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pics ABM's Indiana Summer 2010 Pics

A heat advisory has been in effect for a while now, but I don't want it to ever get cold this year.
I hope we have a long warm fall so my peppers will prosper and I get my stuff together before we freeze again.
The even more intense heat (90-95) of the sunroom is great for cuttings in a cup.
Either that or Pimenta Da Neyde is just real easy to root this way.


And a couple Prairie Fire cousin cuttings.


I probably should have just stuck them in a pot earlier like I did a few others that are growing good now. I like to see roots though.
Do you put two cuttings per pot then trim the weaker one? Separate them later? Or just let them both grow together in the pot forever? I thought I had read it will reduce the size the both plants if you do that. However, I bought a Devil's Tongue that had two seedlings growing together and I could not bring myself to snip one so I am letting them both grow. They are growing very slow but it may just be the heat here. I am so looking forward to trying to root a cutting. I just need to figure out which of my plants are worth saving.

I think those are from 2 different plants. So they probably won't grow together. So I will have 2 kinds of fruits in one pot, or it will make it look bushier/thicker.
I have only one Pimenta Da(de) Neyde x Fatalli plant in a big self-watering planter along with a bunch of regular Neydes. I cut off the tops of all the Neydes because they were growing too tall for their own good. I used them for cuttings.
The Neydalli stem is thicker and stronger that Neyde and not as dark. The pods are much bigger, and are only dark purple-to-black on one side. The pods actually look brown at certain angles. It also doesn't grow as tall as the Neyde wants to. The Neydalli leaves are a bit wider and shorter too. There is a faint purple line down the middle of each flower petal. To me it looks like someone dusted the plant with graphite.
Neydalli pods

are arriving.





Nice looking plants! I'm not sure how you keep all of those pots on the table through these crazy storms? Up here in Lafayette we've had at least 2 or 3 storms rip through here per week dumping about 2-3 inches of rain per week and of course accompanied by 30-50mph gusts (we had one back on July 17th with 70mph sustained for about 10 minutes!) One just roared through about 20 minutes ago knocking everything over for the umpteenth time. The BLS is having a field day (year). After every storm it just goes crazy again (the BLS spread)...My plants don't even get a chance to dry before another storm rips through and dumps on us. Sorry for my rant, but it is interesting to see how other area people are dealing with the weather.

Anyway you seem to be in much better shape!
I lower the umbrella so it won't blow away or blow the table over. I also move some of the plants (baby ones) inside so they don't get drowned.
We haven't had any rain for a while now. Today might be a good chance though. :woohoo:
More pics later...
They only are purple about halfway down each node. I can see light green on the newer root nodes before they go purple.
I was really amazed.
very... uhm purply! lol.

neat looking.
Ha Ha yeah.
Thanks :)
The roots are kind of striped.
Now since I been using the rain water again they are looking way better than last time.
(I was lazy and used the hose water for a couple weeks, then I was gone for 4 days so their water didn't get changed.--not good)


They still have some soft brown but that will clear up soon. The micro organisms eat that.

I did such close-ups today to show the white foamy looking stuff on the stem is actually hard new growth. That is new root interface tissue being created on the sides of the stem. It looks like peroxide on a cut and looks like it's oozing out but it's new white callusing. It turns brown later.
The newly cut stem is already forming little bumps that will look like rabies soon.

It only happens when you use the magic water? I use water from off the roof. It causes spontaneous root formation.

I'm loving it!​
This is one of my favorite new introductions. Lipstick (c.annuum) Goatsweed x (Prairie Fire x B. Rainbow)
It starts out black before turning a real exotic red. The stems are fuzzy and the leaves are a little smaller than a Goatsweed's are. It is a very aggressive grower that stays green even in poor soil. Very hot prolific fleshy pods.
I cut it back to let the pods ripen.

One more angle for a different light effect.

I got to pull some of the other plants out of there soon.
Here on the other side of the pot is a small sweet pepper from seeds I got from a pod at the grocery store. A huge Aji Amarillo plant is in there along with a Pothos and an Alocasia cluster.

An update of Neydalli and friends:

Optional very large file: Here is a link to the same picture as above but with all it's original colors and size. (6.1 Megs)
You may need your parents permission before downloading because your just wasting good hard-drive space.​
Very nice looking plants you have there guy, congratulation :clap:
It is interesting when I saw chilliheads friends trying to get more Pimenta da Neyde seedling ( I do not know how to say your process in English to get seedling from an old pepper tree ) :D
If you want, I can send you some Pimenta da Neyde seeds which is a commom pepper in my plantation but, if this is only an experiment, I praise your effort and keep walking ;)
Good luck :) :cool:
Thanks anyway my friend. I do not need any more Pimenta Da Neyde seeds. I saved plenty from last year. I appreciate the comments. :)
You have many interesting species that I would like to grow but I have enough to keep me busy this year.
I would like to hear more of the story of the discovery of the Pimenta Da Neyde and it's origins. What are it's ancestors?
I like cloned plants because they are forever dwarf in stature with short internodes and strong stems. They are great for bonsai and are already mature with flowers.