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AJs Back Yard Pepper Porn 2 Week Update 06-07-09


Pics are not that good...I left my camera over at a friends house yesterday and have to go get it...these were taken with the wifes camera...

Cayennes - super chilli in bottom right hand corner


Scotch Bonnets


Congo Trinidad/7 Pot/Trinidad Scorpion


Bhut Jolokia/Dorset Naga/Bih Jolokia/Big Bang Naga


one or two more pics coming...
Naga Morich


Purple Serrano - Thanks Jackie

Man AJ I would love to come down there when all the super hots have ripe pods on, just to look! Your back yard is going to be the place that all chilihead's want to visit once in their lifetime. The chilihead Mecca.
That's a chili farm. Meant to get me a purple serrano going this year as I love the greens. Probably one of my most used on a daily basis. Any tasting info?
Well my friend a joy to see your plants doing so well,That garden sorry Chili plantation is always a joy to see and the Serrano's look terrific :)
RichardK said:
As alwayse, looking good!

Cant even tell there was a big storm a few days ago

Thanks Richard...I was amazed at how quickly they bounced back...

PeteyPepper said:
Man, you are going to have some HUGE harvests. Very cool!

What have your day time temps been like recently, AJ?

Thanks Petey...night time temps have been around 70F and the days are now getting into the mid 90s....summer is here...and it will just get hotter until the end of august...I dread those mornings getting up to 85F and 90% humidity...but the plants seem to absolutely thrive in it although they stop producing about the middle of July...all their energy is put into vegetative growth....the plants will be huge by the middle of September...

patrick said:
Man AJ I would love to come down there when all the super hots have ripe pods on, just to look! Your back yard is going to be the place that all chilihead's want to visit once in their lifetime. The chilihead Mecca.

I think I have said this before but if anyone comes by this way (Fort Worth), I would be delighted to have company...

chilehunter said:
looking good AJ, I cant wait to see the harvest pics this year (they're always great harvests)

thanks CH...I am excited about harvest this year too...

JayT said:
Looking good AJ. Gonna be a HOT summer in Fort Worth!

Thanks JayT...hot is what I am hoping for..

newhotstuff said:
No messing around he even has guard dogs.

shhhh...don't tell anyone but he wouldn't bite a biscuit...

boutros said:
That's a chili farm. Meant to get me a purple serrano going this year as I love the greens. Probably one of my most used on a daily basis. Any tasting info?

just picked a few...one has some corking going on...no discernable heat at all...they must not be ripe yet, but they are pretty peppers anyway IMO...


cross section


and the piec I ate...


talas said:
Well my friend a joy to see your plants doing so well,That garden sorry Chili plantation is always a joy to see and the Serrano's look terrific :)

Thanks Talas
I was showing my daughter what a true chilihead is capable of growing and she asked me if I'm suffering from "pepper envy"? Could be worse eh?
WOW AJ.. That is some pepper patch! respect to your dedication on maintaining that patch of peppers.

Just looking after the lesser side of 50 plants is too much for me!
Silver_Surfer said:
Great pepper farm AJ.

How many cu. ft. of potting mix does an AJ plantation require? :D

thanks surfer...

somewhere in the neighborhood of 525...I have to buy about thirty 40 quart bags each year to mix in with last years dirt...

I started with 20 yards two years ago