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7pot Type ( iD needed)

Here are soem pics are there any ideas on a name i was thinking
7pod Baha Strain.;)



They'renot ripe yet. bUt when they ripe i'll post pics. But at this point i just wanna know hwat they r and what to call em. They have a verry pimply texture.
Other than a few pimples, they don't really look like 7-pot/pod peppers. I'd just call them something like "mystery C. chinense-pimply" since it could be a hybrid and be totally different next growing season. You don't want to give the wrong impression if/when you trade these seeds.
Un natural i got the seeds from a tiny hab like pepper. I grew it out and it seems to be a cross. Looks kinda like a 7 so just called a seven pot type. Than potawie. I'm not gonna trade this yet. I'll have to grow it out next season first.
baha man is there anything connecting this pepper to the 7 pot in it's background? You say you got the seeds from a tiny hab like pepper, what do you know about that plants history?

Good luck with them.
hey pat. dont know anthing much. i picked it up at the local super marke. Theyve stoped selling them now so know nothing much.

i just grew them out cuz the looked cool. but now they look nthing like what they were supposed to be.

the size of the original pod was as that of a bod'e pepper.and tons of heat
You may want to stay away from calling it 7 anything if you don't know any more than that about the pepper. Just my opinion.
Obviously its not ripe, but it looks to be a less common pale green, which might narrow down what it is

That's a very interesting color. I'm curious to see what color it will ripen to.