• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

2024/2025, wiicek, BalcoJungle will rise again!

Welcome to the The BalcoJungle, season 2024/2025 GLOG!!!

<= First Year


I've had plenty of pictures to choose the representative image from but this one is just beautiful, so, I couldn't say no to it!

Ok, I will show you my growing list for the year now, then do a really long summary of the last season - this was my first one, I get to be excited and brag a lot about what I learned and what do I love about what etc etc. It will be in a spoiler, because it is SO MUCH TO READ and nobody should be forced to see that wall. I am proud of pictures tho...
And then I will go into the next season, because it has already started.
Have an amazing time here, you beautiful soul! <3



I - sown 28 of September 2024

Tomatoes (All from World Of Flowers Sp. z.o.o.):

  • Malinowy Kapturek (4)
  • Venus (4) - they were sown at two different times but the difference dissapeared lately;
  • Aztek (5) - same as with Venus;
  • Aji Mango (3) from Fatali Seeds;
  • Aji Nortero (4) from Fatali Seeds;
  • Purple Pumpkin (3) from Fatali Seeds;
  • Orange Blob (1) from Fatali Seeds;
  • Aji Jobito (3) from Fatali Seeds;
  • Thunder Mountain Longhorn (2) from Fatali Seeds;
  • Aji Melocoton (3) from Texas Hot Peppers;
  • Ubatuba Cambuchi (1) from Texas Hot Peppers ( weird, on the chart I have two but I don't remember two, have to look into it);
  • Bulgarian Carrot (3) from Texas Hot Peppers;
  • Aji Lemon Drop (2) from Bohica Pepper Hut;
  • Aji White Fantasy (2) from Bohica Pepper Hut;
  • Aji Chachucha Purple Spotchlet (1) from Bohica Pepper Hut;
  • Tribelli Orange (2) from supermarket lool;
  • Big White (3) from supermarket;
  • Sugar Rush Stripey (2) from Hydroponika Bez Ogrรณdek (g2);
  • Sugar Rush Peach (2) from pali2razy (g2);
  • Aribibi Chocolate (2) from pali2razy;
  • 5 Fermented Seeds Experiment (some did sprout but died, overall experiment failed due to neglect ;o)!
  • SR Peach (pali2razy);
  • Hab Yellow (nursery);
  • PJ ICe (Towns-End Chilli & Spice);
Probably dead OWs:
  • SR Stripey (it didn't survive)(Hydroiponika Bez Ogrรณdek);
  • Ramiro (supermarket);
  • Fatali (Heldros);
  • Dorset Naga (ChilliChump); //well, it's green still on 2nd of March ;o
  • Aribibi Chocolate (pali2razy);
  • Black Molten (Towns-End Chilli & Spice);
The thing is - I don't really know what will survive yet. I only know what has leaves. There are some dry and there are some green but without leaves. I have no idea what will be of them but I am hopeful.

II - sown 2nd of December 2024

  • Aribibi Chocolate (4) pali2razy;
  • Orange Blob (??) FataliSeeds;
  • Purple Pumpkin (3) FataliSeeds;
  • Aji Jobito (2) FataliSeeds;
  • Aji Norteno (??) FataliSeeds;
  • Aji Mango (5) from Fatali Seeds;
  • White Fantasy (5) Bohica Pepper Hut;
  • Cachucha Purple Sploched (4) Bohica Pepper Hut;
  • Thunder Mountain Longhorn (??) Bohica Pepper Hut;
  • Bulgarian Carrot (1) Texas Hot Peppers;
  • Ubatuba Cambuchi (5) Texas Hot Peppers;
  • KS Linzo Chocolate (4) Texas Hot Peppers;
  • Manzano (??) Bohica Pepper Hut;

III - sown 5th of January 2025

  • Cayenne Red (5) from supermarket (g3);
  • Cayenne Yellow (5) from supermarket (g3);
  • SR Peach (5) from pali2razy (g2);
  • SR Stripey (5) from Hydroiponika Bez Ogrรณdek (g2);
  • Jalapeno (5) from supermarket (g2);
  • Habanero Yellow (5) from supermarket (g2);
  • Habanero Orange (5) from supermarket;
  • Habanero Chocolate (5) from supermarket;
  • Habanero Red (5) from supermarket (g2);
  • Fatali (5) from supermarket (2 from Bohica Pepper Hut and 3 from Heldros [g2]); //didn't sign which are which
  • Red Blob (5) from supermarket; //I'm calling it Red Blob because it looked like a green blob and then it got red.
  • Medusa (5) from FataliSeeds;

G2 being 2nd generation and g3 the third.


I will do now a 2024/2025 season in a nutshell! And hide it in a spoiler, because it's a lot of text!




Season 2023/2024 was so much fun! I've had so much work on the balcony and so much relaxing time it is really my favourite place on hearth right now. I mean, not now, now it's cold and there is still plenty to do and I am kinda running from it gracefully with a cold and on cold medication so very very... funny but from time to time that was the case with every love partner I've had to this day so, I think it may be love.


Every part of the journey was fun in a different way.

~Choosing seeds and them germinating! - everyone loves it, I am not different here. Giving life to new plants?! From tiny little thing to months of jars on shelves!? I think it is important to do a little bit for Earth and that may be a really good little bit. Like really juicy one. Like walking dogs and seeing some bottles on the road because people can be pricks. You're going to throw away some poop? Take the bottle. Or 3, because more people nearby are pricks. Throw them away with the poop. No problemo.
So, yes, seeds in a dirt, hooks, beautiful green or even purple leaves, so so so wonderful, this part is fun! Have to say, non of the ajis from the picture germinated or germinated but I lost them. Only freebie grew and still gives me berries! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜



~Caring for saplings inside under the lights in my room! Seeing them growing out of one pot and another! And another! And where the hell is May?! Three months from now! WTF!? - yeeees, this part can be crazy sometimes. Especially if you're bad at keeping the list small AND I KNOW ALL OF US ARE! It flies fast but May is always so so far away and plants are looking at you with anger. Love, I mean, love. Just make double pots at the end there. And buy some hydro solution. Pff. But sirously, there is half a year of greenery inside my room and it makes my heart sing. Rearranging the futniture so peppers have all the (window) sun in the world!? Huhu!



~First nice sun all around the house - I don't have outside yet to put them on the ground but chasig the sun inside was fun too, I remember. Plenty of work but it is kinda first big work of the season, so, still fun. don't have pictures tho...

~FIRST BALCONY TRIP. Hah. Sun and good temperatures at the balcony, I remember it was tempting me way too soon to put them there fulltime. Nights still were too cold for them to groow reasonably and I learned that inside is better for the roots and roots are the most important till jun even. Patience is what we grow here! Omg it was in MARCH!

~Spring was kinda unpleasand because I was constantly seeing them as too small and I really have to loose this part of my character because it doesn't matter, at the end they were way bigger than I imagined. This season I hope OWs will take the focus here.


~Summer and the first pods - everything before that stopped existing because from now on, everything is constantly producing amazing colourful pods. I mean, there was a month where I was waiting for them to ripen, again, insant rewards are fun but that is not how it works here. But from the first red/yellow to the last (FATALI IS STILL RIPENING!) there is so much peppers to pick, my inner child is content.

20240815_114714 (1).jpg
20240815_114901 (1).jpg

~More pods! - after entering harvest season there is nothing else, only pods pods pods pods...


~Autumn and now - I don't wana talk about it! ๐Ÿ˜‚ But seriously, sauce making is amazing, I have some sugar rush ready to make a jelly out from (yes, I saw some of your posts and today I woke up with a jelly in mind). Preparing OWs, taking all the plants from dirt, cutting them and cleaning the space... It poses some new challenges to my weird brain but I am sure after I start it won't be so bad.


And here you have! 2023/2024 season in a nutshell! I chose few pictures to show some parts of my journey but there were way more of them, of pods harvested and jars done.

What's the most fun in a weird way? Having one season dying but not dead, still lingering with some jars and greenery on the balcony and second being born with tiny leaves under the bulbs. Like, it works! Do you wanna all year and a little bit more time to spend on a passion!? Choose chillies! It will give you some time you din't know you had!
In a weird way? Because it is somewhere in the background of where the fun usually is ๐Ÿ˜‚ If you get me. It's so satisfying when you think about it but you don't really go and think about it all the time powering that satisfaction to do some good in a world. It doesn't last but it... is.

I AM SO SORRY. I THINK I MAY HAVE TEMPERATURE. ๐Ÿ˜‚:fireball::fire::flamethrower:


2nd of October

I have put some seeds to the ground officially starting the 2nd season! They are under 2k lumens, 4k kelvins light bulbs (3 of those) which did amazing job last year.


So peacefull. At this time, the life is being called upon! Wizardry in progress! DNA activating! CREATION TAKING PLACE! But quietly and below the surface.
There is even THE LIST! But it is readable only to me, so, I will now create the sheet.




2025 LIST.jpg

Green ones are tomatoes.

Seeds for the jalapeno x ramiro experiment are inside the pepper which started to color few days ago, so, soon enough!

Big White is the sweet supermarket pepper, tribelli orange also. I wanted to have more sweet ones on the balcony but while browsing online shops I tend to focus on shapes and colors and then I wake up few days later with hot peppers seeds in my hands not knowing how what whyyyyy? And if I want something and tend to be stupid, Universe is giving me things anyway. ๐Ÿ˜‚ Sometimes.


I don't know if I remember it correctly (wouldn't be the first time if not) and the day of sowing was 28th of September because I know that was a day I was writing the post about doing that. But maybe tomatoes are just so fast... because I have pictures done DAY AFTER the 2nd and first tomatoe sprouted. It was Venus!
I'm choosing the 2nd of October as THE DAY because I am more sure of this one (surer sounds wrong).

I wouldn't put them in the ground just yet but I wanted to have some inside anyway and the varieties are determinate, I wanted to test how they behave under the lights. I am not as scared they will make my early inside jungle into something wilder than I want. I like wild but undeterminate are too crazy for me, grow too fast and the lights soon enough would be overran.


And then the next day!


First peppers sprouted 6th of October, so 4 days after sowing.


It was Orange Blob! The winner of this year's germination contest!

Link to picture from Fatali Seeds.

Soon after Melocoton and Tribelli. And then the rest joined in. They were fast. I remember most varieties bought online last year sprouted to and some even over the month time.

Today's picture.


I have to say, lilies experiment failed. I mixed some lilllies, they both have put seed... thing one of which ripened and those were the seeds. Bu I think they were empty inside, so light, it would go far places on the windy day. I have never seen one so, I've put them in the ground anyway not expecting much. And they failed.

Ajio Jobito, and Manzano Yellow didn't sprout. Orange Blob sprouted, so there is a win, I don't need the second one. Aztek the tomatoe... I wanted to give one away to my dad but I always can clone the one that sprouted.

I really hope for Manzano to germninate but like I said at some point thinking about the last season - no fail is worth crying about because the wins take the spotligt. Should, ofc, and we decide how soon they will but the sure thing is - they always will with time.
Soon enough I will be sharing those wisdom so much, you will throw up rainbows at me.


So, here we are! October 2024! Woah.

Last year I didn't really start the season any day, because I had some peppers already and was sowing some in different times, I think in November, maybe December and January... This time more order! Chaos is still here but there always will be with me as a grower! It adds sparks. Nah, I'm just crazy and lazy sometimes.

I like what I see from the start, so, this is going to be wonderful season!

Brought to you by Bear.


He thinks he has cold also. But he's an actor. I should start paying him for his work, he is really good and I kinda feel like I'm stealing from him especially when he stops and pretends to piss when he sees some mildly big dogs far enough so they won't yet start pulling towards but close enough that he thinks he can buy some time to meet them. He also can yawn pretty loud if he wants attention and talks. So, perfect husky mastered.

Have a great day and night!​


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Thank you, @CaneDog

I kinda want to try and recreate few PepperGuru's monster plants because there is something in the look of his plants that hits the core of my interest with peppers altogether. And obviously then I will not cry (yea, right) about space because one plant will be worth 10. :fireball:
But yea, we all know how space situations go ๐Ÿ˜‚ And I really like seeing green walls also...

But for now I know I need a grow tent for some additional plants inside and a freezer within a year. This pepper thing is getting out of control! :flamethrower::woohoo:
Well, thinking about no longer worrying about having only one plant per variety and finally getting some more freedom makes me happy. And wow, my kitchen is going to be on fire next autumn.
This is mr. Jobito. Or mr. Blob. I didn't know who is who 5 seconds after sowing them and moving to my room. I know, I know. Ups. ๐Ÿ™ƒ

(From yesterday)

For now I am calling him Jobito.

And one of Aribibis! :onfire:



If you can see it. I can. It sprouted and it's fuzzy.

I immediately transportem them to their tiny little pots, delicately and with love. AND PUT 4 NEW SEEDS INTO NEW PAPER TOWEL.

I still have one Blob seed, ughh. I will put some more seeds in different paper towel as well, it will be very busy winter. Huhuhu.......

Edit. I zoomed in a little on my phone.
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Well, I did sow today 50 new seeds!


Those are on one paper towel and I know that is a bad idea. So, yea. I need space and this method is fun.

Well, 50!

Oh, I don't know what I am doing, again, it is fun!



Tomatoes (All from World Of Flowers Sp. z.o.o.):

  • Malinowy Kapturek (4)
  • Venus (3)
  • Aztek (5)
  • Aji Mango (3) from Fatali Seeds;
  • Aji Nortero (4) from Fatali Seeds;
  • Aji Melocoton (3) from Texas Hot Peppers;
  • Aji Lemon Drop (2) from Bohica Pepper Hut;
  • Aji Jobito (3) from Fatali Seeds;
  • Aji White Fantasy (2) from Bohica Pepper Hut;
  • Aji Chachucha Purple Spotchlet (1) from Bohica Pepper Hut;
  • Ubatuba Cambuchi (1) from Texas Hot Peppers;
  • Tribelli Orange (2) from supermarket lool;
  • Big White (3) from supermarket;
  • Purple Pumpkin (3) from Fatali Seeds;
  • Thunder Mountain Longhorn (2) from Fatali Seeds;
  • Bulgarian Carrot (3) from Texas Hot Peppers;
  • Sugar Rush Stripey (2) from Hydroponika Bez Ogrรณdek;
  • Sugar Rush Peach (2) from pali2razy;
  • Orange Blob (1 + 1) from Fatali Seeds;
  • Aribibi Chocolate (1 + 2) from pali2razy;
  • Manzano Yellow (2) from Bohica Pepper Hut;
  • 5 Fermented Seeds Experiment!
  • SR Peach (pali2razy);
  • SR Stripey (it didn't survive) (Hydroiponika Bez Ogrรณdek);
  • Ramiro (supermarket);
  • Fatali (Heldros);
  • Dorset Naga (ChilliChump);
  • Aribibi Chocolate (pali2razy);
  • Black Molten (Towns-End Chilli & Spice);
  • PJ ICe (Towns-End Chilli & Spice);

  • Aribibi Chocolate (3) pali2razy;
  • Orange Blob (2) FataliSeeds;
  • Purple Pumpkin (5) FataliSeeds;
  • Aji Jobito (5) FataliSeeds;
  • Aji Norteno (5) FataliSeeds;
  • White Fantasy (5) Bohica Pepper Hut;
  • Cachucha Purple Sploched (5) Bohica Pepper Hut;
  • Thunder Mountain Longhorn (5) Bohica Pepper Hut;
  • Bulgarian Carrot (5) Texas Hot Peppers;
  • Ubatuba Cambuchi (5) Texas Hot Peppers;
  • KS Linzo Chocolate (5) Texas Hot Peppers;

I decided to give a chance to KS Linzo Chocolate because I now can!

I may have to think about how to put them all into pots in may, it may be expensive and REALLY HARD WORK but who doesn't love to spend sopme money and work hard with those beautiful peppers? They are awesome.

I have to think about tomatoes also. Obviously. Why didn't I think about it already. Hmm.

//Edit for my information (what to germinate in 3rd wave, 5 from each:
  • Fatali;
  • Cayenne yellow;
  • Cayenne red;
  • Hab yellow;
  • Hab red;
  • Hab chocolate;
  • SRStripey;
  • SRPeach;
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We got new like image, wooo!

And I have got some amazing news! I will post some pictures when I make a deal, so, this one will be imageless and I know how everybody loves those! Much love to those who will read it! <3


<drum rolls>

I will have a 300m2 community garden just outside of my flat! WOW. Like, everyday few times a day I walk by it with my dogs. That is just the best thing that could happen to me within my pepper crazyness!

Actually I had the idea of finding one near my flat for few months now, maybe even a year, when I realized that the old one is too far for me to care about it and people there are just not my kind of people...

Ok, prepare for some informations about me noone expected and probably did not care to learn!

I'm gay and didn't hide it with my ex boyfriends there, having looks and false kindness which sooner than later just stopped being so nice, is not what I was comfortable with. Maybe it is my fault for being just naturally love addict, cute and open but we had good amounts of greenery blocking our kisses and stolen touches from the sights of pure and godly. And didn't be as crazy and rude as kissing while talking to them, lol.

I live in Poland, we still are somewhere like... I don't know, 50? 100 years after other countries and I accepted that but garden is my safe place, pepper world have to be my safe world. I know that this place can be similar but I hope not. And IT IS 200 METERS FROM HOME (300 max), so, who cares, I will love whoever I like there or probably nobody except my annoying at walks dogs!

And to make it not only orientation based, the guy who is in charge of the old gardens did look at me as at a person from another country because I have a little darker skin (now less, because I work inside the warehouse from 7 to 15, so, sun is not in my life as it were in every job I ever had before it...) like, wtf, people over 50 in Poland are the worst. He was sceptic about me getting the garden and agreed only because my man at the time agreed to take the agreement on himself. That is not funny and I have some funny experiences with people who don't know they're racist towards a person who is just as polish as they. Like the woman to whom I brought her pension as a mailman few years ago (I was a mailman for 2 years and that is funny for the reson I wanna tell you but it would be too chaotic and I try to contain myself more lately) who asked me if I like it here in Poland and will I stay for long - that story was told way too many times and I think they still are talking about it there).

So, yea, long story short, I had reasons, most of them mental health based but still feel bad about losing that one because It was so big and had stable and builded arbour, plenty of tools and a sofa outside under hand made roofing! It didn't have much sun tho, not on one half of it anyway, Still, so many containers to be had one the other side! They will grow on the new one tho! Maintaining the old one and paying for it every year (it was second largest there, so, it was pricey - and for the time I had it and almost not used it it doubled and more).

So, yea, I am having money gathered, decision made, date setting up and agreement to sign.

And you know what does that mean?

I sown way too less seeds this year if I'm going to grow for people I promised also. AND NOT ENOUGH SPACE INSIDE LOOOL.

I don't know what to do and how to do it so I just will be happy with how it worked out until I think of the way to sow more.

And how it worked out? I just decided today in a sprout of a moment that I will find a garden for myself! xD
Because I don't know if I told it here, I was exchanging some mails with someone in charge in this new place and they stopped responding after the flood not giving me any informations despite the one that someone wants to sell a garden for some big price - and I got annoyed with ghosting. Went with my dogs around it, asked some people who knew nothing, got some expired adsvertisement from the gardens, went back home, started googling and made a deal. I am sure there were none to sell that near few weeks ago. I swear sometimes it is enough to feel confident about something and it gets easy to get it.

Will come back with an update somewhere in the week, I think. I do have some pictures but I don't feel comfortable with sharing them before I sign the papers.

Ohh, and pots came, I have now 0.5l squared ones and 1 liter squared ones! l will be the last ones before I will make them double pot somehow. AND I CANT WAIT FOR THAT! I will repot to half liter ones soon. One other variety got their buds ready also, I don't remember now which one but the rest would join soon, I imagine. So, this next year will be a new journey! NICE!
Those square pots should come in handy in filling out the new grow space and/or tent.

I'm looking forward to all the new peppers even though they are not my style ๐Ÿ˜‰

Keep overcoming

The small hurdles in life
it is 2nd of January 2025, so, over two weeks later and... I don't know how but most of dried ones sprouted. Like, hooow?!


I was so sure they won't I didn't even write down what is where. I think half of them is mystery. I am really bad at this. ๐Ÿซฃ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜ญ

I will have fun anyway tho. I tried to put one variety in one row but that could not be the case with everything. Who doesnt't like a little surprise, huh? Huuuh?!
Next year will be perfect for suuuure...

Also, light was not strong enough, they are leggy. I fixed it already. Temperature may be too low also but this seems to be a problem with window in my room. I will try yo fix it soon.

Mr Jobito and two Aribibi Chocolates chilling in one shallow container:

Small tiny Jobito is making branches!

He is gonna give me the cutest harvests.

And my forest, waiting for me to move them into 1 liter pots. I have to buy more dirt, they didn't have any today at my usual place ;<

I have some issues with aphids but not as bad as last year. Today I noticed some again but I might have neglected everything lately and that shows.

I am hunting for that mix and soon will move everything one level higher.

I don't know if I should play with the third one but who cares, what must be will be.

I don't seem to have a hand for overwintering - they all were attacked by aphids and after two spraying with insecticide I must have made it too strong and most of my OWs dried out. So, bad news - but I do hope they will miraculously be resurrected as my seeds were! That would be enough luck to feel nice, I think. Not too much, just right amount. ๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿซข

I hope everyone had fun and comfy Christmas! Wish you the best in 2025! It's gonna be awesome, I bet!
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I went for the mix on a bike and it started to snow ๐Ÿคฃ

Like, really, it was 5 minute blizzard.

What an adventure! It was pretty funny, I did seriously have a good time, I like it when the weather makes a crazy turn on me, it is exciting and was really beautiful in this particular example.

What makes it even funnier, the banner there on the left shows family's sunny holidays and screams "O, Summer!"

Oh, I miss summer...


Oh, wait, Bear made his way in here somehow, he can't stand something else getting attention and I was working with peppers all evening... don't mind him.


This is just beautiful. I love this moment just before transplanting, it is the only time I notice how natural and beautiful the mini jungle look like before making it less bushy like that:



They will grow slowly into full forest but I will not notice it like the owners dont't notice when their pets grow up! Sad thing!

It is after midnight already, so, I am going to sleep. This is what's left for me to transplant:

Like, 25 of them! Half?! Whaat? ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿคท
Oh, he is the best!

And that's Q. Because he's also a good boy and wants to be adored! What a Q-ty. Ha.

But yes, Bear is a big brother, 1 month younger tho, he is very protective, always on a watch. 3yo in november 2024.

But also very very jelaous. Q is always happy and plays a lot and when I play with him, he makes Bear jelaous on purpose, poking me and then looking back at him to see if he notices. It's crazy funny but he's kinda bully in a way...

God, I have the strangest dogs ever...
Sounds like a reincarnated cat tbh...
Ha, I wouldn't be surprised.

I finished the transplanting action!

I have 3 light bulbs set up there in a way that gives around 3000 luxes everywhere - on the left there they still get those 3k if I turn the bulbs the right way, but tomatoes may get the lower numbers. I should get 4th bulb there but I simply don't have it bought yet and I really tried to make it work without installing another socket with cable and stand... I am lazy.

At the center some peppers may get around 5-6k, sooooo... I wanna see how it goes. It is not perfect but I tend to do it in a very simplistic way, lot of tape and kitchen foil and cardboard... It looks like cheap space station and I DON'T CARE! I do wonder what goes through neighboars' minds tho.

Mr Tiny Jobito (when I show him to you he tends to grow more, he must also like attention):

Aaaand the nursery again (I don't know if anything changed but maybe they are like Mr Tiny Jobito AND I wanna make a chart now also):


I will try make the chart and add it here in the edit!


2025 LIST2.jpg

It seems like I have one Manzano! I am not sure of that tho, it may be something else, but we'll see. And upper ones may still come out of the ground. Aribibi Chocolate second one from the right above those question marks is kinda dead, leaves went gray. I think it got too much water. We'll see.

A lot of question marks! Don't know what happened with two of my Orange Blob seeds, they are in the ground but can't seem to remember where. December was weird.


Some info and plans:

  • Tiny seed pots are THE WORST idea if it comes to planting seeds in them, they are plastic and taking sapling out of them is a nightmare;
  • Manzanos did germinate (like 5 or so) but after I put them in the ground they stopped developing, so, I don't really know what will be of them. I have hopes but won't be super sad if they fail, I have so much to do this year it will be fine anyway;
  • I don't know what germinated in the pictures above yet, I will try and do this chart now so it is as much surprise to me as it is to you - I have it wrote down as I mentioned before, but not everything due to Unexpected Seeds' Undrying Christmas Miracle (that is for sure the worst way of spelling it so I will live it like that); //seems like Ubatuba Cambuchi and Aji White Fantasy got the hit with drying there, plus 2 of unknown ones (I don't know which, so I can't really cry), so, it is so much better than I thought, still Manzanos are the worst and it is a shame because I have really good weather for them here in Poland from May up until November or even December if I make precautions!
  • All of 'Malinowy Kapturek' tomatoes, 2 Venuses, 2 Azteks and few peppers (2 Purple Pumpkins, 1 Big White and 1 White Fantasy) were transplanted into Universal Substrat mix I was using this year for seedlings and the rest went into the new one I bought IN THE FUCKING BLIZZARD, also universal but it was with perlite I noticed - Compo Sana;
  • The next step for all of transplanted peppers and tomatoes is to get second cup for them and let their roots go out of the first one into hydro solution; problem may be in finding exactly the same pot as I have them in but without holes... or should I buy more of those I have them in and brilliantly cover the holes without water/solution spilling everywhere;

Also, two different tomatoe varieties were sown today (3 for each):


Don't mind my wall geting dirt all over it there.

I have to look for some interesting varieties with bigger and colourful fruits for the garden. For now I did sow only dwarf ones (Malinowy Kapturek seems to be some kind of cheat here) for the balcony because the bigger ones I was testing for two years here already didn't do well.

Also, look, do you see that leaf there? On the left?



And OW peppers around it? They whine and die. Pffff.
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Going with the flow I did the 3rd sowing today, repotted some of my plants, cleaned up inside gardens (it went really bad after I took OW inside, I won't show it to you but I am just rolling with it) and in the process I've made the space for seedlings... overall did some plant work at home.

2025 LIST3.jpg




Medusa is a small pepper variety I got as a free bonus from FataliSeeds, I sown her before I got the idea of sowing the rest.

And now I know that I don't have PJ Ice or PJ Black Molten anywhere, because OW will probably not survive and that is a shame.
But I think time to stop sowing more finally arrived and what is in the ground is enough. I am sorry PJ Ice and PJ Black Molten. It was nice tasting you in 2024!

To be fair, PJ Ice is still with leaves, so, I am pretty sure it will survive. And Black Molten seeds are still in a tiny jar with pepper powder, not taken out because I don't know what I'm doing!

:flamethrower: :woohoo: :hot:


Tomatoes (All from World Of Flowers Sp. z.o.o.):

  • Malinowy Kapturek (4)
  • Venus (4) - they were sown at two different times but the difference dissapeared lately;
  • Aztek (5) - same as with Venus;
  • Aji Mango (3) from Fatali Seeds;
  • Aji Nortero (4) from Fatali Seeds;
  • Purple Pumpkin (3) from Fatali Seeds;
  • Orange Blob (1) from Fatali Seeds;
  • Aji Jobito (3) from Fatali Seeds;
  • Thunder Mountain Longhorn (2) from Fatali Seeds;
  • Aji Melocoton (3) from Texas Hot Peppers;
  • Ubatuba Cambuchi (1) from Texas Hot Peppers ( weird, on the chart I have two but I don't remember two, have to look into it);
  • Bulgarian Carrot (3) from Texas Hot Peppers;
  • Aji Lemon Drop (2) from Bohica Pepper Hut;
  • Aji White Fantasy (2) from Bohica Pepper Hut;
  • Aji Chachucha Purple Spotchlet (1) from Bohica Pepper Hut;
  • Tribelli Orange (2) from supermarket lool;
  • Big White (3) from supermarket;
  • Sugar Rush Stripey (2) from Hydroponika Bez Ogrรณdek (f2);
  • Sugar Rush Peach (2) from pali2razy (f2);
  • Aribibi Chocolate (2) from pali2razy;
  • 5 Fermented Seeds Experiment (some did sprout but died, overall experiment failed due to neglect ;o)!
  • SR Peach (pali2razy);
  • Hab Yellow (nursery);
  • SR Stripey (it didn't survive) (Hydroiponika Bez Ogrรณdek);
  • Ramiro (supermarket);
  • Fatali (Heldros);
  • Dorset Naga (ChilliChump);
  • Aribibi Chocolate (pali2razy);
  • Black Molten (Towns-End Chilli & Spice);
  • PJ ICe (Towns-End Chilli & Spice);
The thing is - I don't really know what will survive yet. I only know what has leaves. There are some dry and there are some green but without leaves. I have no idea what will be of them.


  • Aribibi Chocolate (4) pali2razy;
  • Orange Blob (??) FataliSeeds;
  • Purple Pumpkin (3) FataliSeeds;
  • Aji Jobito (2) FataliSeeds;
  • Aji Norteno (??) FataliSeeds;
  • Aji Mango (5) from Fatali Seeds;
  • White Fantasy (5) Bohica Pepper Hut;
  • Cachucha Purple Sploched (4) Bohica Pepper Hut;
  • Thunder Mountain Longhorn (??) Bohica Pepper Hut;
  • Bulgarian Carrot (1) Texas Hot Peppers;
  • Ubatuba Cambuchi (5) Texas Hot Peppers;
  • KS Linzo Chocolate (4) Texas Hot Peppers;
  • Manzano (??) Bohica Pepper Hut;


  • Cayenne Red (5) from supermarket (f3);
  • Cayenne Yellow (5) from supermarket (f3);
  • SR Peach (5) from pali2razy (f2);
  • SR Stripey (5) from Hydroiponika Bez Ogrรณdek (f2);
  • Jalapeno (5) from supermarket (f2);
  • Habanero Yellow (5) from supermarket (f2);
  • Habanero Orange (5) from supermarket;
  • Habanero Chocolate (5) from supermarket;
  • Habanero Red (5) from supermarket (f2);
  • Fatali (5) from supermarket (2 from Bohica Pepper Hut and 3 from Heldros [f2]); //didn't sign which are which
  • Red Blob (5) from supermarket; //I'm calling it Red Blob because it looked like a green blob and then it got red.
  • Medusa (5) from FataliSeeds;

I call f2 and f3 everything what grew from seeds harvested by me at 1st and 2nd year respectively.

Gosh, it was a lot of work.


So, according to my math there are 180 plants growing, if I count 65 seeds I sown today. Way too much. WAY TOO MUCH.
It's ok.
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Looking good, wiicek. Lots of fun stuff underway!

I keep track of this on some seeds too, when I think there's a reason to. I use "g" as in g1 g2, etc. for my number of grows/generations.
Thank you so much! I have made my home so green and weird but also somehow kinda cool... For the child in me this is a dream. For my family it can be a liitle bit too much if I let them think about that :onfire:

They take two cabinets of space after 3 months.


And two times that is slowly coming along.

I used to have a special room for them, The Green Room it was called by everybody and The Paradise by nobody but it could as well be I see now... But last year my brother came to stay for some time and mixed it up a little...


I watched that Goosebumps episode when I was like 5 or so (I have no idea what the timelime is on this series), about the alien plants...


And yes, naming them g2 and g3 is better idea them not being mix or any breeding project buy just a next gneration. I will change that, fs wil wait for some projects to arise.
Ok, I noticed it before but wasn't focused on that as much as I probably should, but... Orange Blob is hairy... So,is it c. pubescens?
On Fataliseeds it is described as c. chinense, habanero variety. Is it possible that c. chinense can have hair? I am new in this world but this trait in my brain was assigned to pubescens.


Is that possible that this is why they didn't germinate well? From around 5 seeds one did well. And I remember it was out of the soil very fast. I think I should make clones and get seeds from this one for sure...

For the others - Manzanos - I think there is not enough warmth in my room, it is always 21-22 Celsius, and they like it way higher for this stage. They did germinate but stopped developing when I've put them with the rest, I don't know if they're dead already or if I still can do anything, I think I have to try. I will take them out into the foil again with the soil, put them on the lights and wait for leaves to appear, if they won't in a week or two, I know they didn't make it.
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Great to see your Orange Blob doing well. Chinense can be pubescent. Some annuum types like chile rayado or hildalgo serrano can be even hairier than any pubescens I've seen. And pubenscens should have no trouble germinating or growing at the temps you reference. They generally like cooler conditions and less intense light than many other varieties, so your conditions should be fine. Mine aren't any warmer than yours and they're flowering happy as can be right now.
@CaneDog oh, so they can be hairy anyway, a new thing to remember but little dissapointing, I wanted to see them climbing my walls ๐Ÿ˜”

I know they thrive in lower temperatures and that's why I would be so so SO happy to germinate few Manzanos... I think they were one of the firsts which attracted me here but not due to pods - they are so boring loking, bleh, I just love how the plant looks, how it grows and overall style of it. It's different, I love different. But what I wanted to say - to germinate they need like 26 Celsius or something and that is just crazy.

@NJChilehead gave me a tip to put them on the lights, where temperature is way higher and it worked for germination but then I was too fast to put them in the soil with the rest. I did take them out of it today and they were just like two weeks ago, didn't dry, didn't die, hard and fresh as new, so there is still hope.

I have put them with wet soil into the cosed up foil and onto the lights. Also, I did some repotting, didn't have enough soil AGAIN so, it was only partial job, AGAIN. But I can not sleep due to messing up with my sleep schedule (longer weekend) and am still on my pepper feever I tend to get sometimes, so, repottig work...

That's where all those updates and some small first post glog change with formating are from (what an incredibly seamless self-marketing, woo)!


Those baggies on the upper "shelf" are manzano baggies.

I have a paper with all varieties written down, I have only 13... things you write the name of a pepper on, so I have to buy more before signung everything.
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they are so boring loking, bleh, I just love how the plant looks, how it grows and overall style of it
๐Ÿ™ I love C. pubescens tomato-like shapes... and that juicy texture... but I also like wild small round berries... I think that I love every pepper lol ๐Ÿค”
Anyway I remembered when I opened a manzano in front of some old people at a local bar... one looked at the seeds and asked me: "how can they put black pepper inside?" ๐Ÿคฃ
Ok, so, I was teying to add more light to the oldest crew and noticed that some of peppers on the left were really lacking.

This is the jungle that was under those two to three light bulbs (one of which was feeding my OWs for few hours a day up until I bought 1k lumen bulb wchich is sooo weak in comparoson it is a joke)...


And this is the left spot, light stopped reaching there because the center and right got all crazy there.

I ordered two 100x100x200cm grow tents today! I dont't know how I'm gonna do this but it's gonna be awesome.

Remember, I am just having fun and figuring this shit out.

Those are 2nd and 3rd Crew.

3rd one is obviously having more fun under this special light there. I hink they would grow out the rest if repotted and left in this spot. I think I will put them under the white bulb tho and give some love to the 2nd Crew.

But I dont't know.

I think I'm gonna label them all today.