• If you have a question about commercial production or the hot sauce business, please post in Startup Help.

A Sauce You would Never Forget !!

Dear Hot Mouths and Burning Rings,

I am back from India with some very exotic spices unheard of and never used by western world.
I am preparing a sauce using Naga,Bhuts and Thai which would make you ask for more and more and more and more and MORE

So watch out guys for the most EXOTIC sauce ever to be prepared and NEVER to be forgotten.
I am going to name it .........????
Wait...lemme invite you guys to suggest a name.
The best one from US if I like it,will get a sample.
So get Hot.
patrick said:
So am I too late for a suggestion for the name? Crud. I like "The One". No need to say anything else. Hope I didn't steal that from anyone else.


thanks for the suggestion but I am kinda struck with THE VIRGIN HEAT.
In fact made a trial run today and OMG. The frigging sauce already seems to be one of my best creations so far.
