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a few of my plants

Why does the plant have a small hole on the leaf??? why is that? great plant do
Nasty BUGS! I have pill bugs, green worms, earwigs, grasshoppers, crickets, and some small beetles. I'm lucky they're leaving me enough plant to produce some pods.

BTW- I just tried my first almost-ripe fatali pepper... WoW! It didn't seem so hot at first, at least not in the front of my mouth, or on my tongue. When I swallowed it though, it lit the back of mouth and throat like no other pepper I've had. The heat was very different, as others have said. Interesting.. :)
Went out this afternoon to say hi to my plants, and found something sad had happened to my chocolate hab. One of the dogs or my kids had broken a well-endowed branch off, which held 10 unripe pods. :( I started eating the smaller ones first; they were a bit bigger than my thumbnail, and had little to no heat. Next, a bigger pod, and ZOWIE BATMAN! That thing, while still nice and darkish green, had awesome heat, and wonderful flavor to boot. I can't wait for a few ripe ones to try!

Sorry about your branch break, that happened to me last year with a 7 Pot Jonah. Blame went to the wind and just being too heavy. The plant never really recovered and was lopsided, but what was left of it cranked out some pods. Your Chocolate Habs look great though, even green. One of the tastiest peppers around with substantial heat near Bhut level. Your Bulgarian carrots look gorgeous as well.
My first bhut:


This thing is already looking scary. :mouthonfire:

Funny thing is, this is on my smallest bhut plant (have 3 more), and in the smallest pot. looks like the happiest plant, though.