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pests Aaaaah! These @#$%#&!!@! bugs are BACK!

The spray seemed to have killed them. But I found more of them on my habs. I have no idea where they are coming from. None on the peppers in their own pots, just in the first starter tray. None that I noticed yesterday but today I looked close and saw tons of them. So I sprayed them yet again. None on the regular house plants. I have no idea where these little bastards are coming from. I feel cursed.
fineexampl said:
pyrethrin dude. seriously. check the endcaps in walmart. $4.50 a bottle. it works and they're not harmful.

that's what I have been using. Tonight I sprayed the shit out of them and those fckers were still crawling around.
How about Neem Oil? Multiple, successive applications are always good as well. Gets the ones that have yet to hatch, etc.
I don't have this neem oil. never saw it at the garden center. I saw that aussie article I posted about making white oil from soap and veg oil.....

I thoguht this Pyrethrin is supposed to work though... Maybe it doesn't work as fast as I thought it did - seemed to kill them prior - but I have no idea why or how they keep coming back.
You got a hydro store nearby? They'll have it. It has been working very well for me. But if you can make that oil stuff, why not? What do you have to lose?

What kinda bugs anyway? Aphids? Spider mites?
boutros said:
You got a hydro store nearby? They'll have it. It has been working very well for me. But if you can make that oil stuff, why not? What do you have to lose?

What kinda bugs anyway? Aphids? Spider mites?

they are green and fat - look like green ticks, which have wings when get bigger, so I guess aphids.

This is NOT my pic. Mine look like these, but of course smaller.

Aphids..... Neem Oil brother, get the concentrate add to water and spray, not only will it help with bugs but help fight disease and fungus. I use it once every 2 weeks as I have had many bug attacks !! hehehe not any more !
Yeah, aphids. You don't have to give up on the pyretherin yet, do successive applications. If you do want to find/try some Neem oil, (it has done VERY well for me) I pasted part of a post from someone who suggested it to me awhile ago-

Neem Oil.

Get some BioNEEM and follow the directions- specifically about spraying UNDER the leaves. Also, use very cold water in the mix. Spray Spray SPRAY. Spray again. Then spray it again tomorrow, then again the next day. Then in about another week (even if you don't see signs of the bastards) do it again about three days in a row- that will kill off the hatchlings when they come out, if there are any. The trick is to do it more than once- if you just do it one time it will not work. You have to repeatedly harass the bastards until they realize it ain't worth the trouble.

I recently recovered from a full on attack by spider mites and neem oil did the trick. If the plant is in a planter you can also wrap the planter up in a trash bag and fill a five gallon bucket full of COLD water with the proper neem oil mix and dunk the plant in it. Then the next day do it again. Regardless of what bug is macking on the plant a solid neem oil bath will cure them right up. I did this to two plants that would fit in a bucket and it worked great and the plants were no worse for wear- definitely no worse than being the friggin' daily dinner for the little bastards.
You have to stay on top of them every day. I alternated between Neem & Safer Soap and eventually I got them all. It took a while, but you have to be more ruthless than they are.
If pyrethrums aren't working, the buggers have likely built up resistance. Try rotating between pyrethrums, soap sprays and oils sprays(like neem) but you don't want to overdo the neem as that can cause other damage. I've also started using some Rotenone insect powder recently, and although not organic like I want, its got low toxicity and can be used up to the day before harvest.
Due to a new pesticide ban, its becoming very difficult for me to find pyrethrums anymore so y'all might want to start stocking up on the stuff
This ban is probably only in Ottawa Ontario, but others will follow or have already done the same. I don't think the law has passed yet, but stores don't want to stock it.
I've got all these kinds of parasitic wasps flying about in my grow area... it's kinda scary, but no evil (or like QS says "EBiL" or whatever lol) bugs.
Are normal wasps parasitic or only a certain type? I always have wasps in my greenhouse and am just hoping that they will help out with the aphids
Are normal wasps parasitic or only a certain type? I always have wasps in my greenhouse and am just hoping that they will help out with the aphids
Well no. parasitic wasps are wasps that lay eggs in a host. aphid's parasitic wasp is a *really* tiny wasp that use aphids as hosts. I have many different types of wasps, and apparently some are aphid killers as I haven't seen any aphids for quite some time.