AJs 2010 Season Start

I love that growbox! Please remember me in your will.
Do you overwinter any plants?
I can't wait until i see your final grow list.
thanks again all for the compliments...

JayT said:
One question, how large are your plants, and in what size containers when you sell them?

the chinense are generally 4 inches tall or so with about 6 sets of true leaves....some have already started to fork...

the annuums are up to 8 inches tall with many sets of leaves....

all are sold in 3 or4 inch square containers...

wordwiz said:

Check this out. Mike

thanks for the link Mike...I will have to look into that....

Matt50680 said:
In the picture of the garage, is that a bed on the left? Or is it just a blue tarp to cover something else? I can see it now, AJ out in the garage "No honey I cant come in tonight, the peppers are lonely and want me to read them a bedtime story" LOL J/K AJ, its all good.

roflmao...its just a tarp Matt...but reading to the plants and sleeping out there is not a bad idea....

PeteyPepper said:
Maybe some more YouTube updates this season?

I will post maybe 3 or 4 this year....one when plantout is complete (probably end of April), one in June, One in August, and One in November....about every 2 months...

origamiRN said:
Do you overwinter any plants?

was going to try but just lazed out and didnt do it...

JungleRain said:
how many different varieties are you planning on growing this year

somewhere around 35-40 I think JR...just not sure yet...

Silver_Surfer said:
Nice hot box AJ. All it needs is a few pepper decals and some flaming racing stripes. :)

now theres an idea...I like it...
thanks man, same to you...
I was wondering what that electrical hum to the south of me was--should have known it was you firing things up for a test run AJ. I have a feeling it won't be long and there will be a new pepper brand name hitting the streets. AJ's Super Hots. Place your orders now folks.

Best of luck to you AJ, it's always a joy to watch you work.
thanks buddy...if I get into central market by my house, it will be under the trademarked name of "AlabamaJacks Exotic Superhots"....so you were close

I had to sign a waiver stating I was not trying to trademark the word "Exotic", rather the whole phrase
patrick said:
I was wondering what that electrical hum to the south of me was--should have known it was you firing things up for a test run AJ. I have a feeling it won't be long and there will be a new pepper brand name hitting the streets. AJ's Super Hots. Place your orders now folks.

Best of luck to you AJ, it's always a joy to watch you work.

i bet if you had a camera on AJ's meter it would look something like when Clark turns the Christmas lights on his house on in Christmas Vacation - all the lights in houses around him dim and the power plant has to increase their output. :lol:
Good one Peter p. That movie is a classic.

AJ now I remember you talking about this last year. Man you start something and get right on it don't you. If we all had that kind of get up and go the world would be covered in peppers.
AlabamaJack said:
just found this...this is a picture of my complete grow area in the garage


AJ, thank you for clarifying my understanding of what a "garage" is. For years I thought it was a building/enclosure in which one houses a vehicle. I much prefer your definition. If I should ever move again, THIS is the type of "garage" I shall seek.

Simply awesome.:)
thanks DR...the wife drives an HHR so I have to leave room for her and it works out just fine....even when she is parked in there I still have plenty of room to move about
about 2 hours from now....lol
Does your wife's HHR have any special UV protector on it AJ?
Now much do you charge for a tan. Your germinator really does look like tanning beds for small people:)
That is one hell of a grow room AJ. I'm not ready for the $6 a day electric bill, but I'm sure your plant sales can recoup expenses. I've never seen anything quite like that. :)
Does your wife's HHR have any special UV protector on it AJ?
Now much do you charge for a tan. Your germinator really does look like tanning beds for small people:)

lol ... it might should have....

maybe a really small person...it is 2' X 2' X 4'

cmpman1974 said:
That is one hell of a grow room AJ. I'm not ready for the $6 a day electric bill, but I'm sure your plant sales can recoup expenses. I've never seen anything quite like that. :)

thx man...thank god it is only for February and March....maybe a little into April

chillilover said:
This is the difference between working at Lockheed Martin and being unemployed. :lol:

I had to get all this stuff built before I retired....

pappywith4 said:
WOW what a set up!!!

thx pappy...
I went out this morning about 5:30 am and looked in the garage...

temperature was 38F


then I looked into the germinator...


temperature a comfy 85F...


so I decided to plant another couple of trays....

for those that wonder how/what I use for seed starting here are a series of photos showing how I do it....

I only use Hoffmans Seed Starting Mix...it is the lightest weight, cleanest soil-less seed starting medium I have ever used and I am sold on it...I use 72 cell seed starting trays, fill them with the mix, tap the tray on the table a bit to help the mix settle....


I then put one seed in each cell and push down into the soil with the blunt end of something...about 1/2" deep...


pic of all seeds pressed into medium..


I then place another empty tray on the filled one and press down very gently running my hands back and forth across the top tray...


pic of tray ready for germinator....

