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5 foot Eastern Diamondback rattle snake

Yesterday Rita came inside to say there was a snake on the carport and would I get my gun and kill it. I went out to the carport expecting to see a gartner snake or such. To my surprise when I went out to the carport was I surprised to see a 5 foot Eastern Diamondback rattle snake mad and just a rattle'en. Needless to say I got my gun and blasted it and then to make sure took a shovel and chopped off its head. After it stopped wigglin removed its rattle which consisted of 15 rings. The largest rattle snake we have seen since we moved here.

I look where I walk now. I hate snakes and for sure a killer like that. Took some pics and when the wife downloads them will post.

Have eaten rattlesnake before. But unsure on how to clean'em and prepare them for cooking. What I have eaten was breaded and fried.
Good white meat
Besides this one had a bit of lead in it. The buzzards are having dinner now and they creep me out as much as the snake such huge birds that are not afraid of much.

aw man killing snakes is something i always try to avoid. being it was in your garage, you had no choice though.
We always just skinned 'em and stuck 'em on a spit over an open fire. Usually, we had to halve the bastard if it was a long one.
there are numbers to call and someone will come out and relocate the snake to some wooded areas or some other place. its never wise to try to remove a snake like that yourself though, unless you are trained to deal with them. poor snake. ;) a big rattler like that probably was incredibly good looking. get any pictures before you killed it?

at least some other animal is getting a meal..i just wonder if the lead can accumulate and cause problems for whatever ate it. :onfire: not sure.
In this form, lead should be OK. it's dust and fluid solutions you have to be careful about, but solid "lumps" from gunshot shouldn't leave too much residue to accumulate in predators/ scavengers. Unless the snake is eaten by 5 birds, who are all eaten by the same creature BEFORE they've had a chance to poop the pellets out, etc.

Kato, I'm getting the feeling that if you'd called xgrafcorex, he would have been round your place faster than you can say "animal sactuary" ;)
haha well i'd like to but i have no training with venomous snakes, so it'd be better for me to stay away also. a lot of amateurs get bit that way.