7 Pod skin porn..

today the day, ripe 7 pods...:onfire:

Alright I lied just a couple more. I know other have talked of the capsaisin oil inside the 7 pod. Here is my attempt, the yellow glands on the placental tissue!:hell:
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Alright I lied just a couple more. I know other have talked of the capsaisin oil inside the 7 pod. Here is my attempt, the yellow glands on the placental tissue!:hell:

Nice fiery Placenta my friend..O that will hurt and you got love that 7 pot flavor to :)
You know it, but I can't help saying it, they look simply awesome. I love the close up shot, well done!
Have you tried them yet? I have harvested my first ripe pod two days ago, but I didn't dare to try them yet! :)
Damn....that is awesome.

I know how tuff it is to get pics like taht of the oils, I tried that on my Burkinas, but your pic is fantastic. AND, it looks like several times as much oil in there as mine...Good Lawd!
Opened a few more yesterday and took some more pics. It is like they have yellow spots all inside the 7 Pod. This pepper has definately lived up to all the hype, just too damn hot to eat raw. My homemade hot sauces are now as hot as extract sauces.;)

i love the beads of oil inside the pods, scares me a little bit, and at the same time, i want to lick it.... 7 pots taste soo good...