, but they're a little yellow. I'm watering with a weak fertilizer solution, and I'm putting them outside occasionally on nice days. Most of the time they're in my shed under a standard warm white LED bulb, sitting on a low power heat mat, with a few random boxes around them to reflect more light back at them, beside a window that gets daytime sun. I have them in there rather than in my greenhouse because the greenhouse gets down to maybe 5-10 degrees Celsius at night.
Any low cost suggestions to improve this setup? I'm willing to spend maybe $20 on a grow light. On ebay they're cheap, the only ones I've seen in NZ are $80+. Ebay shipping takes a month though, and these will probably be out of there by then.


From now to spring you only need to keep warm and give light.
A medium to large cardboard box with tinfoil glued to the inside with a CFL bulb at the top for light and heat.
That should do it.

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@KAOS @karoo thanks for that. I already have what you described Kaos, a light on a wire hanging from the ceiling, 12W warm white LED. I wondered if an LED grow light would help more?
Reason for low budget is I don't raise many seedlings in winter, I just wait until it warms up, push them into soil in the greenhouse, and they go crazy. It would be nice to be able to raise tomato and chilis in winter though, get a nice start in spring / summer. For example for about NZ$10 I can get this LED grow light from ebay, but it'll take a few weeks. I can't see anything similar in NZ for reasonable prices.
looking good guys. My little fellas have had an interupted few weeks. we where moved out of the original spot and now finally settled in the new grow tent. I've currently only got them under a double T5 set up but i have a couple new LED on the way and should be here tuesday.
Update photos are a bit dodgy but you can see a couple of the bigger ones in clear cups and the other photo is showing some little ones that are still germinating.


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Here's where I'm at.. Probably time to put them into larger containers!! For sure! I got heat from my landlady where I live (stupid hillbilly people) and she was upset about the way my place looks like a gardening sanctuary and told me I couldn't grow inside-she can suck it because I pay rent and everything and I've finally found a passion/lifestyle/hobby I love and keeps my depression at bay but here's where my ajis are.. A big part of it is her and her sexual predator old man husband told me over and over that I'm wasting my time and that you can't grow a garden here, it won't work, bad soil, not enough this or that, and I totally burned them to the ground and grew the biggest most bitchenist garden and they are "butthurt", and these rural Tennessee people get seriously upset about pride and things like that...

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I was just about to make a joke about how the can was unopened til I read your last sentance lol! It'll attract pests anyway open..
bob65 said:
Beer can in the back to provide a reference for size. I have been away for the weekend and nothing has died so that is a plus.
I know the can is unopened but am feeling a bit dusty still so not sure if I should open it or not.
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Weekly update.
my plants are settling into their new grow tent. i recieved two phlizon 600w (250-300w actual for both) led during the week so they have had a few days under new lights. temps have been around 25-27 degree and 50-60% humidity. im hoping they kick into gear now.


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Still going pretty slow for some reason.
Last year I used a custom mix and this year I'm trying a good quality soil with perlite added.
Growth this year not as good for sure.
First photo is one of the Citos
Second photo is a MOA Scotch Bonnet - Do you think it's sunburn perhaps (I have a number of different varieties doing the same thing).

Maybe you didn't soak your seeds in battery acid for long enough before you planted them.
Try adding some to the soil now and see if that helps.
The lower leaves on mine have all dropped off, so they are now a long stalk with leaves at the top. Not sure what is going on there, none of the others that I have planted are doing that.
Can't say.
This year I have seen a huge difference in the reaction of my plants to Nitrogen and light between the Baccatum, Frutescens, Annuums and Chinense.
I guess this is a bit of a Nitrogen burn on my Cito. I am going to try and detangle them and transplant them. [emoji51]

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