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ACL Surgery Anyone?

Just had reconstructive surgery on my ACL this past Tuesday. I opted for the patellar graft instead of a hammy or donor and I think I'm regretting it. I knew it was the most painful of the options but with hamstrings already being a pretty weak muscle and donor tendons losing strength over time, it was the best option. I didn't think the pain would be this bad. Anyone else have ACL surgery and maybe a time table of when you were able to start doing things again?
I had the surgery in about 1993 or so. Same deal, patellar graft, was about 7 months until no restrictions. Full weight bearing at about 2/3 weeks, full range of motionat about 6 weeks if I remember correctly.
The other thing to remember is to stay on top of your pain management. Don't be a tough guy because the more pain you are in, the less activity you will do slowing your progression.

Also, you hade surgery, knives, saws, hammers...it is going to hurt for a week or two, no matter which option you would have decided on, you made the correct decision for you.

Good luck with rehab!!
My best friend had his ACL, MCL & Patella (sp?) done...he said the worst, most unexpected thing was trying to poop with his leg perfectly straight.

A 5 gallon bucket with a folded towel for a pad as a leg rest is gonna be your best friend. :cheers:

I had shoulder surgery several years back & if you can handle the pain I recommend taking as few of the painkillers as possible - they'll make you constipated & anxious, & they'll kill your appetite. To heal you need rest & proper nutrition & painkillers screw up both of those. Worse still, they numb you to some of the pain. Pain is a good thing sometimes because it'll remind you to take it easy. I took vicoden for 1 day & switched to a shot of bourbon if it started to hurt a lot. Modern medicine frequently over prescribes, so even though the discharge note says "take 1 every x hours" it's really a matter of your pain tolerance.

Good luck and take it easy - it's a major trauma to your system, so get some rest. :cheers:
Oh god, the pooping. Don't get me started. First the pain killers got me all backed up and then when it was time to go, it is almost impossible to do it with the huge brace I have keeping my leg straight. Getting changed is also an interesting task. The only cool part about this is that I have one of those ice therapy machines where it pumps ice cold water constantly through this pad that's wrapped around my knee and it feels incredible.
Yeah - I was surprised and totally amused by my friend's story - I never would have thought that was the worst, but he said it was 100X worse than the pain. Very hard to relax in that position apparently. :rofl:

I feel for ya brother. Hope it heals up quick-style!
Acl, mcl, and both meniscus in my right knee done about 4 years ago. Patella graft and better than 100% at 10 weeks. Doc said I was some sort of miracle though...
+1 to the constipation. I tore my mcl, it never properly healed. My Chief more or less forced me back to work before i was ready (small PD with no light duty work avail).
Within a couple weeks, My knee gave out on a flight of steps and now i have 5 herniated discs. 2 thoracic and 3 lumbar/ sciatic. No pain meds worked. Percocet, percodan, morphine, methodone... i now take nothing and just deal with the pain... better than a 24/7/365 fog imo. And hell, i love my brewskis! ;-)