I'm not sure, it might effect the genetic mixing. I know that Khang Starr has two varieties where he did both crosses and the resulting F1 plants were quite different. Sweet Misery and Misery SweetGhaleon said:Does it make a difference which plant is the "mother" when you cross them?
The format is Mother x Father. I took pollen from a Burning Bush flower and transfered it to about 10 Lemon Drop flowers which I had prepared for crossing. Of those flowers I only got two or three to take and only two pods had viable seeds. A lot of the pods failed to set and fell off and some had tiny shriveled failed seeds. I didn't do it the other way because it was easier to work on the lemon drop flowers which were also in abundance compared to the Burning Bush. I think I was lucky to get this cross to work at all now that I think about it.Ghaleon said:That'll make you wanna do both so you've covered your bases.
I assume when people talk about it, the plant that was pollenated is the one mentioned first.
I've seen this chart before but I'm not sure what NG actually means. "hybrids germinate normally" is a very open ended way to word things. are the F1 sterile in this case? The original paper doesn't even clarify this.The_NorthEast_ChileMan said:I've been following this thread and finally have something to contribute (Found this years ago.)!
Hope this helps!
I'm afraid that's what I'm going to run into this year. I have a few dozen crosses growing that I made last year. Most are chinense, but quite a few are chinense X baccatum, and a couple chinense X annuum.D3monic said:I had the biggest issue with Aji Omni color X Moa bonnet Yellow. The F1 pods produced if I was lucky 1 seed each. Thankfully I did manage to get a few to germinate this year. I have 3 plants going and a few other very select individuals have some going as well.
It wouldn't be very scientific. I have a suspicion that many of the varieties labeled as one species have at least some degree of interspecific parentage.Ghaleon said:Perhaps the growers here could help fill in the blanks and complete that table.