Just ate my first one off the plant yesturday. It had a little heat but died down really fast (Like: Hi, I'm a medium heat, oh, gtg! Bye!) and fantastic flavor. Really did have that lemon flavor. This is the first Baccatum I've ever eaten too!
chillilover said:Haven't tried one yet but happy with the production from the plant.
the54 said:i bought a small aji lemon plant in june and now its the biggest and most productive plant i have
Txclosetgrower said:Are Aji Lemons and Lemon Drops the same thing?
Jah said:Dunno about Aji Lemon, but there's Limon which is chinense
Jah said:Dunno about Aji Lemon, but there's Limon which is chinense
Ballzworth said:You're right about the name being Limon and not Lemon, but it's baccatum, as are all 'Aji' peppers.
Silver_Surfer said:Nope, Aji does not = baccatum.
Ballzworth said:my mistake. there are a few.
apple pie said:I grew some of the lemon drop peppers a couple of years ago, and like katrina said, they tasted kinda perfumey to me, not much like lemon at all...anyway they had good heat...
apple pie