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All purpose miracle gro, ever use it?

I just don't see how you can argue that the most natural, untampered, nutrient uptake process can be bested by synthetically derived fertilizers...

I love it!

Now that we have changed this thread from:
"All purpose miracle gro, ever use it?"

To "Is Organic any good?" I think it is safe to say the following

Mg Can be good if done correctly, but will require supplemental nutrients like Cal.
Further more, there are other alternatives that will work just as good or better.

MG good or bad? Good For some people when done right. And that's what I would tell some one new to the forum.
I have just come to realize that you can get away easier talking about someone's momma on here rather than their method of fertilizing, haha.
To put it politely, some people get way too enthusiastic about things here.
The longer you grow, the longer you have been here, the more stuff you work out for yourself, the harder you have worked, the less you want drama in your life and less likely you are to throw your 2c about, be interested in a debate, or care what someone else thinks.
At that time, you tend to just quietly read and use the search function and leave this stuff to the new growers.
I threw in 2c because I was bored anyway, not much happening here as it's winter... :D
I am doing organic gardening, except for an initial kick off for my plants. I tilled up a section of my yard that was pretty stripped of nutrients and minerals essential to any plant growth except grass. I did ammend the soil, but only where I planted. In other words, I dug a 2 foot diameter hole and mixed in soil ammendmsnts directly where the plants were going. Since I had no pre-existing organic ammendments in the soil before this, it was going to take a long time before the plants had enough broken down material to use for their growth. I was forced to use miracle grow a couple times to get the nutrients into the plants that were essential for growth. I had already solved the calcium problem because I had added about a half cup of bone meal into the soil during planting. That's all the calcium I think they will need for the whole year. If I am wrong, someone please correct me.

I use fish fertilizer on my plants (5-1-1) every week and a half to two weeks, while using epsom salt spray on the off weeks. However, I haven't done the epsom salt spray for a while and will do it again tonight. I was wondering if you guys know of a good fish fertilizer that has lower nitrogen and higher P & K ratios.

In keeping with the thread, I have no problem with the miracle grow. I have plants right now that are almost 3 feet tall after planting out the first week of may with plants that are only 12" tall or less. I personally used the grow for a kicker and am relying on organics for the remainder of the season. I am doing very well and will post pictures if you guys want.
Some things are worth bashing. :lol:
I don't use it as I think it's just popular because of all the ads and commercials for it.
It's not bad but it's not great either.

it suits my purposes

Fireface says MG = monsanto.
Monsanto is in the process of acquiring and patenting their newest technology, known as "Terminator Technology." This technology is currently the greatest threat to humanity. If it is used by Monsanto on a large-scale basis, it will inevitably lead to famine and starvation on a worldwide basis.
Lets not support them
My 2 cents.

WOW...the sky is falling....just a good thing I won't be here to see it.....

Look gents...(and ladies if there are any posting on this thread)...you just have to find out what works for you....be it organic or not...doesn' make a hill of beans difference IMO...all this talk about what is bad for you....jeez, I have been eating Irish potatoes for 61 years...wonder is that what caused my peripheral artery disease...and milk...lord have mercy...I have been drinking it for 62 years so it might be the milk...

I won't comment on this thread again...there was a question asked and I tried to answer it from my experience and it has turned to a "run for your life" thread...
Thanks for your input...I agree and feel that everyone needs to figure out their own routine and products they like to use....by the way, it's the milk ;)
it suits my purposes

WOW...the sky is falling....just a good thing I won't be here to see it.....

Look gents...(and ladies if there are any posting on this thread)...you just have to find out what works for you....be it organic or not...doesn' make a hill of beans difference IMO...all this talk about what is bad for you....jeez, I have been eating Irish potatoes for 61 years...wonder is that what caused my peripheral artery disease...and milk...lord have mercy...I have been drinking it for 62 years so it might be the milk...

Miracle really works with some things added. Your very right, water habits and proper nutrient uptake ensures a high crop qaulity.

Growing in a light soilless mix organically is a uphill battle. Why? Well you need fine particals to support micro life. With mixes that have a lot of macropores this may be next to impossible.
I just don't see how you can argue that the most natural, untampered, nutrient uptake process can be bested by synthetically derived fertilizers...

I've always been one to at least try something to its fullest entirety before approving or disproving with personal bias...

Just my two cents...

I disagree with the basic premise of the argument. The most natural, untampered, nutrient uptake for humans is to wake up and shove whatever we can in our mouth. Almost certainly we will have a protein defficiency if we do that. Also, we will probably get diseases. Tilling, sprouting indoors, compost piles, compost teas, manure, seeds from other countries and air pruning pots are not natural or untampered. Gardening is not letting nature do its course. In fact it is the opposite. Even organic gardening.

Saying no one can argue that natural is inferior is to wear blinders and contradicts "try something to its fullest entirety before approving or disproving with personal bias"

The most unnatural method of growing is hydroponics. In all the competitions I have seen I have never seen a skilled hydroponics guy lose to a skilled organics guy. Never.

I am not opposed to organics and I understand the appeal. I use a bunch of different techniques because I like screwing around. I think MG is a good fertilizer. I understand some people don't like nitrogen sources but I have found it helps stabilize PH.
"The most unnatural method of growing is hydroponics. In all the competitions I have seen I have never seen a skilled hydroponics guy lose to a skilled organics guy. Never."

Because science takes the side of hydroponics.

"Gardening is not letting nature do its course"

You are very right!

I just don't see how you can argue that the most natural, untampered, nutrient uptake process can be bested by synthetically derived fertilizers...

I have to agree.

I was just making the point the life in the soil is just another thing you have to keep going in order for the organics to be used by the plant in container culture. In ground these organisms are easier to keep going at their fullest.
I was just making the point the life in the soil is just another thing you have to keep going in order for the organics to be used by the plant in container culture. In ground these organisms are easier to keep going at their fullest.

3-5 Feedings a year with no extra supplements and better resistance to disease, pests, and drought...
"another thing you have to keep going" :rofl:

Can we just agree that both work well for different people without bashing the opposed methods. I haven't got in to any of the things that I think make MG bad, out of respect for those whom like it.

Happy Fathers Day all you Dads.
Hey, I do not use 100% in-organics in containers. I use botanicare too which has some organics in it. I am just saying how important the microlife in the soil is in order for organics to be used up.
"The most unnatural method of growing is hydroponics. In all the competitions I have seen I have never seen a skilled hydroponics guy lose to a skilled organics guy. Never."

What does hydro growing verses organic (in soil I am assuming) have to do with this thread?
You guys are all over the place. Are we talking about soil or hydroponics?

What I am really saying is if you are a organic container grower root inoculants or at least a good compost or compost tea full of life is very important.

I don't think anyone is arguing that point. If we are talking about in soil then yes that is correct and adding artificial fertilizers will kill the food web.
What does hydro growing verses organic (in soil I am assuming) have to do with this thread?
You guys are all over the place. Are we talking about soil or hydroponics?

I don't think anyone is arguing that point. If we are talking about in soil then yes that is correct and adding artificial fertilizers will kill the food web.

Its good to look at the advantages of both synthetics and organics being There are so many advantages of organics.
What does hydro growing verses organic (in soil I am assuming) have to do with this thread?
You guys are all over the place. Are we talking about soil or hydroponics?

The question was is Miracle Grow good or bad. To answer this question you have to make comparisons. One person argued for an alternative based on faulty logic. I used an obvious counter-example to show that it was faulty logic and should not be used in deciding how to feed your plants. I showed that plants can flourish in a purely synthetic environment. Therefore synthetics (miracle grow) should not be dismissed out of hand.

When you ask whether something should be done. People are going to come up with alternatives. Then people are going to discuss those alternatives even if the alternative is to do nothing.. That is not thread drift at all. Seems obvious.
I used an obvious counter-example to show that it was faulty logic and should not be used in deciding how to feed your plants.

Yes but to make a fair comparison one must compare "apples to apples" and using hydro verses soil is hardly a fair comparison if that is what was being set forth.

It all boils down to what do you want to use? I prefer plants grown as close to nature as possible as I can taste the difference. If man-made chemicals are what you prefer then go for it, in fact people can even look into genetically modified plants as well since organic doesn't matter to some. Whatever floats your boat. :lol:

The question was is Miracle Grow good or bad.

No, actually the question was, "All purpose miracle gro, ever use it?"

Those of us who prefer not to use it had a little fun. No need to get all bent out of shape here people. It's all in fun.
Usually it works well for everythung but this year it came with some bugs and white mushrooms that kepe popping up... and a shit ton of fungus gnats..
Usually it works well for everything but this year it came with some bugs and white mushrooms that keep popping up... and a shit ton of fungus gnats..

Mushrooms good, gnats bad. Try some old coffee in little cups around the plants. It lures them in and they drown. They also are attracted to yellow, so yellow sticky traps work, but they may get some good bugs to like bees. I would avoid putting anything in your soil. If you got shrooms in your soil that means that your soil is alive. BT works on gnats but it may kill mycos.

Honeydew plants work
Lemon juice traps work
Red wine traps work if you don't want to drink the wine :P
And plastic bottle traps work with all kinds of fructose based attractants like corn peppers apples anything sweet

The main cause of fungus gnats however is over watering.