7 Potz Strain SMACKDOWN!!!!

Thanks PRF! Your grow logs have been inspiring for me. Good luck with your Douglah grow out.

Anybody notice my ripening pod in the pic? My bad I should have blown it up like this (pics after rain)





I actually have 2 pods ripening now. I'll post back with real pod porn next time. And a taste test. Really I'm looking forward to it. Not scared at all LOL
Thanks PRF! Your grow logs have been inspiring for me. Good luck with your Douglah grow out.

Anybody notice my ripening pod in the pic? My bad I should have blown it up like this (pics after rain)





I actually have 2 pods ripening now. I'll post back with real pod porn next time. And a taste test. Really I'm looking forward to it. Not scared at all LOL

oh god they look so so evil.
Looking at the pictures those pods look like something you should not be eating. Something that looks that mean probably will be more evil than it even looks. Good luck to your insides, haha.
Thats a promise of pain right there!!!
I think they have that scary look to fright/dissuade us and other mammals from heating them



I wonder if one of those will mean I don't have to toss 5 habs + hot sauce + crushed red pepper into 2 servings of chilli.

Yep, you will no longer need to do all that work to get a couple of servings of chilli hot enough for you. 7 Pods are a whole 'nother animal NYC, be careful what you wish for. I should have a few to share with you if you're interested.

Just as well add a couple of pics to the fun. These are regular 7 Pods, seeds from the Hippy.


7 Pod yellow, again seeds from the Hippy.


And finally some 7 Pod Barrackpore porn.

I hope I dont get boo'd for this post...lol
I have just gotten into peppers for the first time this year, and the peppers on this thread alone got me all excited. Where in the WORLD can I get seeds for all of these things? I have gotten some seeds from Neil, but there are quite a few on here that even HE doesnt have! Is there any way I can sucker someone...I mean POLITELY ASK someone if they can spare some seeds? Either in a trade or I will even BUY some. I have 20 different types of peppers, but nothing like this. I can trade with what I have, but if ya'll have peppers like this, its like a guy with a small "wang" getting into porn...

I hope I dont get boo'd for this post...lol
I have just gotten into peppers for the first time this year, and the peppers on this thread alone got me all excited. Where in the WORLD can I get seeds for all of these things? I have gotten some seeds from Neil, but there are quite a few on here that even HE doesnt have! Is there any way I can sucker someone...I mean POLITELY ASK someone if they can spare some seeds? Either in a trade or I will even BUY some. I have 20 different types of peppers, but nothing like this. I can trade with what I have, but if ya'll have peppers like this, its like a guy with a small "wang" getting into porn...


It's like fishing at first man. Post up in the wanted section and wait to see if a generous/interested person bites. Keep surfin the threads and make friends too. It never hurts to make friends..