A sneak peek at what I have growing for 2014!!

A sneak peak at what i have growing in the Garage for next spring... 2014 is just around the corner so i decided to sow some seeds and get a head start before the cold gets here... So heres what i have to start with for this Glog, hope yall like how my seedlings are doing at the moment...
C. Galapagoense

Last year i sown several seeds and with mistakes here and there i present the Short yellow Tabasco

Yellow 7pot x Yellow Trinidad Scorpion


Chocolate Scorpion

7pot orange

Last pic for now will be of the Yellow Fatalii

Time will tell how next year will be for me.. So I'm hoping for the best... Thanks everyone for stopping by and checking out this Glog thingy...
Nice list! Here's my 2013-14 list
Bubblegum 7
Chocolate Moruga
Jays Ghost Scorpion
Yellow InfiNaga
Fatalii Jigsaw
Yellow Primo x
Chocolate Naga x Bs
Possibly Douglah x TS
Browning said:
What's your medium consist of?
Well the soil im using consist of Supersoil potting mix mixed with equal parts of perlite and vermiculite... A very light soil mixture that ive used for the second year now... Does great for seedlings and possibly as a seed starting medium... Will have to give that a try one of these days...

megahot said:
Nice list! Here's my 2013-14 list
Bubblegum 7
Chocolate Moruga
Jays Ghost Scorpion
Yellow InfiNaga
Fatalii Jigsaw
Yellow Primo x
Chocolate Naga x Bs
Possibly Douglah x TS
Awesome list you got there Mega, so howd that Jays ghost scorpion turn out for you?

jerrymart said:
Very nice plants
Thanks you, started these with the hope of a great season next year... Then starting after the new year, will have to wait and see... Thanks for stopping by and Jerrymart hope the seeds you got from me grow as good as they did for me...
Nightshade said:
I have a much larger list lol I will have close to 40 plants and 36 varieties
This is just a small portion of what i have growing right now... Will do an update with more varieties in the next couple of days...
Yellow Fatalli is one of the prettiest seedlings.  It's nice looking mature too, but I love how full and dense the seedlings get - like layers of leaf canopies.
My current light setup is a 4' 4 bulb T5 light fixture that is set on a timer from 8:30pm to 5:30am. Thinking about adding another T5 light fixture to add more varieties to the list...
peppernovice said:
Interesting setup. I assume you have the cups doubled for bottom watering? Tim
Yes i do, seen several member here giving it a try so why not right... Adding just the right amount of water is the tricky part at first but i think i have down to the right amount...
Why are your seedlings mostly short and bushy? Is it a characteristic of the species, or does it have to do with some controllable factor?
I ask because I recently planted my first seeds (ever) and germinated them in an unlit germination dome. I transplanted them into a lit area after they were fully erect and out of the soil. Most of them are at least 2" tall and just starting to sprout their fist true leaves. I am curious if they are growing so tall because they are searching for light after popping out of the soil, or if they are just naturally tall?
degenerate said:
Why are your seedlings mostly short and bushy? Is it a characteristic of the species, or does it have to do with some controllable factor?
I ask because I recently planted my first seeds (ever) and germinated them in an unlit germination dome. I transplanted them into a lit area after they were fully erect and out of the soil. Most of them are at least 2" tall and just starting to sprout their fist true leaves. I am curious if they are growing so tall because they are searching for light after popping out of the soil, or if they are just naturally tall?
Definitely the setup. The light being close, and being T5s which put out more light that T8s ot T12s, keeps them short and stocky.

Looking good Portuge! Awesome selection i see too! They are going to be huge by plant out!
Plants look great. Makes me want to start planting.
I have to resist the urge to start planting seeds now. I really should wait until Jan so the plants aren't enormous, but there is no way I will be that patient.
My grow area can easily handle 60+ solo cup sized plants, maybe even 1 gal pot sized plants, but not 60+ full grown plants. We have to wait until early May until they go outside. They get huge if started this early. But I know I'm going to do it anyway with at least a few.