• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

2022 - too early to get started...

My real start of the season is still months away but I couldn't resist to put something in the soil already - Tasmanian Black! :dance:

Some of the seeds are years old already, 2017 or even older I think. I wonder if they will actually germinate...
Alright, too late to stop now, @dragonsfire!
My 2016 and 2017 seeds all produced at
least one sprout, so I imagine you will be
okay. Looks like a good set-up to coax
them to life.
We'll see what comes out. If there are some that don't pop, I have room for something else.
In the mean time the white scotch bonnet seeds that I was expecting should be on their way to my mailbox! :dance:Can't wait to get them started!
More hooks today... 2 new hooks of the marabella market caramel and 2 hooks of the JA Red habanero purple foliage cross 🙂

I increased the temperature in the box from 25°C/77°F to 28°C/82.4°F to hopefully increase the chance of the old seeds to germinate...
2 hooks of the JA Red habanero purple foliage cross 🙂
:woohoo: Oh, yeah! Those had great bhut
shaped pods last season. I have gone back to the
green-foliage variety for this season, but that plant
was very productive.
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How are they taste and heat wise?
Very hot, upper level for habaneros. Flavor not
my favorite. I’m not a big fan of the chinense
taste with a few exceptions, maybe Fatali and
Beth Boyd bonnets.
I'm not a fan of habanero taste. But my brother in law is and he likes it hot also :fireball:
Half a day has passed and more seeds have popped. All JA red are up as well as are all 7pot brainstrains. The old seeds don't show any sign of life yet, although maybe something seems to be going on in the pot with the walton farm seeds. If that's the case there should be something tomorrow. I'm working at the home office tomorrow, which means plenty of time to spend watching the seeds germinate and take a couple of pictures! 😉
A couple of shots as promised. Nothing spectacular, they all look alike 😁

On the left the Humble Servants Homestead Scotch Bonnet. One plant is out, another is starting to emerge.
On the right is not the Cream Scotch Bonnet but a Peach Bhut Jolokia. Took only 5 days to germinate!

Left the 7pot Brainstrain Yellow, right the JA Red Habanero from @PaulG ...

The last one... the "Caramella Market" Scotch Bonnet.

Yesterday I thought there was a Walton Farm Scotch bonnet about to pop but that must have been a mistake. But today I found some activity in the Cappuccino Scotch Bonnet pot. Let's hope I'm right this time...
Cappuccino bonnet seems to be germinating. It is the first of the old seeds that does, and sofar the only one. I hope that at least the SB7J will also germinate. On the other hand if not everything germinates it will keep things frrom becoming overcrowded. Or I could keep more than one seedling from the seeds that did germinate. And I'm still expecting a couple of interesting varieties in the mail in the next couple of days! 😉
A quick overview of my grow. Got quite a few extra SB seeds that I'm dying to try, see previous post. Some other seedlings had to be moved out of the way to free up some space unfortunately (7pot brainstrain and BJ peach). I also removed the SB Walton farm that hadn't germinated yet.

The Marabella Market Yellow seeds were only planted in the beginning of this week so no seedlings of that one yet. I want to compare the original yellow one with the caramel one.

The SB peach is growing 2 seedlings that look very week. Not sure if they will make it but we'll see.

SB chocolate is now also showing something. I added some more seeds in that pot this week in case none of the original seeds would germinate.

Another very weak seedling is showing in the MOA red SB pot.

None yet in the SB7J although there is that little spot that could be a seedling growing. I do hope so, I only had 3 SB7J seeds available and they are all in this pot.

The seeds of the SB White, Bahamian and Stuffing have only been planted yesterday so no seedlings there yet.

SB Papa Dreadie... I'm expecting some G3-21 seeds from @Sawyer :dance: (see thread P. Dreadie Memorial Group Grow 2016) so no seeds in there yet. I still have my OW papa dreadie plant grown from seeds from RFC (I believe). Would be nice to do a comparison.

Current germination status...

Grow List 2022
VarietyOriginDate sownResult
SB BahamianTrident2022-01-130/4 up
SB CappuccinoWHP2022-01-013/4 up
SB ChocolateTrident2022-01-090/5 up
SB ChocolateWHP2022-01-011/4 up
SB WhiteTrident2022-01-130/4 up
SB Humble Servants HomesteadHumble Servants Homestead2022-01-013/4 up
SB Marabella Market CaramelJGBaxter592022-01-014/4 up
SB Marabella Market YellowWHP2022-01-090/4 up
SB MOA RedRFC2022-01-012/4 up
SB Papa Dreadie G3-21Sawyer--
SB PeachTrident2022-01-014/4 up
SB StuffingTrident2022-01-130/4 up
Habanero JA Red Purple Foliage CrossPaulG2022-01-014/4 up
SB7JTrident2022-01-011/3 up
Scotch BrainsWHP2022-01-011/4 up