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fermenting 5 gallons of jalapeno mash

i picked up 40lbs of jalapenos from work for a good price. And i also had a extra better bottle from brewing so i decided i would do a 5 gallon jalapeno ferment

here is the recipe

40# jalapenos (roasted and smoked)
3 large white onions (Charred on the grill)
1 lb carrots (charred on the grill)
.5 lb roasted garlic
3.6% brine
hooch from my sourdough starter

Getting ready for the smoker

just about done... need to top of with more brine
Woooooo, now that's a bottle of sauce! Couple of questions:

How much hooch did you add to the mash?
Where do you have it stashed and what's the temp there?

Don't forget that when your done to wash that carboy out really well or you next batch of brew might just have a little surprise in it for you. :cool:

thanks for the comments guys

i roughly used 1 cup of hooch from my starter, since thats all i had. its stashed on top of the fridge in the kitchen where the temps are around mid 70's.

haha the better bottle is retired from brewing since i moved to glass carboys, but ive always wanted to brew a chili beer.

the onions and carrots were mainly used for added sugars, i might add some more a little later
Yeah, one of these days i'm going to get a couple of Galss Carboys, well either that or go to a 10 gallon Conical SS fermenter. Right now the good ole Ale Pale works fine. I think a cup in there will get it started ok. The prime fermenting temps for Lacto is between 85 and 95 degrees F. if you have a place a bit warmer it's let the lacto work better. At the lowere temp it'll just take longer for it to finish.

HAHAHAAHH, Your Lagering your Pepper mash :rofl:
took rocketman's advice and strapped 2 heating pads on low to the better bottle to increase temp, and then covered it with a t-shirt last night. when i got home from work tonight, i got hit with a really strong jalapeno smell as soon as i opened the door to the basement where i keep it. and low and behold this is what i found


so i rigged up a blow off tube to help prevent that haha