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AeroGrow - good / bad


This will be my first season to grow, do the AeroGrow Stainless Steel AeroGarden work? What are you growing with one? Any suggestioons for a very forgiving plants - looking for Naga Morich seeds
Hey mate, i am not really familiar with that particular system but most of them use fluro's for light. This would be alright for seedlings however the light will not have enough power/lux to produce pods reliably.

They either need good old sunshine of a proper grow lamp, HPS or similar.

Welcome to the forum!

Edit: You said you wanted seeds! Check out Neils (hippies) site.

i was looking at an aerogarden site last night with a view to buying one.they were selling a white model, the black one's more expensive-would the colour of the unit make any difference? prob a daft question, but if anyone knows...
they claim the plants grown within will show excellent results, is that just marketing BS or have they been proven to work well?
any info gratefully received, these things aren't that cheap!
They do work well like they said,I have two Aero Garden's one is Aerogarden 6Elite & Aerogarden 7 deluxe, they are not cheap but they do the job great to germinate seedling, the only short variety you can grow in it & trim at when they grow hight they do ripe also in Aerogarden.What I do is when they grow about 5-10" like any kind variety or wild ones I take those out & trans plant in 3 gallons pots till spring time then I put those in the bigger pots or direct in the ground.If the seeds to old they will not germinate same as you saw it in soil(seeds starter) but germination rate is lot better the way I see so far.Only the temperature got to be wright inside the house or in the grow room,I have those in grow room where temperature is always 80-85 degrees. When you saw in the ground it is good to have nice rise bad because they grow better & bushier also taller.
Here is Dalla ornamental pepper from Stuard germinate fine in this Aerogarden

Novacastrian said:
Broken linky 915river.

Yeah they would work to germ but not for pod production me thinks.

This is what i have found looking around old posts - Was thinking of buying one of these things when they were on sale but its too pricey for just starting seeds.
I would stay away and build something yourself.
The price of their nutrients is expensive too.

Your just paying for a gadget with a measly 25/30w cfl in it when you can build something less pretty for half the price.

We have an Aero-Grow only because it was way cheap on black Friday..less than half price. Ours has 3 holes, some have 6. They sold it with herb and flower seeds so we have basil, chives and Bolivian cilantro( replaced dill with this) growing. The basil is doing the best, up to about 4-5 inches now. This is our first attempt at using the set up so we will know more with time.
I also have an aerogarden.
They do work well for germinating seeds (you can buy this styrofoam insert for it with 60 holes in it and foam sponges with nutrients in them, it's pretty nice), but getting your sprouted stuff out can be a bit tricky. The roots go everywhere and can tangle with other sprouts' roots, and that growing sponge thing is pretty much stuck on your plant for good.
After the sprouts grow a bit and you're ready to transplant, you have to be very careful about it, going from the aero to a pot of soil or the ground is an immense shock for the plants, and you can lose a lot of sprouts if you're not extremely careful in how you do it.

As to growing the pepper plants for harvest? No. They stink on ice in that area.

For growing herbs, they rock. I wouldn't be without mine for any reason.

IMO, it's easier to just start the seeds normally, and I know for a fact that they're not a choice to actually grow the peppers to maturity.

That said, if you like fresh herbs, by all means buy one, they're great.
915River, how much do the discs (plugs) cost on the unit? I assume they need to be replaced for every new plant?

I can't justify the expense, but I'd love it for germination too. I've been struggling with the wild varieties lately.

cmpman1974 said:
915River, how much do the discs (plugs) cost on the unit? I assume they need to be replaced for every new plant?

I can't justify the expense, but I'd love it for germination too. I've been struggling with the wild varieties lately.


There's a foam tray with 60 holes in it that costs thirty bucks, a bag of 75 sponges is around 20 I think. If you're gonna try and germinate, you have to buy these little nutrient tablets, and those can get pricey.
thanks for all the replies folks, more than i thought would contribute!
well, i guess for chilli growing, i'd be wasting my precious cash, so thanks for that one & all.
cmpman1974 said:
915River, how much do the discs (plugs) cost on the unit? I assume they need to be replaced for every new plant?

I can't justify the expense, but I'd love it for germination too. I've been struggling with the wild varieties lately.


Here is the link:
AeroGarden Official Store by Aer...