88 Miles Per Hour

Great pics! How is the Rocoto doing for you?

Thanks. I have 3 going at the moment and they are all doing well. The one I have in a container has not set a single pod. The other two have set pods but are by no means loaded.

Awesome Josh. I wish I could get any rocotos to set down here in this heat, hopefully soon.

Yea they seem to be temperamental plants. This is my second year trying to grow one in a container and both seasons they have failed to produce pods. Do you have yours in a container or the ground?
Ive got rocotos in both pots and ground and the sun is just too brutal for them from june-august. They havent grown at all since june but the cooler days and nights have shown just a sign of new growth. I should get a good harvest of them before my november cut off date though.