• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Ajarn V's 2010 Grow Log

Well, I'm finally at a place where I feel I've made some real progress. Due to Thompson-Morgan's mis-labeling annums seeds as Habanero's a friend and I lost 3+ months growing annums we thought were chinense. Okay here are some pictures;
The potting mix is identical for all 5 plants, but the 2nd Costa Red didn't get egg shells under it like the other 4. I top dressed the egg shells for that one.








Well, so far so good! My 3 stemmed Orange Hab is blooming today and on of the Costa Rica Red Habs will tomorrow. :woohoo: Pods on the way!
Bhut Jolokia!!! haha, im happy for you that those germinated.

Anyways, a few of your plant's leaves looks like they have some problems? im not sure what though.
Great progress and i envy your stem leaves, i have got very little stem leaves on my plants. and stem leaves are signs of winner plants.
Bhut Jolokia!!! haha, im happy for you that those germinated.

Anyways, a few of your plant's leaves looks like they have some problems? im not sure what though.
Great progress and i envy your stem leaves, i have got very little stem leaves on my plants. and stem leaves are signs of winner plants.

Thanks, those few leaves will straighten out. I don't know why they start out all distorted; but they "grow out of it" and are fine and flatten out over time. It could be the heat; still 35 & 36c everyday. Cheers.
Rather than pot up I decided it was time to put some plants into the raised bed I've been grooming for the last couple of months (adding compost, coir, wood ash, etc.) So here are 5 Habaneros; 2 Costa Rican Red and 3 Orange;



We had a nice rain last night, so they're looking perky. cheers.
hey mate, i take it that you have solved your soil issues?

I think so; but I've got plants potted that are podding up so I figured I'd give our dirt a shot with some of the youngsters. Now, as I said above, I've been working this bed for months with all kinds of compost, wood ash, coco coir, and hand turning it weekly. The clay is breaking up and with all the coir I've put in there it's not compacting.
Keeping my fingers crossed and going for it. I've got another 4 meter long area I can put in another raised bed if this works. Cheers. ;)
Best wishes on the new bed and home for the little guys. Hope it all works out well for you. I know the heat has been a PITA for you. Keep us posted. ;)
Best wishes on the new bed and home for the little guys. Hope it all works out well for you. I know the heat has been a PITA for you. Keep us posted. ;)

Thank you. That has finally moderated; we're now in the high 80's to low 90's (30-34c). My oldest orange Hab (in a pot) is flowering and setting pods (6 at last count). My 1st generation Red Hab is budding up also and starting to flower. So far no flower drop. I think we're good to go for about 7 or 8 months before the heat hit's again. Cheers.
A wee update;



These guys are looking better than any of my other plants at this stage of growth and I have no idea why. Same dirt. Go figure. Cheers.
Great to see you doing so well in Thailand. Hoping to trade some seed's with you once I know can harvest and grow well at my new place.
Great to see you doing so well in Thailand. Hoping to trade some seed's with you once I know can harvest and grow well at my new place.

Thanks, so far so good. I hope you've got something yellow in a chinense; I just love the color yellow in a chinense pod. ;)
Update: This afternoon I got home to a pleasant surprise; 2 orange Habanero pods are turning color.
Here's some pics;







The Thais have a saying; if the thing is not in your hand, you do not have it. With fingers crossed, I agree. Cheers.