• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

3CTX's 2015 7 Pot Onslaught

Howdy and welcome folks!!! I decided to keep this glog going for 2015 instead of starting a new one. This year i will be growing mostly 7 pot varieties, going to try and focus on the 7 pot varieties and 7 pot crosses anyway. I have starts for a few others though. The start for 2015 begins on page 35.
Grow list:
7 pot primo (pepperlover)
7 pot jonah (pepperlover)
Defcon 7 (buckeye)
MA daisycutter (buckeye)
7 pot original (pepperlover)
7 Pot Barrackpore (pepperlover)
Sb7j (meathead)
7 pot gigantic sr orange (refining fire)
7 pot wes (refining fire)
Sherwoods Carbonero, carbon bhut 7 pot x orange hab (pepper t sherwood)
Bonda ma Jacques x yellow 7 pot (meathead)
Non 7 pots:
MOA scotch bonnet (meathead)
Smokin Eds carolina reaper (Ed Currie)
Safi Red (buckeye)
Black Hungarian (meathead)
Bishops Crown (pepperlover)
explosive Ember (buckeye)
I think thats it for now. I'm not planning on doing a hydro grow this season but its still to early to tell (probably end up doing one dwc).
i will also be experimenting with topping this year just to see what all the hype is about. Thats all i got for now, thanks again for stopping by any and all comments are welcomed and appreciated. Good luck to everyone this year.
Love those scotch bonnets, I started some chocolates this year but they didn't make it, lesson learned I hope. I noticed these pods are various sizes, are they all first rounds? (trying to keep up with too many glogs lol) I love the look of the bonnet shaped pods so I had to score some for next season. Progress is looking fantastic neighbor!
Love those scotch bonnets, I started some chocolates this year but they didn't make it, lesson learned I hope. I noticed these pods are various sizes, are they all first rounds? (trying to keep up with too many glogs lol) I love the look of the bonnet shaped pods so I had to score some for next season. Progress is looking fantastic neighbor!
The fatalii are first round the sb are on their second I think the various pod sizes has to do with the fact they are in 6 inch pots. The scotch bonnets are very small plants maybe 10 inches tall, the fatalli is about 20 inches but not a very big canopy. Small pots is the only thing I can think of, I'm no expert though.
I see this pull has some more consistent sizes on the scotch bonnets. Just love the look of those guys, what's the flavor and heat like on those fatalii? I haven't tried any fresh pods hotter than habs, and I've heard these are pretty close to the same heat level. Carry on!
I see this pull has some more consistent sizes on the scotch bonnets. Just love the look of those guys, what's the flavor and heat like on those fatalii? I haven't tried any fresh pods hotter than habs, and I've heard these are pretty close to the same heat level. Carry on!
My own opinion is those fatalii are a step above any hab I've tasted as far as heat goes, love the flavor as well, highly recommended! I just cut up the biggest scotch and to my surprise had next to no heat. The first scotch pod I had was about hab heat, I don't know what the deal is with this one. I'll taste test another tomorrow.
The soil bhut was lookin pretty sad today so I went to water and much to my surprise I found about 5 little pods. It is loaded with flowers so hopefully soon I'll have more bhuts than I know what to do with. Also gonna throw a little food in this update. Tomorrow I'm gonna pecan smoke some jerky. I'm using my usual recipe plush a couple scotch bonnets and a couple fatalii to spice it up.

That's going to be some hot jerky!
Do you dry it or slow cook it?

I smoke it for around 3 hrs. This time I'm gonna use pecan and then I throw it in the dehydrator for a couple hours until its done.
good stuff man, good stuff!

Thanks ETH. You're from Tyler right? I work with a dude from Tyler.
Im fixing to start a job in Kenedy which is about an hr and a half from here. Gonna have to drive there and back for at least three weeks.