Ack, hab overload


Well, I've done it now...

I wanted some 'normal' orange habs in addition to the super-hots, and well..I underestimated the tenacity of those buggers.

Planted from store habs seed.


I had the two on the left come up and go..yay! And they are healthy and growing like freekin mad. Scary how fast they are growing. From cotleydons to this in under two weeks.

Then, anotehr came up outa nowhere in a cup I thought was dead. Kewl.
So, I babied it, and it's coming along now. first leaves are in sight.

thet other day I find a sibling coming up the very edge of the cup...oh shiat. ;p

So, I shove soem dirt it's way and force it to grow straight instead of sideways...and it's happy now too.

Man, and I have anotehr tray full yet of a dozen 'backups'.
No what you mean by over-eager Quad i keep having the no i must resist planting anymore attacks,Those habs are coming along at a good pace and if you had that house..Be like the congo in your back yard :)
But, it'd be edible...;)

Heh, I always knew I coudl grow comes naturally to me...just never tried indoors b4. I gotta forest of fire. :D
Hehe cool stuff quads. I have had a few suprise late sprouts as well - dorset nagas and naga morich.. they're all doing well ! Did you see the video reply to your video i made?
If your plants over grow & get tall where you going to put those do you have basement so you can raise the light or by the window ?
Well, I'm looking into whether or not the false ceiling in here will support the weight of the lights. I think it will using butterfly fasteners.

If not, I figure I can think if a way to raise the existing setup enough to be useful.
There ya go again Quad raising the roof. Lol Just build a small out back shed 12 foot tall by 10 x 10 that should do the trick
okie joe said:
There ya go again Quad raising the roof. Lol Just build a small out back shed 12 foot tall by 10 x 10 that should do the trick

Yeah, except I don't have an "out back".

I'm 3 floors up in a 1BR apt. surrounded by pavement on one side and city streets on the other two sides. (yes, you read right... the building is a triangle shape).

At least I have s/w facing windows though. :)
QuadShotz said:
Well, I'm looking into whether or not the false ceiling in here will support the weight of the lights. I think it will using butterfly fasteners.

If not, I figure I can think if a way to raise the existing setup enough to be useful.

The butterfly fastners sound like a good idea Quad :)
Hey an idea...why don't you see if your local nurser will let you put a couple in his greenhouse...that is if you know him/her...worth a shot isn't it?
AlabamaJack said:
Hey an idea...why don't you see if your local nurser will let you put a couple in his greenhouse...that is if you know him/her...worth a shot isn't it?

Well, it may be.

I don't drive though and thus would be rather difficult to do even if I knew any such folks. :)

I'm pretty happy as-is, prolly just need to clean up the dump so I have some more room. :)
Same here Quad. Planted a bunch of seeds from one of my unripe pods that I just couldn't wait to eat and one popped up, then two then another one then five at the same time. Right now I have about sixteen little guys awaiting the hand of GOD, errrr, me.
Well, here's what I did for a stop-gap measure.

Propped the whole shebang up on speaker boxes. :D


Might look rickety, but really isn't because the weight keeps it rather solidly in place. And those boxes are very heavy-duty.

I know the light distance is a bit far, but actually it may help the plants out a bit as they've been pretty spoiled thus far.

I figured that punching holes in my ceiling was a bad plan, esp. since I'll have to get an additional light rig setup soon as well. Plus, cooler temps are coming and I'll need a real setup by then.

I got machinations to build a proper grow box'll see... ;)

Oh, while I was mucking with this mess, I took better pics of the plants while not in a purple glow.

