food AJ's Grilled Bacon Wrapped Jalapeno Porn


You folks said you wanted pictures. I made a small batch New Years morning and had them for brunch with a defcon bloody mary.


Above picture is just cheese/chicken/1 Tbsp Tony Sacherees Creole and Pepper powder (Habanero, Orange Thai, Tabasco, Serrano, & Cayenne) in lower right. Can't see peppers very good in upper right and the prep pan in lower left.

Next picture is just the stuffed jalapenos ready to grill.


Next picture is the peppers grilling on my little electric outdoor grill.


Final picture is the finished product.


I only made about 25 or so and they lasted about 15 minutes.
Fifteen minutes!!

Were your guests dainty eaters or something?

On a cold night like tonight, those things look extra delish!
Thanks all, glad you all like the pictures. If you try the recipe, please let me know how yours turn out. One of the things I do is vary the amount of seeds/placenta I take out of the peppers. I kinda like not knowing how hot they are going to be.
OMG . . . I just saw those pics and I'm getting ready to fix breakfast, BUT, now I wish I had a dozen of those BWP's (bacon wrapped peppers) to go along with my funky, plain and unappealing scrambled eggs.
Ham on the Street on the food network used a cool looking jalapeno cooking tray. I couldn't find a pic.
It was a metal tray with a bunch of quarter(.25$) sized holes in it. He stuck cored jalapenos with the tops cut off into the holes. Points down.
He then filled them with some disgusting crap (like PB& J) but it looked like an interesting way to do it.

You could fill them with cheese or beef or whatever and not worry about the filling coming out.
cheezydemon said:
Ham on the Street on the food network used a cool looking jalapeno cooking tray. I couldn't find a pic.
It was a metal tray with a bunch of quarter(.25$) sized holes in it. He stuck cored jalapenos with the tops cut off into the holes. Points down.
He then filled them with some disgusting crap (like PB& J) but it looked like an interesting way to do it.

You could fill them with cheese or beef or whatever and not worry about the filling coming out.

I have seen them and I would not have to split them. A friend of mine gave me a jalapeno "de-corer/seeder" for christmas. This may make prep time go way down. Just stuffem', wrapem', and grillem'. I bet I can get one of my good welding buddies to make me one out of 1/8" stainless plate to fit the size of my little electric grill. You got me thinking now cheesy.
cheezydemon said:
Ham on the Street on the food network used a cool looking jalapeno cooking tray. I couldn't find a pic.
It was a metal tray with a bunch of quarter(.25$) sized holes in it. He stuck cored jalapenos with the tops cut off into the holes. Points down.
He then filled them with some disgusting crap (like PB& J) but it looked like an interesting way to do it.

You could fill them with cheese or beef or whatever and not worry about the filling coming out.

Check this link or do a search for Jalapeno grill.
That is it Potowie, only Ham's was much bigger, it held like 15 or so pods.

Hell, lol, you could even serve them raw, cored, and with a shot of something in them! Tequila maybe.
AlabamaJack said:
I have seen them and I would not have to split them. A friend of mine gave me a jalapeno "de-corer/seeder" for christmas. This may make prep time go way down. Just stuffem', wrapem', and grillem'. I bet I can get one of my good welding buddies to make me one out of 1/8" stainless plate to fit the size of my little electric grill. You got me thinking now cheesy.

Not to split hairs, but you would core them, wrap them, put them in the rack, and then fill them as you please.

Far less prep time, I just wonder if the bacon would get good and done without the pepper tips charring all to hell.
Do you wrap them in tinfoil first then cook them direct after??
I know when I make a bacon wrapped tenderloin for the first little while I keep everything wrapped in tinfoil then near the end take the tinfoil off to brown the bacon etc...
Canuk Pepperhead said:
Do you wrap them in tinfoil first then cook them direct after??
I know when I make a bacon wrapped tenderloin for the first little while I keep everything wrapped in tinfoil then near the end take the tinfoil off to brown the bacon etc...

No tin foil. Just pop them on the grill with high heat on a low grate. The little electric grill I have is filled with lava rock and the element sits on the lava rock. The grate is about 1/2" from the element. I cook mine as hot as I can. I watch them and when they start to flame, I turn them 1/4 turn. By the time I am finished turning them one complete rotation, they are done. Stuffing is completely melted. To me, fast grilling the peppers leaves the pepper more firm and you get more of the real pepper taste. (just my humble opinion).

Haven't tried the tin foil but I may. That sounds like a very juicy tender piece of meat with an infusion of bacon..:lol:

Here is what I am going to build for the grill. AJs Jalapeno Rotissarie. Anyone interested in a patent?


I know its a crude drawing but it will fit into my rotissarie drive. I will have the final development drawning in the morning.
Hey ya'll..I bought one of the jalapeno grills a coupla' years ago. Fine if every jap is the same size but if not.... I used it twice and nowadays split my peppers and stuff and bake or grill that way. Sometimes I split, stuff, and then wrap with bacon also and then grill, I just do it on lower heat so as to not cook the bacon sooner than the chile. Works for me. In some cases I have used thick cut bacon and seared on higher heat and then moved to lower...still outstanding results. AJ's got the right stuff!
Cheers, TB.
texas blues said:
Hey ya'll..I bought one of the jalapeno grills a coupla' years ago. Fine if every jap is the same size but if not.... I used it twice and nowadays split my peppers and stuff and bake or grill that way. Sometimes I split, stuff, and then wrap with bacon also and then grill, I just do it on lower heat so as to not cook the bacon sooner than the chile. Works for me. In some cases I have used thick cut bacon and seared on higher heat and then moved to lower...still outstanding results. AJ's got the right stuff!
Cheers, TB.

Thanks TB....hey, where are you? Eastland?
Nice design AJ! If I had one though, it would get crudded up and the holders would stop self-leveling and dump their contents on the fire!lol

Cool idea though.
AJ...wish I could say I was somewhere in Texas but I am here in the big dry ditch of Las Vegas...well not so dry today. We are getting wind and rain (.10 inch or so) from the latest blow in from California. Great place to be if you want to make money in construction but....can't find a decent chicken fried steak and not one hot sauce shop!:mouthonfire:
Cheers, TB.
cheezydemon said:
Nice design AJ! If I had one though, it would get crudded up and the holders would stop self-leveling and dump their contents on the fire!lol

Cool idea though.
That could be avoided by having the suspended parts welded onto a metal tube that has all the hooks spinning in unison with a lip on each end to keep grease off the spinning mechanism. You could than have a rod go through that. and could lube it with silicone or something non-toxic. Great idea for a novelty. :cool:

edit: sorry, brought back another old thread.