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A Little Porn....072808

pepperfever said:
Wow AJ what you feeding them babies??? They be growing and making peppers like crazy. It's just amazing to see your pics and dream lol. I'm so impatient.


you got to remember Jackie...the O Hab was cutback December 5th and grown thru the winter at constant 86F, the Red Savinas were started December 15th, and the Naga Morich were started 1 January...so they are light years ahead of my other plants and are the only good chinense producers I have now...I have already harvested the nagas and have a few, but not many new little pods and the Red Savinas have not set any new fruit after the first harvest....

if you all are really interested in what I am feeding my plants, I can go into a detailed description with brand names/strengths/and frequency of feed...another thing is since they are in containers, I am having to water twice a day in this 100F+ degree heat, so I have to feed weekly...it may be they are getting just enough nutrients for a couple of days after I feed then the watering washes the nutrients out of the pots....hmmmmmmm...wonder if that has anything to do with it...food 3 days (guess) and water 4.....
That's amazing AJ.

When I read you were retiring, a saying popped into my head:

I can't wait to retire and have a fixed income. My current one is broken!
A.J those plants are heavy loaded wonderful think abouth gardening my friend you going to be very busy cleaning all those pods but it worth it after all hard work puy off nicely.

You are truly awesome! It takes more than weather to produce plants like that. I would know cause my weather is better than yours and I still can't come close to what you've got.
very impressive numbers

Those are some impressive numbers AJ. You are the man. I was reading another thread bout your overwintering and that is what interests me the most. And these results are the reason. I had a real good year 2 to 3 years ago but didn't know bout overwintering with the orange habs. This year I just can't get my peppers to grow, barely putting on new leaves. I been just giving them fish emulsion and epsom salts but mayby I need to move up to the regular nutrients. You are making a lot of ppl jealous but and your plan sounds good as any I have heard about yet. Keep on doing what you are doing causeit is obviously working.:cheers:
Thanks all for the compliments...as I have said many times before, the reason I have what I do is because of this forum and advice from its members...I have done many many hours or reading and have probably read over 10,000 pages on every facet of pepper growing...I just can't get enough...obsession?...definitely...

What I have learned above all else is you have to experiment different things to see which works best for you in the area you live in...for instance, If I were to try what Potawie (IMO master gardener) does up in Canada, it may not work for me here in north Texas...although I have gained a lot of knowledge from reading all his posts...

One of the things I am constantly worried about is overwatering. Like I have said, I am watering twice a day...only giving them a drink...about a 8-10 count per plant morning and evening...then about every 4th day I am flooding the containers...

Biggest and best tip I have learned from this forum is patience...results don't show overnight...
AlabamaJack said:
Thanks all for the compliments...as I have said many times before, the reason I have what I do is because of this forum and advice from its members...I have done many many hours or reading and have probably read over 10,000 pages on every facet of pepper growing...I just can't get enough...obsession?...definitely...

What I have learned above all else is you have to experiment different things to see which works best for you in the area you live in...for instance, If I were to try what Potawie (IMO master gardener) does up in Canada, it may not work for me here in north Texas...although I have gained a lot of knowledge from reading all his posts...

One of the things I am constantly worried about is overwatering. Like I have said, I am watering twice a day...only giving them a drink...about a 8-10 count per plant morning and evening...then about every 4th day I am flooding the containers...

Biggest and best tip I have learned from this forum is patience...results don't show overnight...

o ye patience and lots of soap spray for the aphids hehe ;)
You should write your OWN book after you retire man, those things look really awesome. Good luck selling them!
AJ, somewhere I was reading some posts by you and others too bout using cfls to grow peppers but can't find my way back there. Can you direct me to that thread or how to search for it? I am interested in reading more about that as I have extra cfls and they sound like the ticket to success. Thanks for any help.
pepperdigger said:
AJ, somewhere I was reading some posts by you and others too bout using cfls to grow peppers but can't find my way back there. Can you direct me to that thread or how to search for it? I am interested in reading more about that as I have extra cfls and they sound like the ticket to success. Thanks for any help.

We have talked about CFLs and Mike (wordwiz) was the one that is really familiar with them...I don't remember the thread and have to go water right now...maybe Mike will read this thread and give a hand...if you look at the menu bar and click where it says search, you can type in CFL and try that way, but you will get bunches of posts...
I had trouble figuring out how to search duh then typed in cfl like you said and got it all again like you said. Now I just need to sort through the info, I'm interested in that as a way of overwintering. I am trying to resist the urge to be lazy letting someone else do the work and research more myself lol. There is much to read there, thanks.
Wow, that orange Hab makes me jealous! I have 5 of them growing myself. I initially bought 3 and had them grow under an aquarium light and they seemed to love it. Their growth stunted after a bit. Ended up putting two in a hydroponic setup to try it out (just water, nothing added) and the other one in the window. the two in the hydroponic system flowered once in a while, never fruiting.

I went and replanted the one still in soil, and bought two more that were already fruiting. Since then the one in the soil I had originally BOOMED with new leaves. All of my original habs are twice the size of the fruiting ones. They're all still pretty small.

How in the world did you grow it so HUGE?!
Hi Pita....first off, welcome to the boards...

the Orange Hab is a second year plant....it only produced about 15 pods last year and I pulled it up, trimmed the top back to nothing but stubbs and grew it through the winter in a grow box kept at 86F constant...I harvested a little over 200 pods about 6 weeks ago and harvested 153 pods yesterday. It looks like I will still be able to harvest anothe 150-200 pods off this plant before cold weather sets in...it is still setting new fruit..

Picture of plant before picking on a different thread...
Here is a pic of the harvest....

Wow - what a plant and what a harvest!

I have no idea why I didn't overwinter any plants last year, but I know I will this time!!!!! :)
I hope this isn't against the rules...I went back and got a picture of the cutback orange hab plant...this is what the above plant looked like on 19 December 2007....hmmmm, don't know what happened to the picture but it was on a thread I posted that day.

It has been simply amazing that this plant has grown and produced so much this year so far....

I have read somewhere...maybe chilimans site, maybe somewhere else but they said the 2nd year plant will produce more pods than any other generation....(****** this is "bait" for another thread******)
I think this is true. Even the 2nd set of flowers tends to give a better yield imo. This is the reason I wanna overwinter as many good plants as possible. Not to save myself the effort of growing them from seeds - I love this "effort" - but to get a better harvest.
AJ I have seen your orange hab before but I must say that plant is amazing. I will be making an effort to overwinter pepper plants by cutting them back to a stump. I have kept plants over a winter that were not cut back and they did not come out that nice. Are you cutting that same plant back again?