harvesting AJs 14th Harvest 10-03-09


kinda of a small harvest today except for the jalapenos...

I am getting impatient for all my chinense to start ripening...probably will see at least 100 lbs from them before season is over (hopefully)...the only thing that has kept me going is the annuums....


bagged and tagged Iggy...
That's a sweet pile of Jalapenos there AJ. I haven't had much more than that all year off 3 plants. My little harvests are starting to fill up my freezer. I haven't had enough at one time to get the dehydrator going. But the 2nd wave of pods is coming, hopefully they get ripe before winter.
Nice harvest AJ! You've inspired me to walk down to the garden and pick a few (hopefully).
Never cease to amaze AJ ! This year was absolutly slow due to weather and Im getting very suspicious of the bunny hole I discovered near the chain link fence