• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

AHayastani's GLOG 2022


🌴 Welcome to my GLOG!

🌴 I have a small urban terrace garden where I grow mainly peppers in containers. My location is Chiapas, Mexico. The local climate is tropical with pronounced dry and rainy seasons. The temperatures can sometimes be too much for the plants to bear (especially around Easter), but in general they manage. The climate makes that I can grow peppers year round, although pest pressure is really high. Especially mites are a problem... I apply neem oil copiously, but it does not always work...

🌴 This GLOG will follow my 2022 pepper endeavours. Enjoy πŸ₯΅
Bummer that the piri hasn't cooperated with your crossing attempts, but good to see it's pumping out some pods!

It will work, one day... Every trial adds to the experience, but I started from practically 0 😢

We've been getting a lot of temp's in the 30's here, too.

I'll tell my plants then they can go meditate on the meaning of life in the PNW if they don't want to produce πŸ₯Ά
Jaloro (jalapeΓ±o). I'm growing two plants (image below) but one of them is substantially smaller than the other one. Both, however, are flowering and producing. The smaller specimen was toppled by an unexpected thunderstorm. It was the only pepper plant of size without support, and Destiny thought I should be reminded of that negligence. I have now provided the plant with some basic support so that it can lean on the lower metal wire.


Both plants are carrying peppers. I was surprised by the number of flowers/node. This variety has a good theoretical production potential.

Peach Bhut Jolokia SS and Scorpion Large RFC. Both have an imposing stature, and especially the Scorpion has huge leaves. Both plants have entered their production phase as well.

Peach Bhut Jolokia SS. The third image is a small pepper from the backup plant. Can't dispose of the plant anymore...

Beautiful leaves;
still forming new shoots.
Main plant
Backup plant

Scorpion Large RFC. A herb with tree leaves... They certainly add to the tropical mood on the terrace 😁 Probably a hot pepper as well πŸ₯΅ I know this is a classic pepper, but it will be the first time for me that I'll be trying it.

Top of tube = 1m mark.
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Wow, looks like Summer there, Dieter!

Those Scorpions will make some awfully
good smoked powder.
Those Scorpions will make some awfully
good smoked powder.

Well, I've got big plans for these fellas.... There is still enough time (before the rains arrive) to dry them in the sun. Smoking will have to wait until we are at our new home.

In the meanwhile, it seems my first steps into the world of fermentation are yielding positive results. The plastic bag in the image below is fully inflated. I made a small incission near the seal and immediately expelled the gas by putting pressure (no opportunity for gas to enter). I then sealed the bag again as quickly as possible. I expelled most of the gas, but not all. I imagine something has to remain in order to avoid that undesired microorganisms take over and ruin the ferment. Odour was good. The ferment is about 3 weeks old, 4% NaCl by weight (total weight = 700 g). I used chile chocolate (local heirloom) that I had bought on the market. Also has tomatoes (hence the liquid, I believe), carrot, onion, garlic, ginger, some spices.


And it's time for me to be ready, because harvests are just around the corner. I nicked a few Jaloro jalapeΓ±os yesterday and used them in a mango salad (click here for the preparation. I prepare the beans separately. Beans, cheese, platain, this mango salad, chorizo, and tortillas πŸ‘Œ). They were quite good and even green they were rather sweet. Very very mild though... But as long as the taste is good, I'll have it.

Even the Whynot is setting out pods. Just look at this beautiful cluster. First flowers and *bam* pregnant.


God Stopper is taking things seriously. I have noticed that some pods have begun to change colour.

thp-godstopper-20220119_172723.jpg thp-godstopper-20220119_172645.jpg thp-godstopper-20220119_172600.jpg
No stopping you now, my friend!
I'm impressed by the podding going
on in your grow. The balcony has to
be getting more occupied!

I've got that jingle running around my mind quite often, as you can imagine...

An update on Black Ghost. I've got two plants (a third in backup actually) but they seem to be of different varieties/phenotypes. One plants has markedly more purple pigment in its stems compared to the other. Both plants are flowering and I hope there may be peppers soon. I'm curious to see how this will evolve. Black Ghost "Green Stem" on the left and "Purple Stem" on the right (image below - yes, it's becoming a jungle).


Black Ghost "Green Stem"​
Black Ghost "Purple Stem"​

Also went to the local beach with the kids. Shadow by our winter sun.


...and suffered from a sun stroke. Never realized it could feel so horrible.
...and suffered from a sun stroke. Never realized it could feel so horrible.
Right on, brother. Heat exhaustion and sunstroke
are no laughing matter. I experienced it climbing
a mountain in the summer when I was young and