contest Ají Charapita Growdown Throwdown 2024

Do you have what it takes to be crowned the Growdown Throwdown King or Queen in 2024?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Drama Reaction GIF by MOODMAN
Drum roll please! ……

Suspense Anticipation GIF

And now! The moment you’ve all been waiting for!

Thehotpepper Mystery Growdown Throwdown 2024 poll choices were:


And the REAL moment you’ve all been waiting for!

The official tie breaker of Thehotpepper Mystery Growdown Throwdown 2024 will be! …..



This will be the most challenging Growdown Throwdown in Thehotpepper history! Enjoy them and may I suggest?….Hiring some help picking them!

Kings Loot Runner Up 2023 Care Package going out to our seed liaison @Crazy Monkey . It will contain 14 packs, with 6 dried berries in each. It would be really cool if I could convince you to attempt germinating all seeds contained in the berries so I can gauge an estimated germination rate on them. Get with @Crazy Monkey and get your SASE to him ASAP. Let’s see who’s got the skills to pay the bills! After all, this will be the “mOsT eXpEnSiVe GrOwDoWn In ThE wOrLd” 😂🤣😂🤣
Poll edited 😉
Do you have what it takes to be crowned the Growdown Throwdown King or Queen in 2024?
Drum roll please! ……

Suspense Anticipation GIF

And now! The moment you’ve all been waiting for!

Thehotpepper Mystery Growdown Throwdown 2024 poll choices were:


And the REAL moment you’ve all been waiting for!

The official tie breaker of Thehotpepper Mystery Growdown Throwdown 2024 will be! …..



This will be the most challenging Growdown Throwdown in Thehotpepper history! Enjoy them and may I suggest?….Hiring some help picking them!

Kings Loot Runner Up 2023 Care Package going out to our seed liaison @Crazy Monkey . It will contain 14 packs, with 6 dried berries in each. It would be really cool if I could convince you to attempt germinating all seeds contained in the berries so I can gauge an estimated germination rate on them. Get with @Crazy Monkey and get your SASE to him ASAP. Let’s see who’s got the skills to pay the bills! After all, this will be the “mOsT eXpEnSiVe GrOwDoWn In ThE wOrLd” 😂🤣😂🤣
Can you please post an updated set of rules?
This year we are doing a Mystery Polling for the Growdown Throwdown 2024. Suggested by the boss @The Hot Pepper.

Only I will know what the multiple choices are.

Rules are the same as always:
1: If you vote, you must grow and show (no free lunch) and you must agree to the SASE requirement to enter.
2: Seeds are obtained by sending SASE to our volunteer seed liaison. (to be determined)
3: Since we are well into January, start them as soon as you get them.
4: Grow them all, however you want, but chose ONLY ONE plant to enter into the competition. Any cultivation method you please, but once you weigh the first harvest off your chosen plant, that's your forever plant, until the end. All weight entries are to be made from that plant the entire season.
5: You must participate and supply the other competitors with proof of life. Photos of each harvest and it's weight.
6: At the end of the year, all totals will be tallied up and the competitor with the MOST WEIGHT off a SINGLE PLANT in a SINGLE SEASON Wins.
7: The Growdown King is to be showered with gifts by all the losers.

Pretty simple right?

Here's a photo of the 4 pepper choices. Redacted of course.

Found them
Drum roll please! ……

Suspense Anticipation GIF

And now! The moment you’ve all been waiting for!

Thehotpepper Mystery Growdown Throwdown 2024 poll choices were:


And the REAL moment you’ve all been waiting for!

The official tie breaker of Thehotpepper Mystery Growdown Throwdown 2024 will be! …..



This will be the most challenging Growdown Throwdown in Thehotpepper history! Enjoy them and may I suggest?….Hiring some help picking them!

Kings Loot Runner Up 2023 Care Package going out to our seed liaison @Crazy Monkey . It will contain 14 packs, with 6 dried berries in each. It would be really cool if I could convince you to attempt germinating all seeds contained in the berries so I can gauge an estimated germination rate on them. Get with @Crazy Monkey and get your SASE to him ASAP. Let’s see who’s got the skills to pay the bills! After all, this will be the “mOsT eXpEnSiVe GrOwDoWn In ThE wOrLd” 😂🤣😂🤣
:metal:I knew it!!
But man.... ain't she a beauty?

That's all part of his evil plan. If you can't beat em, make em suffer picking Aji Charapita :lol:

That's actually not the first time you guys have mentioned Aji Charapita. It just so happens that I could supply those for next year if we actually decide on it. There is still a lot of bad Aji Charapita floating around out there and I need to freshen this inventory up anyway.

I found these just outside of the Belen Market there in Iquitos. Every single little street food stall or stand has these or the Red version, with lime wedges, as the two main condiments on every table:








If we decide on them, I have loads of isolated seed stock.

Now we just gotta hope they germinate 😆🤣
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