video AJs Backyard Pepper Porn Video...last one of the year 11-30-09

thanks all for the compliments...

I have to go this morning and get a commercial blender that I can process the peppers with...

I have been in contact with Central Market close to my house and they are interested in getting some of my superhot varieties in next season...I have a lot of paper work and certification to go through so this year is just a tester to see how many pods per plant I can get...I am running about 2 pounds a plant for the superhots through the season with the major harvest coming the last week of November...I talked with the produce manager and gave him some samples...he said he always has someone asking for some really hot only thing I have to do is get certified, inspected, insurance, bonded, etc...

used to be they could just buy from the local growers out of the cash you have to go through the main office produce manager...

will certainly be a learning lesson...Texas Dept of Ag will be who I am working through to get my certification...I may actually try and get certified organic...

back in a while with the Naga Morich harvests...probably 20 lbs or more...

hey Dreadie...they are predicting our first freeze for Thursday morning...hope I can get all the harvesting done by tomorrow has been down to 34.3 according to my thermometer so far...and like I said in the video, I can see frost damage to the tops of the plants but none on the pods
AJ , the first couple of frosts we had I covered my plants with plastic tarp. Not great but there was enough dead air space that the plants and pods were fine. Like yours my plants didn't great but there was a lot of peppers that just needed to ripen a little more.

When I gave up on covering them I figured winter was here . The frost turned my pods into mushy looking junk.
But being in my part of Texas ..... the temps went back up for several weeks .... live & learn.

I have enough of a stash to last until the next harvest so I'm happy. Now it's just sweet dreams about next years peppers .

P. Dreadie
very nice harvest AJ: I stopped in Henderson, Louisiana and had my first fresh boiled crawfish of the season...they were very clean, and very large for the first part of the season...had to eat 4 pounds and would have eaten more but was hurrying to get back to Fort Worth...
I was impressed when you took photos of your plants last spring, and even more so now. You should be very proud of your accomplishment. Just curious, how many square feet is your yard? Do you have any thoughts of going commercial(besides selling some plants in the spring?).
As usual, amazing peppers AJ!

I've heard about the crawfish in Louisiana. Man I really need to move to Texas...northeast weather is harsh for growing peppers.