seed-train All aboard ( The next seed train)

FYI - I work 6am-6pm the second half of the week. What this means is I can personally make it to the post office Monday or Tuesday like a ninja to get it out to Windsong once I've had it for just a couple hours. BUT if it reaches me Wednesday or later, I'll have to send a family member to the post office the following day in my stead with shipping costs. Get me a tracking # once it's on its way here and I'll plan ahead to not hinder the speed of the train.
Yea it will be Monday when it leaves here we got called in at midnight last night and no clue when we'll get off today. For sure Scarlet its headed to you Monday and I'll send you the tracking number and post it here also. I'll just say this some nice stuff on board this train everyone should find something they like.
Portuge said:
Will have to see whats left in the train since im the last one on board....
If anything, there should be more variety by then than there is to begin with. Being last in line, you'll have the benefit of getting a taste of all the contributions that have been made along the way.And like me, lots of folks add twice what they take. Don't be bummed, be patient!
Scarlet's right.  When the train pulls into my station, I'll refill all I added before it started and I grew 103 varieties of peppers this year, so I'm sure I'll find a few chilies to add that aren't in the box.  I'm looking out my office window at rows of notning but red, yellow, orange, white, and purple, plus most colors in between (a little green also, leaves, you know).  Harvest is in full swing.  Portuge you're the stop to be envied.
Second round should be awsome.  BTW, I set my Papaya seeds today.  Even though we're no longer living in Florida, I still like my Papaya.  I give them a full 390 day growing season.  LOL
My two year old Cumari bush is only about 18" tall and 36" wide.  I harvested the first crop a few weeks ago and there were 937 ripe fruit plus about 60 or 70 that weren't ripe.  Second crop is just now blooming, looks to be larger than the first crop.  At least 40 days more before frost....PLEASE!
Wow Windsong you must have a huge area. I'm planning on running around 100 plants next year but not 103 varieties I only wish I had the room for that.

I agree last stop has the chance to see everything put in the train. Can't wait till next round I'm growing some cool varieties that will be on the next round.
Seed train arrived today. I'm going through it right now, and my dad will have it sent out to Windsong tomorrow. I will post the tracking number after work.
Thanks Scarlet, that means that since the post office no longer does one day shipping, the seed train will pull into my station late Saturday afternoon.   Wow, a whole day Sunday to think about what I want to add and look up some of the, I'm sure, unknown to me varieties in the box.  lol :dance:   I'd better do another harvest this afternoon so the seeds have time to dry.  Wish I could remember what I added before the train launched.  I'm so excited that I'm rambling, I've gotta stop that!  :shh:
I'll get the train back out to you SanPatricio on Monday and post the tracking information Sunday evening, when I do my regular Monday shipping. 
Does everything still fit in a Small Flat Rate box?  Thanks for the update,
Hey Good News, train pulled into my station today, mailman earlier than usual.  Who would have thought the post office could deliver a Priority Mail package 150 miles in ONE DAY!!!  Not them when they say "no one day priority mail deliveries".  Reaffirms my faith in our postal system.
I'm settling down for the evening and getting ready to go through it.  Will ship it out tomorrow, I'll post tracking later this evening.  I can hardly wait to tear into the box.  :dance: