preservation About dehydrating.......

gday and welcome to THP pokeyt!

you can dry the pods with the stems attached if you want to but it's probably just as easy to remove them from the pod beforehand rather than trying to detach it when dried. I've never dried stems so I don't know what colour they turn though I would have thought they'd stay a greenish colour.

that's a lot of pods you've got there, have fun drying them!
pokeyt it is better to take stems of be for you dry it will be harder to do it after. I do not cut or deseed my chilies when I dry I use the hole chilie to mahe my powder. I use a coffee mill that I got just for grinding chilies. Have had no trouble, get a good powder from it.


p.s. Welcome from Ohio
thanks for the "warm" welcome folks , this is a great site and the advice/tips are greatly appreciated . i have been drying the "long red cayenne" and "ring of fire" peppers , just to the point that they become crunchy enough to break up in a zip-loc baggie to get "chips or flakes" and seems as though i can do the exact same with the habs . This season we grew orange habs , carribbean habs , ring of fire , long red cayenne , golden cayenne , chili grande and some crazy looking suckers in the hot family but not hot at all , called holy moly ( looks like a greenish black banana pepper to some extent . we have made relishes hot sauces powders salsas and are running out of ideas ( til i found this site )
anyways thanks again for the advice and i shall soon be a regular canuck here :mouthonfire:
happy heating