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harvesting AJs Backyard Pepper Porn and 1st Significant Harvest 09-21-10


I suppose it is time for me to post my monthly backyard video update...video taken this morning about 7:30 am.....

Plants are doing fine and loaded with flowers and pods...
first significant harvest...orange habaneros and billy biker jalapenos mostly...



most of my pods will be converted into powder this year...I still have 300 jars of puree from last year...

orange habs halved and ready for dehydrating...there were 8 trays of these...


after dehydration...


ground into powder...the two unmarked jars are orange habanero...already got almost 1/2 gallon of powder...


I smoked about 5 pounds of jalapenos yesterday and they are finishing in the dehydrator right now...these make great chipolte powder that is pretty fair on the heat...they will be ground either this evening or in the morning...
Holy crap, you got a farm in your backyard! :D

Damn thats impressive. I wish I had room to grow that many peppers. Simply amazing.
Bhuts are look lush and are loaded with flowers I hope they set fruit. Good football game even though Clemson lost in OT after taking the points off the board and kicking again, Kyle Parker missed a wide open receiver the play before that for the win?!? Crazy game but I congrats Auburn for coming back the way they did with 21 unanswered 3rd quarter points! I have had the same type of crazy pepper growing season up and downs just hope the fruits have enough time to ripen before a freak early frost. Throwing my container mix away and starting fresh next season, don't want to mention it but you need a heated greenhouse to grow year round as healthy as your pepper plants look. :P
Plants are looking great AJ. It's gonna be some close work harvesting those atop the raised area. :)

I hope your flowers get down to business soon. It's been crazy weather here this year, it hit 101F yesterday, but hopefully will cool off into the low nineties again soon.
thanks all...

sw...I was just trying to maximize my growing space since I am so limited on area...

PRF...I would love a great big greenhouse, however, I won't build one because of the hail we have...usually at least one good hail storm each year...as far as the AU/Clemson game went...I just don't know about AU this year...Clemson has some good players...I hope that quarterback didn't get hurt that bad...that boys got guts...you could see the pain in his face and body language but he sucked it up and kept on playing...bravo...only thing I care about if for us to beat 'Bama...we can be 1-11 IMO as long as we beat bama and it will be a good season...

SS...believe or not, I can still walk between the rows...when final harvest comes, I will take a plant at the time into my workshop and harvest in there...I about froze my hands off last December trying to harvest in the pouring icy rain...

mwm...the pool is an advantage...if I get hot.....SPLOOOOSSSSHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
Beautiful harvest AJ. That is a lot of orange habs and Biker Bily jalapenos. Man i wish i lived in the south. My season is pretty much done here in the great white.
thanks guys...

mh...not trying to brag, but if this year is like last year, I should have 250 lbs by the end of the season and that I think is conservative...maybe 300...thats not even a pound a plant....got 348 plants
thanks franz

looks awesome. great job. What potting soil and what fertiliser do you use?

potting soil is a combination of a "premium soil mix" (premium soil mix consists of a screened blend of compost (60%) and the purest cushion sand available (40%) to add stability to the blend. This blend is best used in establishing new gardens, flowerbeds and leveling lawns), standard potting soil, and compost...probably 50/25/25...I am to the point now in recycling my soil that I just add a little "new" potting soil each year...

fertilizers...I used Botanicare products until plantout, then switch to a standard pelletized 10-10-10 fertilize then to a 7-14-7....but, since I have the fertigation system installed, I am using MG water soluable 18-18-21 once every 3 weeks or so...because of all the plants I have and now being retired, I am really cost conscious and the MG is the cheapest thing out there that is water soluable...vigaro makes a 10-10-10 liquid concentrate I will be using after plantout until flowering/fruiting next year then switch to a heavier P/K mix...even now using the MG costs me about 20-25 bucks per feeding...
thanks again all...just have tried to increase my number of plants while making it easier to grow them...the fertigation system has saved me countless hours...

AJ, what are you using to dehydrate your pods? What temp?
Some very impressive looking pods there. Cheers

I use an excalibur 9 tray dehydrator @ 130-135F....whole pods take forever to totally dehydrate and cutting them in half reduces the time drastically...

here is a link to the excalibur...
