88 Miles Per Hour

Damn dude sweeeet, r u aN electrician of some sort, i would love tobe that comfortable with wiring to do that! nicehealthy plants too
Silver_Surfer said:
Great grow box Josh, I felt like I was in a house of mirrors. :)

Hahah yea. It is mylar. In retrospect I probably just should have painted it white. In the future I will definitely have to pull plants out to take pics.

patrick said:
Good to see you again Josh. Who knew growing peppers could make a person so creative? Things are looking good.

Thanks. The plants could be doing a bit better but I am not too worried. As long as they keep growing I can't complain. Once I get them outside in the ground they usually take off.

Skydiver said:
I beg to differ, that looks like a sweet setup you've got, and the plants are looking good.

Thanks. I am fairly happy with how it came out. My house is really old. So old the foundation is literally large stones and mortar. As a result, there is only about 71 inches between the basement floor and the first floor joists. I wish I had more vertical room to play with but all in all I am pleased with it.

Noshownate said:
Damn dude sweeeet, r u aN electrician of some sort, i would love tobe that comfortable with wiring to do that! nicehealthy plants too

No I am not an electrician but I have picked up a thing or two over the years. My father is a maintenance man and throughout high school I worked with him during summer vacation. Whenever he does anything around our house or my sister's I help. We also finished my sisters basement in '08 including a full bathroom so I have certainly had a bit of experience.
Well, it has been over 4 months so I figure it is about time for an update. This shot is an overview of my long raised bed. In the front I have 2 Rosemary plants, followed by 2 Basil plants, 12 pepper plants, and 2 tomato plants.

This next picture is a closer shot of the peppers in the long bed. Those white bags are to isolate blossoms.

Next is a shot of my square bed with 4 chocolate varieties.

Now for a few close ups....

Jamaican Hot Chocolate

Chocolate Scotch Bonnet (Sorry for the bad shot. It doesn't look like a scotch bonnet but still nice.)

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NOT Chocolate Bhut Jolokia

Chili Willy 7 Pod (I really like this one. It has a really nice pale green color.)

Douglah (Sorry, another bad pic)

Trinidad Scorpion (Originally from AJ in 2008)

7 Pod Brain Strain


Bih Jolokia

NOT Yellow 7 Pod (This was one of the few varieties I failed to isolate blossoms on last season. My Tabasco, Scorpion, and Douglah were isolated and appear to be growing true. ATTENTION! I gave out seeds for this variety to several people. I did indicate on the baggies that they were not isolated but I am sorry to those of you that have orange pods.)

A closer look...

Big Sun Habanero


Aji Brazilian Bonanza

dang Josh..your plants look fantastic....and that scorpion looks dangerous....hope mine turn out that good...
Nice garden! Everything looks very healthy. I planted the yellow seven you sent and I'd be happy if it ends up looking like yours (only runts have ripened so far). Big Sun looks great, that's been on my list to grow next season. Is it the same as Big Sun Scotch Bonnet? I've seen both names.
dang Josh..your plants look fantastic....and that scorpion looks dangerous....hope mine turn out that good...

Thanks. Most of the pods have that scorpion shape so I am fairly pleased. I will try and remember to snap a shot that shows more pods.

Awesome pepper and garden. Everything looks so healthy! Good job!

Thanks. Aside from the bugs doing some munching and the temperature causing some flower drop I am fairly pleased with how they are coming along.

Nice garden! Everything looks very healthy. I planted the yellow seven you sent and I'd be happy if it ends up looking like yours (only runts have ripened so far). Big Sun looks great, that's been on my list to grow next season. Is it the same as Big Sun Scotch Bonnet? I've seen both names.

Thanks. Aside from the color the NOT Yellow 7 Pod looks as it should. I haven't tasted it yet so we shall see how that goes soon. In regards to the Big Sun, I don't know if they are the same.

Garden looks great Josh.

Do you till the straw down into the soil after the season?

Thanks. This is my first year using straw but that was my plan. The past two seasons I have used cedar mulch. I decided to change because I hate raking it out of the way while I work the soil. I am hoping I can turn the straw in at the end of the season and have it break down by spring. We will see how that goes though.

Looking good, mate. I dig that orange color on the NOT Yellow 7 Pod.

Thanks. I am bagging blossoms on that plant. I don't know what subsequent generations will be but if you are interested I would be more than happy to share. I just have to wait for an isolated flower to set. This heat sure isn't helping anything.
Plants all look huge in your raised beds and have to say I also like the color of the NOT yellow 7 Pod. The Brain looks good, I bet your neighbors like your garden also. :D Good to see you around again Josh.
Plants all look huge in your raised beds and have to say I also like the color of the NOT yellow 7 Pod. The Brain looks good, I bet your neighbors like your garden also. :D Good to see you around again Josh.

So far I am pleased with how things are progressing. Yea I plan on saving seeds from this Orange 7 Pod Cross. I guess we will see what comes of it next season. I believe the Brain is my tallest plant at the moment. The pods appear to be going true so I am very pleased. Just waiting for a few to ripen now. I have received a few compliments from neighbors but they can't handle hot peppers. My parents and I do however have a few friends that thoroughly enjoy them even the superhots.

Oh I doubt anyone's complaining about the orange 7 pot instead of yellow. Look nice.


I think they look nice as well. If you are interested in seeds I would be more than happy to send you some. I am isolating blossoms but who knows what will come of it in the generations to follow. On a side note, I haven't taken photos of everything yet and that includes the Butch T. Trinidad Scorpions you sent me. I will probably wait until they show some signs of ripening.