seed-train All aboard ( The next seed train)

PM Kingdenniz. He has appreciatively taken control of this damaged train.

King, do you mind taking control of this train since you have salvaged it? I will continue to update the list in the original post if you add people along the way.

No problem Mon.... i got this train.....

as for those still havent sent seeds to donate for the new train... just a reminder that today thursday the 17th is pushing it for me to get it by saturday... i may have to push departure date as i have only received PASH.. and GRIFFs seeds...i am hopeful that i will get a ton of envelops and a visit from LADY MELISSA tomorrow with her donations...
so no need to rush... i understand we have busy lives and have other priorites to attend....

NEW TRAIN MEMBERS...if you have PMd me or left a post to add ..i will scroll back and add you all to the list... do not worry... welcome aboard

if anyone has any 7 PODS/POTS or any other TRINIDADS to add to this train please send some .. so i can add it to the train.. ;D (hey.. i want to get some theres a lot of people on this train.. and i cant add my name til i send it out...)
Think I have some scorpions to add...and maybe some 7's...will check but you'd have to drive over to seal beach to pick up. I sent my package out to you yesterday...about 500 or so manzano seeds. If you drive over I will make it worth your while...I have an extra Scotch Bonnet plant that needs a good home.
another day.......birthday weekend and we;re off to TEMECULA...wifeys huffing since THP is my new FB...
Yeah...I gotta get them out of the barracks by this weekend and back to SD. Too bad, don't wanna cause any marital strife, but look how sexy these little dudes are!

I got room for them was just trying to make the trip worth your while...maybe later I'll send you some pods if they make it that far!

As far as the seeds go, I'll just hold on to them and toss them in when it pulls in at the Shane station!
Deng. Monster leaves. Sexy they be. Now I see why you had them under your desk... Maybe I can talk the wife into going to the beach. Hahahah. Too bad you can't ship Em here. :). I always have room for new babies. But maybe they can go to another home. Thanks for Thr offer. :)
Hey King, sent you a few varieties this morning should get them sat/mon. Please let me know when you receive them, thanks.
My seeds left this afternoon. Mail lady says you should get them Saturday.

Please let me know as soon as you get them.

Good job everyone, I'm impressed with everyone's contributions to getting the train back on the tracks. Nice job taking the conductor's seat Dennis.
Sorry man, getting em out today. Lots of concrete to pour this week. Got done early today so they will be in the mail in a little bit here.
Hey King, I was wondering if you got my seeds today? I'm just curious how long my mail takes to get 250 miles, a couple of weeks ago I sent a buddy in florida some seeds, and it took 6 days to get to him, when he sent me seeds back it only took 3 go figure. :think:
since you guys didnt write you THP names... and i dont have time to see who's who... here are the ones i got today prolly last bunch or so

Emon-- Montgomery
STC- shane

since some people sent some seeds yesterday.. i will be shipping these seeds out 1st thing tuesday morning....which gives MAFWIZ time to sift through the seeds...
tomorrow i will also post the list of seeds that ive received so people can get an idea of what seeds they can remove and possible add... thanks to SHANE... theres a million MANZANO seeds...i feel like throwing the seeds in the backyard and just letting them grow!! hahaha

more updates soon
Folks ahead of me can take as many as they'd like I have another 1000 or so I can throw in. lol. Byproduct of making powders. With any luck I will have a couple ripe pods from some different varieties before the train gets here so I can make it more interesting!
since you guys didnt write you THP names... and i dont have time to see who's who... here are the ones i got today prolly last bunch or so

Emon-- Montgomery
STC- shane

since some people sent some seeds yesterday.. i will be shipping these seeds out 1st thing tuesday morning....which gives MAFWIZ time to sift through the seeds...
tomorrow i will also post the list of seeds that ive received so people can get an idea of what seeds they can remove and possible add... thanks to SHANE... theres a million MANZANO seeds...i feel like throwing the seeds in the backyard and just letting them grow!! hahaha

more updates soon
Cool deal King, is there a list of the order of the train by any chance? Also it's nice to see my mail get to cali in 2 days!

Thanks a ton, Emon069 :party:
Yes, denniz, Kelly = RCC

Glad you got them quickly, sorry to delay in shipping. I appreciate you taking on this challenge and coming up with a viable solution to an unpleasant situation with USPS. NC to CA in 2 days, not bad. USPS.....great when it works, sucks when it doesn't.