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Aji Amarillo comparison

I've used this image in another thread, but it's needed here to show the difference in growth between two of the same species...just ignore the other peppers in the pic.

As an experiment, I grew two of the same plants in two different locations. The one was placed into a very large pot, in a position where it received 3-4 hours of sun per day, and the other was grounded in the direct sun, so received 7 hours plus per day.

The potted plant produced its fruit far quicker, but they took far longer to ripen than the other plant. Size, as you can see was hugely different, with the pot plant offering smaller fruit, yet growing to the same sized bush.


Hope this is of some interest...

You're very welcome, but remember this is an isolated case and not necessarily representative of the hobby as a whole.

Perhaps someone else will add a very differing observation and we can start to build on our info base. :)
Intressting, did you take seeds from the smal one and plant ? And mybe plant it? To see if it wuld grow big in the ground? Wuld be intressting to see. Or anyone else tested this? i have 2 Aji amarillos atm. After this test i think i will atleast put one in a 20l pot ;)
A side question, how tall was your amarillos? Mine are HUGE to big i really need them to go out in greenhouse like now! Dont think they like how they tuch the roof atm ;)
Thats a very interesting experiment, I wonder if it was the pot size or amount of sun which was the main contributor in pod size.
I've had some really nice big pods during the early life of my scotch bonnets, which were in 7 gallon pots.
I have noticed though, that the plants i have in the ground seem to grow better than the ones in pots especially when they get older.
I've never noticed any difference in pod size with pots versus ground. Its just too bad you only had one of each plant since more plants would make a much better trial/comparison
Interesting....would be even more interesting to isolate one factor rather than two (sun/no sun; pot vs. ground), by, say, having two pots of equal size, one in full all-day sun, the other getting 4-5 hours.

I've been informally running experiments of that nature, due to my extremely sun-deprived environment. We live in a townhouse surrounded by woods and trees, where my back garden gets 2-3 hrs of sun/day, my deck gets 5 hours of mid day sun, and my front yard gets 3-ish morning hours. The difference in output between getting a pepper 5 hrs versus 3 is huuuuuuge .... but still, you can get something out of a 2-3 hour sun spot. Those are all informal observations and numbers, but this year I plan to be more scientific about it and really nail down how much sun gives you how many and what sized pods, etc.