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All purpose miracle gro, ever use it?

I've been hearing a lot about maxibloom and wondered about its supremacy over the others?

Yea. I found Maxibloom thanks to this sight.

Its really easy to use.

It is a dry soluble ferilizer with high levels of Ca,Mg,S, all needed secondary macronutrients. I find Maxi is all you need. The only micro nutrient in it is iron but because it gives such high leves of Ca and Mg it works really good.

The only down side is it takes quite a bit of shaking/mixing to get it fully disolved in the water. I use it at 1/2-1 tsp a gal.

I used to have a 60+ dollar fertilizer program, with maxibloom being a stand alone fertilizer for 10bucks I would say its a bit less now. :surprised:

My old fertilizer program-Botanicare pureblend grow/bloom, Liquid Karma, Sweet, Hygrozyme(organic safe cleaner), Cal/Mag.

I then switched to a 3 part synthetic fertilizer which was still like 35bucks or so and found that was giving me great results. Now that I use maxibloom I really do not need anything but maxibloom. My chillies love it so far and my cherry tomatoes have so much fruit on them now I am just amazed!!!
I asked my friend Jim at work today about organic fertilizers verses man made like Miracle Grow and he said it doesn't matter as the plant cannot tell the difference and he proved it in the lab when he was working on his PhD in horticulture.
I asked my friend Jim at work today about organic fertilizers verses man made like Miracle Grow and he said it doesn't matter as the plant cannot tell the difference and he proved it in the lab when he was working on his PhD in horticulture.

Yes, That Is what I was saying about the science behind fertilizers and nutrient source.

After the organics are broken down by soil organisms the element from the organic source is now say N or Ca. At that point it is the "same" as the synthetic form. Synthetics are just them in ready form.
Potassium silicate is something that should be added to a in-organic fertilizer program to make plants strong.

Organics may taste better and have more natural character due to intake of a wide range of minerials and micronutrients not found in synthetic fertilizers. The plants grow steady as the organisms break down the food for the plant so the plant has a natural strong cell wall in organics. Again, Potassium Silicate is a huge player in building strong cell walls. Because synthetics focus on delivering some basic micro/macronutrients in high, soluble levels, plants have huge yield and grow fast not getting a chance to build natural character and uptake other minerials and micronutrients in an organic level.

^I don't know how I even came up with all that :party:
I knew all that already William, what I am interested in is whether the chemical fertilizers get into the plant and are bad or not as compared to organic.
When I say bad I mean detrimental in any way to humans or the plant? Some say the product tastes better organic so obviously the synthetic fertilizers are causing a taste difference if that is true.
Canna growers swear that organic tastes better as well. Much to learn for us all in the hobby of botany and horticulture.
I knew all that already William, what I am interested in is whether the chemical fertilizers get into the plant and are bad or not as compared to organic.
When I say bad I mean detrimental in any way to humans or the plant? Some say the product tastes better organic so obviously the synthetic fertilizers are causing a taste difference if that is true.
Canna growers swear that organic tastes better as well. Much to learn for us all in the hobby of botany and horticulture.

"When I say bad I mean detrimental in any way to humans or the plant? Some say the product tastes better organic so obviously the synthetic fertilizers are causing a taste difference if that is true."

"For example, nitrogen is typically available as NO[sub]3[/sub]- or NH[sub]4[/sub]+. It does not matter to the plant whether it came from guano or bottled nutrient."

This says it all. Its just like I was saying about the complexity of organics, and the advantage of synthetics!! Just read:

" However, what you taste is not what you fed your plants, but what your plants were able to do with what they were fed. Organic solutions can be more complex in terms of the array of substances and organisms they contain when compared to standard synthetic fertilizer solutions. As a result, the plants have more variety in their diet which they can utilize, possibly resulting in more complex tastes, etc. Now, that was one of the upsides of organics. One of the drawbacks of organic crop production vs. standard hydroponic fertilizer is that the majority of nutrients are not immediately available to the plant. This makes it very difficult to monitor and regulate concentration and ratios of elements available to the plant. If using premium hydroponic fertilizers, the vast majority of nutrients are immediately available in precise and measurable values. As a result, healthy vigorous plants can reach their genetic potential which includes characteristics such as taste and flavor. Plants do not differentiate the nutrients they absorb resulting from hydroponic or organic nutrient solutions. For example, nitrogen is typically available as NO[sub]3[/sub]- or NH[sub]4[/sub]+. It does not matter to the plant whether it came from guano or bottled nutrient.
With that said, there are some advantages to supplementing your current hydroponic nutrient regimen with an organic based product. There are an array of products on the market that take advantage of compost teas and the complex array of substances and beneficial life they may contain. Many organic based products are fortified with other compounds which include complex and simple sugars, amino acids, phyto-hormones, vitamins, minerals, etc.
It is generally accepted that hydroponics is capable of producing higher yields, but which produces the "better" product seems to vary from crop to crop and from grower to grower. I have seen studies illustrating that tomatoes grown in hydroponics have higher nutritional contents while in my other hand I was holding a study that said organically grown tomatoes had a higher nutritional content. Consider experimenting with a portion of your crop. You may choose to do a side by side trial and repeat it several times before passing judgment as to which method works the best for your individual growing situation. Remember that if nothing more is ventured nothing more can be gained. If you're not much into experimenting I would recommend sticking with a proven winner."

Source http://www.simplyhyd...aste_better.htm
Carvin you could do a flush 2 weeks before harvest :P
you know what i'm talking about... ;) not sure that works with plants the keep producing fruit.

Canna growers are light years ahead in...
thats what happends when millions of people reasearch it over the coarce of millions years lol.
We have a lot to learn from canna growers. But if there was one that was further along than the rest it would be Sir. Jorge Cervantes aka
George Van Patten. Seriously YouTube him for great tips because that guy is a legend. He is also entertaining to watch if you arent afraid that the Gov is going to bust your door down for watching his vids.

Im sure you have seen his movies? It been a little while since I was in to that scene but I doubt much has changed.

I would like to hear some one ask him about MG :rofl: He was pushing Organics when I was pooping in cloth rags, OK fine I proboably used diapers but not by choice. BAHAHA
RAS TRENT FTW! Skibbidy Whaoa!!! Warning I am in a strange mood this morning :dance: and its not from that ^^^
Carvin asked his bud at work, and he said the plant can't tell the diffenece from organics or synthetics."he proved it in the lab when he was working on his PhD in horticulture. "

Don't take my word for it, maybe someone with a PhD in horticulture???

Like I said organics have characteristics due to intake of more minerials, just read back.

I would say my last post showed the science behind it all, just read back. "For example, nitrogen is typically available as NO[sub]3[/sub]- or NH[sub]4[/sub]+. It does not matter to the plant whether it came from guano or bottled nutrient."
never mind... to each his own.

Rather than filth up this tread with my opinion, hear is a thread that is more appropriate for my input:

Sorry THP for talking about Organic in a MG thread. I will try to troll less.

Miracle Grow is good...
Hero worship of cannabis growers is cool but the fact remains synthetic fertilizers and organics get you to the same place.

Organics lead to better soil conditions leading to less fertilzation down the road. In essence,I would prefer to use organics, no salt build up in containers, but I do it for my own reasons and experience, not because of some you tube videos.

Soil health leads to plant health unless you continually apply product, I would rather try the healthy soil route. It just seems more logical.
Hero worship of cannabis growers is cool but the fact remains synthetic fertilizers and organics get you to the same place.

Organics lead to better soil conditions leading to less fertilzation down the road. In essence,I would prefer to use organics, no salt build up in containers, but I do it for my own reasons and experience, not because of some you tube videos.

Soil health leads to plant health unless you continually apply product, I would rather try the healthy soil route. It just seems more logical.

Really man "Hero worship" thanks. his videos are informative, thanks for that little kick in the face man.
The way your post read, it sounded as if you really admired the guy, that is fine. I try to grow things and learn differently than you. I apologize if you took it the wrong way.

The other day you posted another grower with a giant plant, you seem to really be taken by certain growers, here and in the cannabis field. Everybody is different.
You can pick up ideas from many sources, but I rarely promote any idea unless I have personal experience with a process.

I believe experience is rock solid and that is when I feel comfortable promoting a product or process.

Anyway Miracle Grow gets you to a point, fed plants. Whereas organic get you into a process, the process of building up soil to support your plants. Which I believe is better.

My thought...my experience.