then I put the two new trays in the germinator...
this process will be repeated at least another 29 times this year...

this process will be repeated at least another 29 times this year...
peter pepper said:what happens if you happen to lose power and it still gets chilly at night? got a back up generator or do you think your seeds would survive for a few chilly days?
do you recirculate the air through the box or is it all enclosed once you close the door?
millworkman said:Looking good AJ. I do have one question though. What is the humidity in your grow chamber? I seem to be having a problem in mine and I think the 55% humidity might be to blame.
wordwiz said:AJ,
No watering or cover for the trays?
AlabamaJack said:OK...I just realized a few minutes ago while I was workin' out in the growrage cleanin' the mylar in my grow box that I was talking to my seedlings....
and this is the conversation we had...
I told them...OK guys time for you to toughen up...this is AJs SEEDLING BOOTCAMP!! the time you finish 7 weeks of this hard life, you will be able to stand strong against the forces of nature.... (no SH**, that is what I was sayin')
so they got to meet my new drill go to work Mr. Fan....
umhuh...think you are gonna hate all these stem bending exercises you will be doin' over the next few get 30 minutes twice a day on the grinder....
there are some of you stronger than the others and to those of you I am talkin' about will be able to kick some major Mother Natures Ass when you finish....
and when you finish this course of will look like your fallen brethren of last year....
I think I am gonna print that last picture and post it on the inside of the growbox as sort of an incentive for the graduation party....
roflmao...I feel terrible, but in a dang good mood...