• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

2024/2025, wiicek, BalcoJungle will rise again!

Welcome to the The BalcoJungle, season 2024/2025 GLOG!!!

<= First Year


I've had plenty of pictures to choose the representative image from but this one is just beautiful, so, I couldn't say no to it!

Ok, I will show you my growing list for the year now, then do a really long summary of the last season - this was my first one, I get to be excited and brag a lot about what I learned and what do I love about what etc etc. It will be in a spoiler, because it is SO MUCH TO READ and nobody should be forced to see that wall. I am proud of pictures tho...
And then I will go into the next season, because it has already started.
Have an amazing time here, you beautiful soul! <3



I - sown 28 of September 2024

Tomatoes (All from World Of Flowers Sp. z.o.o.):

  • Malinowy Kapturek (4)
  • Venus (4) - they were sown at two different times but the difference dissapeared lately;
  • Aztek (5) - same as with Venus;
  • Aji Mango (3) from Fatali Seeds;
  • Aji Nortero (4) from Fatali Seeds;
  • Purple Pumpkin (3) from Fatali Seeds;
  • Orange Blob (1) from Fatali Seeds;
  • Aji Jobito (3) from Fatali Seeds;
  • Thunder Mountain Longhorn (2) from Fatali Seeds;
  • Aji Melocoton (3) from Texas Hot Peppers;
  • Ubatuba Cambuchi (1) from Texas Hot Peppers ( weird, on the chart I have two but I don't remember two, have to look into it);
  • Bulgarian Carrot (3) from Texas Hot Peppers;
  • Aji Lemon Drop (2) from Bohica Pepper Hut;
  • Aji White Fantasy (2) from Bohica Pepper Hut;
  • Aji Chachucha Purple Spotchlet (1) from Bohica Pepper Hut;
  • Tribelli Orange (2) from supermarket lool;
  • Big White (3) from supermarket;
  • Sugar Rush Stripey (2) from Hydroponika Bez Ogródek (g2);
  • Sugar Rush Peach (2) from pali2razy (g2);
  • Aribibi Chocolate (2) from pali2razy;
  • 5 Fermented Seeds Experiment (some did sprout but died, overall experiment failed due to neglect ;o)!
  • SR Peach (pali2razy);
  • Hab Yellow (nursery);
  • PJ ICe (Towns-End Chilli & Spice);
Probably dead OWs:
  • SR Stripey (it didn't survive)(Hydroiponika Bez Ogródek);
  • Ramiro (supermarket);
  • Fatali (Heldros);
  • Dorset Naga (ChilliChump); //well, it's green still on 2nd of March ;o
  • Aribibi Chocolate (pali2razy);
  • Black Molten (Towns-End Chilli & Spice);
The thing is - I don't really know what will survive yet. I only know what has leaves. There are some dry and there are some green but without leaves. I have no idea what will be of them but I am hopeful.

II - sown 2nd of December 2024

  • Aribibi Chocolate (4) pali2razy;
  • Orange Blob (??) FataliSeeds;
  • Purple Pumpkin (3) FataliSeeds;
  • Aji Jobito (2) FataliSeeds;
  • Aji Norteno (??) FataliSeeds;
  • Aji Mango (5) from Fatali Seeds;
  • White Fantasy (5) Bohica Pepper Hut;
  • Cachucha Purple Sploched (4) Bohica Pepper Hut;
  • Thunder Mountain Longhorn (??) Bohica Pepper Hut;
  • Bulgarian Carrot (1) Texas Hot Peppers;
  • Ubatuba Cambuchi (5) Texas Hot Peppers;
  • KS Linzo Chocolate (4) Texas Hot Peppers;
  • Manzano (??) Bohica Pepper Hut;

III - sown 5th of January 2025

  • Cayenne Red (5) from supermarket (g3);
  • Cayenne Yellow (5) from supermarket (g3);
  • SR Peach (5) from pali2razy (g2);
  • SR Stripey (5) from Hydroiponika Bez Ogródek (g2);
  • Jalapeno (5) from supermarket (g2);
  • Habanero Yellow (5) from supermarket (g2);
  • Habanero Orange (5) from supermarket;
  • Habanero Chocolate (5) from supermarket;
  • Habanero Red (5) from supermarket (g2);
  • Fatali (5) from supermarket (2 from Bohica Pepper Hut and 3 from Heldros [g2]); //didn't sign which are which
  • Red Blob (5) from supermarket; //I'm calling it Red Blob because it looked like a green blob and then it got red.
  • Medusa (5) from FataliSeeds;

G2 being 2nd generation and g3 the third.


I will do now a 2024/2025 season in a nutshell! And hide it in a spoiler, because it's a lot of text!




Season 2023/2024 was so much fun! I've had so much work on the balcony and so much relaxing time it is really my favourite place on hearth right now. I mean, not now, now it's cold and there is still plenty to do and I am kinda running from it gracefully with a cold and on cold medication so very very... funny but from time to time that was the case with every love partner I've had to this day so, I think it may be love.


Every part of the journey was fun in a different way.

~Choosing seeds and them germinating! - everyone loves it, I am not different here. Giving life to new plants?! From tiny little thing to months of jars on shelves!? I think it is important to do a little bit for Earth and that may be a really good little bit. Like really juicy one. Like walking dogs and seeing some bottles on the road because people can be pricks. You're going to throw away some poop? Take the bottle. Or 3, because more people nearby are pricks. Throw them away with the poop. No problemo.
So, yes, seeds in a dirt, hooks, beautiful green or even purple leaves, so so so wonderful, this part is fun! Have to say, non of the ajis from the picture germinated or germinated but I lost them. Only freebie grew and still gives me berries! 😂😍



~Caring for saplings inside under the lights in my room! Seeing them growing out of one pot and another! And another! And where the hell is May?! Three months from now! WTF!? - yeeees, this part can be crazy sometimes. Especially if you're bad at keeping the list small AND I KNOW ALL OF US ARE! It flies fast but May is always so so far away and plants are looking at you with anger. Love, I mean, love. Just make double pots at the end there. And buy some hydro solution. Pff. But sirously, there is half a year of greenery inside my room and it makes my heart sing. Rearranging the futniture so peppers have all the (window) sun in the world!? Huhu!



~First nice sun all around the house - I don't have outside yet to put them on the ground but chasig the sun inside was fun too, I remember. Plenty of work but it is kinda first big work of the season, so, still fun. don't have pictures tho...

~FIRST BALCONY TRIP. Hah. Sun and good temperatures at the balcony, I remember it was tempting me way too soon to put them there fulltime. Nights still were too cold for them to groow reasonably and I learned that inside is better for the roots and roots are the most important till jun even. Patience is what we grow here! Omg it was in MARCH!

~Spring was kinda unpleasand because I was constantly seeing them as too small and I really have to loose this part of my character because it doesn't matter, at the end they were way bigger than I imagined. This season I hope OWs will take the focus here.


~Summer and the first pods - everything before that stopped existing because from now on, everything is constantly producing amazing colourful pods. I mean, there was a month where I was waiting for them to ripen, again, insant rewards are fun but that is not how it works here. But from the first red/yellow to the last (FATALI IS STILL RIPENING!) there is so much peppers to pick, my inner child is content.

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~More pods! - after entering harvest season there is nothing else, only pods pods pods pods...


~Autumn and now - I don't wana talk about it! 😂 But seriously, sauce making is amazing, I have some sugar rush ready to make a jelly out from (yes, I saw some of your posts and today I woke up with a jelly in mind). Preparing OWs, taking all the plants from dirt, cutting them and cleaning the space... It poses some new challenges to my weird brain but I am sure after I start it won't be so bad.


And here you have! 2023/2024 season in a nutshell! I chose few pictures to show some parts of my journey but there were way more of them, of pods harvested and jars done.

What's the most fun in a weird way? Having one season dying but not dead, still lingering with some jars and greenery on the balcony and second being born with tiny leaves under the bulbs. Like, it works! Do you wanna all year and a little bit more time to spend on a passion!? Choose chillies! It will give you some time you din't know you had!
In a weird way? Because it is somewhere in the background of where the fun usually is 😂 If you get me. It's so satisfying when you think about it but you don't really go and think about it all the time powering that satisfaction to do some good in a world. It doesn't last but it... is.

I AM SO SORRY. I THINK I MAY HAVE TEMPERATURE. 😂:fireball::fire::flamethrower:


2nd of October

I have put some seeds to the ground officially starting the 2nd season! They are under 2k lumens, 4k kelvins light bulbs (3 of those) which did amazing job last year.


So peacefull. At this time, the life is being called upon! Wizardry in progress! DNA activating! CREATION TAKING PLACE! But quietly and below the surface.
There is even THE LIST! But it is readable only to me, so, I will now create the sheet.




2025 LIST.jpg

Green ones are tomatoes.

Seeds for the jalapeno x ramiro experiment are inside the pepper which started to color few days ago, so, soon enough!

Big White is the sweet supermarket pepper, tribelli orange also. I wanted to have more sweet ones on the balcony but while browsing online shops I tend to focus on shapes and colors and then I wake up few days later with hot peppers seeds in my hands not knowing how what whyyyyy? And if I want something and tend to be stupid, Universe is giving me things anyway. 😂 Sometimes.


I don't know if I remember it correctly (wouldn't be the first time if not) and the day of sowing was 28th of September because I know that was a day I was writing the post about doing that. But maybe tomatoes are just so fast... because I have pictures done DAY AFTER the 2nd and first tomatoe sprouted. It was Venus!
I'm choosing the 2nd of October as THE DAY because I am more sure of this one (surer sounds wrong).

I wouldn't put them in the ground just yet but I wanted to have some inside anyway and the varieties are determinate, I wanted to test how they behave under the lights. I am not as scared they will make my early inside jungle into something wilder than I want. I like wild but undeterminate are too crazy for me, grow too fast and the lights soon enough would be overran.


And then the next day!


First peppers sprouted 6th of October, so 4 days after sowing.


It was Orange Blob! The winner of this year's germination contest!

Link to picture from Fatali Seeds.

Soon after Melocoton and Tribelli. And then the rest joined in. They were fast. I remember most varieties bought online last year sprouted to and some even over the month time.

Today's picture.


I have to say, lilies experiment failed. I mixed some lilllies, they both have put seed... thing one of which ripened and those were the seeds. Bu I think they were empty inside, so light, it would go far places on the windy day. I have never seen one so, I've put them in the ground anyway not expecting much. And they failed.

Ajio Jobito, and Manzano Yellow didn't sprout. Orange Blob sprouted, so there is a win, I don't need the second one. Aztek the tomatoe... I wanted to give one away to my dad but I always can clone the one that sprouted.

I really hope for Manzano to germninate but like I said at some point thinking about the last season - no fail is worth crying about because the wins take the spotligt. Should, ofc, and we decide how soon they will but the sure thing is - they always will with time.
Soon enough I will be sharing those wisdom so much, you will throw up rainbows at me.


So, here we are! October 2024! Woah.

Last year I didn't really start the season any day, because I had some peppers already and was sowing some in different times, I think in November, maybe December and January... This time more order! Chaos is still here but there always will be with me as a grower! It adds sparks. Nah, I'm just crazy and lazy sometimes.

I like what I see from the start, so, this is going to be wonderful season!

Brought to you by Bear.


He thinks he has cold also. But he's an actor. I should start paying him for his work, he is really good and I kinda feel like I'm stealing from him especially when he stops and pretends to piss when he sees some mildly big dogs far enough so they won't yet start pulling towards but close enough that he thinks he can buy some time to meet them. He also can yawn pretty loud if he wants attention and talks. So, perfect husky mastered.

Have a great day and night!​


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Ok, I did the labeling and from what I see only two chocolate habaneros sprouted... WHAT?! That is really not acceptable.

And 0 stripeys. ;o

I have to correct this mistake, so, two small mini pots were filled with soil and 5 of each seeds sown.


I think Stripeys I took the seeds from were somehow pollinated by something else... I did take 5 random seeds so it doesn't bode well considering that both sugar rush peach and stripey sprouted very fast last year, if I remember correctly. SR Peach was always the best tho, so maybe I generalized the name altogether. But still, nothing beside Blob had that bad germination...

Also, Meduzas are doing well.

4 of them sprouted, they are growing beside some 3colours (I dont't know what's the name, they are bushy annuals with small 3 coloured flowers, they look nice and I last seen them flower 15 years ago and really liked them).

And the 2nd Crew under the purple light, they don't have enough space but I will think of something tomorrow.

Three hot hit by repotting, two unknown and 1 Aji Mango. Mango is alnost certainly dead, 1 of unknown too but maybe second one will get through it? Will see.

So, there's that. I think tents will come tomorrow or at monday. :woohoo: :mouthonfire:

Oh. I forgot. New label... thingies I bought this time are bigger and the smallest tray won't fit them, so, I didn't put them in place.

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Today I....


I have 5 persons to gave peppers to in may, so, what's ten more to grow.

Also, as some of you probably know, I am taking part in this year's Growdown Throwdown and we will be growing Tasmanian Black! So, there's gonna be another one when the seeds arrive. I am excited! I am gonna do my best!

<picture taken by Bou of his plants>
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Ok. It is huge. You probably know by now how chaotic and adhd my weird ass is, so... I do have this ability to order stuff without thinking everything through. Maybe I will return one or leave it for now, because I dont't have a space right now, I will have in few weeks tho.


They almost fit in one anyway. Very crowded tho, too crowded even. I will think about adding a level there in the upcoming days, for now I will live it like it is...



Some didn't fit. They are on the cabinet like before but I still have to set everything. And clean the room. And the house.

I do see the problem tho, with reaching all of them to water or pick flowers. Also, the time is flying and I still don't have anything to make double pods with or didn't even get simple tray for that. But it's gonna be alright. For now Iam happy all of the seedlings and the most of the 1st Crew fit.
I think you might need both tents.
That does look crowded.
Do you still have room for the ventilation?
Sorry for not replying, I did not have time to be on thp as much as always.

I do have a 5W fan running 24/7 there and two vent holes opened all the time but it was not enough. Aphids attacked and in pair with humidity few of my seedlings got hit really hard - Jalapenos ;o

It is not going as good as I wanted but it's not a disaster also.

After setting everything up I had to let it be for two weeks because of my work and some family stuff with my brother, only watering and trying to keep everything alive. I didn't have any experience with growtents before so, I didn't set it as nicely as I should...

There is second floor, I am having there two bulbes I was using all the time plus one 30W growlight (blue and red light) and at the first one one old bulb and one 6100lm. All plants have around 2.5k luxes of light, some less if I turn some lights moving stuff. But they all seem to grow well.

Lights were up 24/7 for few days but normally I have them from 6 a.m. to 9-11 p.m. it depends on how long I am up.

I just dealt with aphids this week and now I'm trying to uppot most of the seedlings.

Some of them got really really big in those tiny spaces, wow.


I don't think I have enough half liter pots for now, will have to make some space on the shelf anyway before I repot everything...

Still waiting for trays they all were suppose to be watered in - three weeks and shop doesnt't respond to my messages... I felt kinda defeated for some time there.

Second floor:


Pots picked from first floor and put on the second one, neglected peppers and some leggy tomatoes:

Well, tomatoes were not in the pictures it seems...

First floor:

I took the trays with seedling, so it is empty and dirty.

Today is the first day I can really do something about everything.

They all are healthy and way bigger than last year. I think some of them are bigger than my Dorset Naga in June last year.

I ate one tomatoe and more is already coming.

I am not as prepares as I wanted to be, I dont't know what is going on with the shop. I won't have seedling in the place I wanted but it is alright. I will see what I can do a out tidying the place a little, so I can have better time caring for them.

It is going... somewhere. :mouthonfire:
MEDUSA! 4 of them chilling:

Black Molten, some Thai from supermarket and pot with Tasmanian Black sown for this year's Growdown!

(I will kick everybody's asses regardless, but dont't tell them yet)

Stripey, PI Ice and Chocolate Habanero did sprout also. I have put some Jalapenos to the ground.
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I did it!

Couple of them don't have tags because those were Christmas Miracle peppers. Also, some tags from the Balcony Bunch (first ones) lost therirs when I was moving them into growtent and when I was making second floor. I don't know when and how but it happend and I am ok with that because Balco Jungle is merciful. Will take everything, even without a name.

Those still don't have bigger pots for now.

Oh my, this is an adventure.

Love you all! Thanks for likes and smiles and looking, it makes me so happy! Sorry if I'm not as interactive as I should sometimes, there are times I live for peppers and thp and there are times life makes me look away. But when I come back I really love seeing everybody's work in Glog section, it gives me so much energy sometimes, it is wild.

Also, I did a jar today. It was not from peppers I grew last year, so, it doesnt't neccesairy need to be posted in the last year glog. Well, maybe it should but it is here now!


Saying "I did a jar" I mean, I have made a sauce from a jar. I've made 5 small jars xD

It was from peppers bought in august last year, those were cayennes and some thai probably, they were fermented. I was planning to do a sauce before all my peppers will start to ripe - that suppose to be my first sauce last year. Yea, it didn't work like that, peppers started to come and come and they couldn't stop, so, I did it today xD

As a second to last jar from my fermenting collection!

It was mango, banana, orange (juice from 1 orange) blended with the jar (I took the brine out of it, added some vinegar instead)... And then I baked one Ramiro and half of a Bell pepper with garlic, lemon pepper and some usual spices in small doses (tumeric, ginger, hot and sweet pepper powder), blended it together and added one spoon of acacia honey. Oh, I love acacia honey, it is so different from linden one, I love both.

It is still sour because of vinegar but still nice. Different. First time I mixed baked with fermented, kinda cool.
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I rehydrated some dried tomatoes yesterday and made a mild sauce from two half liter jars with pumpkin, shishito and jalapenos. I dont't feel any heat.


I didn't jar it yet, I'm constantly adding it to, well, everything I do.

Also, sun is nice.


Let's hope OWs like it also.

Aribibi is death there, I took it out after the photo. The rest... I really hope they will live.

And the last try with Manzano is going well...

If I close everything up, there is 26 Celsius inside. I took the foil out because one seedling have leaves and they were almost white.

I hope humidity is enough without the foil.

February 24th. Wooow.
I bought sone books lately, because I want to be better at mixing igredients (some of my sweet and spicy experiments did not go well).



What? Something about dogs' paws, eyes and even the whole Q-ty in his greatness sneaked into all pictures? I dont't know anythig about that. They must have been doing it begind my back!

But yes, maybe I will learn something!
Oh that's okay
I like that you are trying with experiments to get experienced.
Those books should help.
Maybe the doggies can help, read the books and learn more.

Cute dog...
My dogs know what "spicy" meaning is...
because, I let them know My lips are "spicy " if I just ate a pepper, before they try to kiss 💋 me, on the lips.

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Thanks, @HerbCasa! I try, especially lately I have a nice pull towards expanding and making myself better at some things, it's fun!

My dogs are everywhere I go and when I work with seedlings (like those few days ago) Beary can sneak up and lie down somewhere near and then crawl closer and closer and then suddenly his head is on the tray. Attention given to peppers is kinda accepted, but he surely tries to steal some. I think he would kill them all with pleasure in case of some killing pepper mutation-invasion.

Ok, I just saw, I didn't post about "those few fays ago". ;o
Wtf. This never happened before! I liiiive for you seeing my work here! ;ooo
Not acceptable.

I was sick for couple of days and kinda sleeping all the time, don't like those winter dark bad mood flues. ;/

But here are peppers!


And the end result!

And some pictures from today, so we can all see how the small peppers grew in the tent!


I was playing wih humidity and some tomatoes and few chinenses don't like it.

The trays are finally on the way to me. Shop didn't anzwer but they did send them after my second message few days ago. Weird stuff. Maybe they'll arive till Tuesday. I hope for Mondey.

Also, I bought a grinder. Huhuhu. Long time I didn't have any, last one broke something over two years ago. ;=


Got some seeds of off my flakes and made a powder! Oh my, it was hard to breath in the kitchen.

Bought some peppers, they are in the oven drying so I can make more. like powder, it is so different always.

On that picture above there are some of my Thai mixed (orange), Black Molten (dark) and Wild Brasil (yellow pale) and they smell, taste and irritate nostrils so differently that is unreal! I have to make more this year, way more. My new favourite thing!


Also, the smell of drying peppers in the oven, or baking some. The best. I obiously said that already but yes. The best. I will say that every time.
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I was playing wih humidity and some tomatoes and few chinenses don't like it.
It seems that some plants are suffering slightly (some leaves are wilting from overwatering and there is some film in the soil).
FWIW I passed from last year's indoor closed setup to an open one, and started not watering the peppers anymore until their leaves begged me to water (and the soil was dry brown, not black). Then I weight the water, based on the pot size, instead of going with your gut. I found that I was giving moore water than I thought. Now I have reached a good balance: growth is a little slow, but overall health is better. Other types of plants I had like air humidity and more frequent waterings, so in the first years I just applied the common techniques.
I've solved all the usual humidity issues and now I feel like I understand peppers more! YMMV, but here they prefer dry environments and dry soil, no more algae, white fungal patinas, damaged roots or fungus gnats.
Thanks @SatanicFlatIron for the answer and the info, I really appreciate it <3
Yea, I opened the tent again, try to keep the temperature at 25-26 but with better circulation, so the soil would dry a little before I start making more decisions.

What I can say is the older growth looks like in the picrure but the new shots look nice and green.

Those are chinense, they also get more intense light at the top where the leaves curl way more.

It was weird time for the tent past few weeks, from drying to overwatering, changing lights and humidity for different reasons, now it will normallize a little.

Manzanos both are doing something, one is out of seed but looks like a really old grumpy wizard with those curvy little arms... And it is like that maybe for a week now. Just gets more colors but not green, a little orangy...

Second one can't seem to let go of the seed. I tried to make it wet but now I'm scared not to overdo it, I got the soil on top, so it could loose it but it's slow.

Hope you see it on the top left there with white leg. I did the picture just now on the phone writing it, so I can't edit it to circle it up quickly.

I will let the soil dry a liiiittle and then cover it back with bag and let everything to time.

I didn't show the newest pictures of my purple land, yesterdays were from the week ago when I was repotting them. Didn't look if much changed but I will in a moment after I push send!

Four in a aerogarden are Medusas. They are flowering. One is at least, second one is close. They had some aphids but they were dealt with Agrocover spray. There are probably some on the picture but they are dead.
I wonder why the right ones are bigger, the lights are suppose to be all the same but maybe something broke and I didn't even notice.


I am watering everything with a hydro solution now. I know someone told me here last year that I can do that always without worry but on every site about hydro I see that it is not advised in a long run, because as in a hydro setup you have to change it once in a while because some nutrients are taken faster than others because some plants want more nitrogen in this moment than a sister on a left etc and in few weeks or a month we have not balanced solution so there and plants stunt in growth... so in soil it would be probably similar. But in soil it is always like that isn't it? And we add through the season different nutrients to balance it...

So yea, I was sceptical but now I said, fuck it, I will have to think about it in may or in august. So, I will then! For now, they are stronger with new growth! And it's fun.

Look. I did not see it till it was there and now I don't have the heart to pick it.

It is my last year's favourite, SR Peach. Doubled in size from yeaterday. ;o

Tasmanian for the competition is picking in speed, growing two (or more!) sets of leaves at once...

I didn't show it last time (or did I before and don't remember),now it's done again but, I had my own mushroom growing and sprouting twice already! Yesterday it was open like notmal mushroom, now it died and sprouts are there.

So yea, the humidity is under control once again 😅 Manzanos will not be my focus for now, let's hope they will not die because of that.

Also, I wanted to cook 3 jars with the tomato chillie sauce I did lately because I got slower with using it and it took place in my fridge but hey, this happened to the one of it!


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In the soil this year I'm using a slow release balanced fertilizer (osmocote), I won't have to add other nutrients during the year, it's already mixed up in the soil recipe 🙂

I actually have a plan to make some fertilizers myself. I always did some low level nettle tea in the bottle or banana peel water fertilizer with calcium, magnesium and some seaweed bonusem from time to time but it was not doing amazin with peppers.

Home plants: Gimmegimmegimme, so good, look at those enormous growth, Dad!

Peppers: meeh, give us what Gods have, you bloody mortal!

Now I am actually trying to make beasts on steroids! And I need all the fish!
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There was the sun out there today, and I saw it... Most of the Balcony Bunch went outside....
And one of chinenses fell. ;/

But it's gonna be alright! side shoots are tiny but I am sure they will grow just fine.

I moved all of the tomatoes, basils and okra up, reorganized all of peppers on the bottom level and found this cutie:


White Fantasy!

So, now there are two with the Peach, which, AGAIN, looks way bigger in real life than yesterday! ;o bit maybe that's just me being overexciting.

I am posting way too much lately, but I find myself coming back to the tent way more often because of this warmer weather. I mean, THE SUN!

I saw few crocuses and snowdrops already. I am sure thie shock happens every year but, 1st of March!?

Och, and I did my spice.

It's sweet and hot pepper, tumeric, ginger and thyme if I recall everything. I am making second drying with garlic.

It's nice, sweet. But I think I am using it more for the smell than flavour, lol.


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