• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Ajarn V's 2010 Grow Log

Well, I'm finally at a place where I feel I've made some real progress. Due to Thompson-Morgan's mis-labeling annums seeds as Habanero's a friend and I lost 3+ months growing annums we thought were chinense. Okay here are some pictures;
The potting mix is identical for all 5 plants, but the 2nd Costa Red didn't get egg shells under it like the other 4. I top dressed the egg shells for that one.



And finally the "Early JalapeƱo" babies @ 4 days old


While these may not look super to some; they are all beauties to me. It's been a long slog and I'm finally seeing light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. :woohoo:
coir plugs are looking good, Verne. And i think the last hab is budding up, nice!
They all looking healthy and happy

p.s: i dig the blue plastic stool too, every house in Asia has a few of those haha.
Nice looking plants. What's the soil mix?

I call it my 60-20-20 mix. It's a black soil from a neighboring province (60%) (that's all I can tell you) and it's got humus in it. I add worm compost (20%) and add milled cow manure (20%). I put 1 tbsp. milled eggshells in the bottom of the hole, sprinkle some dirt and then the plant. Because the soil packs a bit, I've also added (by volume) another 30% coarse, rinsed coir. Seems to keep things airy. Cheers.
coir plugs are looking good, Verne. And i think the last hab is budding up, nice!
They all looking healthy and happy

p.s: i dig the blue plastic stool too, every house in Asia has a few of those haha.

Thanks, and ain't it the truth.
lookin good! Hey I got the letter thingie on my door today so i just gotta go get it from the post office tomorrow!!
Hey AV Good job on the peppers enjoy. If the soil compacts just add more coco, the stuff I get here is from Thailand.
Hey AV Good job on the peppers enjoy. If the soil compacts just add more coco, the stuff I get here is from Thailand.

Yup, will do. Thanks.

I just found some soil that looks to be the bees knees; real compost (leaves and very small/thin twigs), obvious humus, bat guano, and EM (Efficient Microbes/effective micro-organisms). I've never seen anything like this in Thailand; so I bought some and will pot up with it. This stuff looks really great and it's made locally by the woman who owns the nursery.
Some tomato starts really like it, so that's promising. Cheers
This one got topped by a bird and has 3 stems.

I tried topping my plants and made a mess out of it.
All I ended up with is some very ugly plants.
By the looks of this plant im gonna hire a bird next year to do it for me :rolleyes:

Very nice looking pics...

I tried topping my plants and made a mess out of it.
All I ended up with is some very ugly plants.
By the looks of this plant im gonna hire a bird next year to do it for me :rolleyes:

Very nice looking pics...


Who knew? I wasn't too happy at the time but now.. :woohoo:
Well, the family is growing; add one Dorset Naga and 2 Chocolate Habaneros.
The Choc. Habs are the tiniest sprouts I've seen. I'm still waiting for the bhut Jolokias.