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chinense 7 Pot/d Yellow x Chocolate Bhut

I have a few seeds for the 7pot/d yellow x chocolate bhut cross, and I'm looking to see if anyone here has grown it yet?If so, comments.... does the Yellow's taste shine through the choc bhut? Color phases? Plant Yields? Any input appreciated-
I have a couple babies going but the mites hit them pretty hard. :cry: Hope they pull through cause I really want to try this one as well. :pray:
Chris or JungleRain would be your best bet for an answer to your question. Also depending on the strain and how stable yours is, it may or may not be anything like the one they are growing.
Chris or JungleRain would be your best bet for an answer to your question. Also depending on the strain and how stable yours is, it may or may not be anything like the one they are growing.
Thanks-pm'd Grant and got a good answer, that was my seed source...always lookin for diversified opions though.Apparently the 7 flavor is more dominant-and thats what I really wanted hear!
heres a few pics for you DJ



