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Anime, What are you watching right now.

Anime gets a bad rep so much good stuff.
I suggest cowboy bebop
Samurai Champloo
Howls Moving Castle (movie, also any movie made by this guy)
FMA brotherhood

I'm currently watching Baccano!
i recognize the name of each but haven't watched any except for FMA, not brotherhood though. Isn't that the one where they redo the whole series but as if they made different choices or something? 
BigB said:
i recognize the name of each but haven't watched any except for FMA, not brotherhood though. Isn't that the one where they redo the whole series but as if they made different choices or something? 
I actually never seen the original which surprises me. I believe people say it more closely follows the manga but just the way it's done overall is so enthralling. the movie they made as a side piece in the middle of the anime is pretty good too. 
Watching Eurikas Seven right now at work while on the night shift. Nothing to jump up and down at... HEY GO WATCH STEINS GATE! 
OSUPepperGuy said:
SG was pretty damn good too 
hmmm. i just read something and it looks interesting. text messaging the past? I think someone told me on here to watch akira, so i downloaded that. it's on my broken computer though haha. I need to watch the ghost in a shell movie series though, i've seen the 1st one and liked it. I guess i like anime that have some sort of fighting and a very unique plot. Definitely stoked for the naruto gaiden manga that just came out last week. next issue tomorrow!
BigB said:
hmmm. i just read something and it looks interesting. text messaging the past? I think someone told me on here to watch akira, so i downloaded that. it's on my broken computer though haha. I need to watch the ghost in a shell movie series though, i've seen the 1st one and liked it. I guess i like anime that have some sort of fighting and a very unique plot. Definitely stoked for the naruto gaiden manga that just came out last week. next issue tomorrow!
To me there is much more anime I don't like than I do. but there are a ton of gems out there. Steins Gate gets a little trippy. I like ghost in the shell stuff too. I got done watching Monster awhile back it's older. was pretty good actually. 
have you watched tokyo ghoul? it has 2 seasons. I love it, and the ending of the 2nd series is unexpected. The 1st arc follows the manga perfectly, the 2nd arc kind of strays away but has the same main plot points, but the lead character is on a  different side. It's kind of weird. I've read a little bit of the 3rd arc and it's definitely interesting, but I love the premise of the whole series. There are ghouls with awesome powers who look like humans and try to integrate with society, but they can't eat anything but human flesh, so it's a terrible divide. The main character is half ghoul half human and it's really interesting to see the emotional struggle that he goes through and how humans are just at fault as the ghouls are for massacring each other. Is it wrong to want to survive if all you can digest is human flesh?
BigB said:
have you watched tokyo ghoul? it has 2 seasons. I love it, and the ending of the 2nd series is unexpected. The 1st arc follows the manga perfectly, the 2nd arc kind of strays away but has the same main plot points, but the lead character is on a  different side. It's kind of weird. I've read a little bit of the 3rd arc and it's definitely interesting, but I love the premise of the whole series. There are ghouls with awesome powers who look like humans and try to integrate with society, but they can't eat anything but human flesh, so it's a terrible divide. The main character is half ghoul half human and it's really interesting to see the emotional struggle that he goes through and how humans are just at fault as the ghouls are for massacring each other. Is it wrong to want to survive if all you can digest is human flesh?
I'll give it a shot. I actually remember my girlfriend mention this awhile back. I plead the fifth of the human flesh for survival haha! Oh and is the show more mature? Does sound good...
D3monic said:
I downloaded monster to watch at work in case the network was too slow for metflix. A really good site for free english dubbed anime is
I'll check it out. In the past I used Animetorrents.me and just downloaded a bunch at once. this site looks a little better
Monster is great I liked it a lot. Another to check out is death note, most people have watched it. The ending isn't the best but the show was pretty entertaining. 
i use animeram.org they have a great list and archive. I've been watching the yugioh arc v too haha. I watched the original series as a child, it think it's interesting how the show/game evolved. 

OSUPepperGuy said:
I'll give it a shot. I actually remember my girlfriend mention this awhile back. I plead the fifth of the human flesh for survival haha! Oh and is the show more mature? Does sound good...
yea it's a mature show, definitely not for young children. but who knows really, lots of age groups watch that anime, just like naruto and bleach. what's death note about? I hear that one a lot
BigB said:
i use animeram.org they have a great list and archive. I've been watching the yugioh arc v too haha. I watched the original series as a child, it think it's interesting how the show/game evolved. 

yea it's a mature show, definitely not for young children. but who knows really, lots of age groups watch that anime, just like naruto and bleach. what's death note about? I hear that one a lot
main character is a young guy whos really intelligent. he stumbles upon this book and I can't remember what was significant about it at that point. Eventually you learn that by writing peoples names in the book they will die by a heart attack. And the owner of the book is a shinigami named Ryuk. Hes the best character in the show. So the kids plan is to elminate all the awful criminals in the world. and of course it doesn't' always go as planned. Most people that watch it love it, at least in my experience. 
watch it on animeram.org and the 1st mirror link is in english. There are a few videos that aren't available in english, but i've only run into i think 2 or 3 and i'm in the 50s episode now
OSUPepperGuy said:
Hunter x Hunter looks so good but I just can't stand watching anime subbed :/ 
BigB said:
now that the tokyo ghoul season is over and they're on break, i needed something new. Naruto is going to end next season too. i just started watching hunter x hunter recently. It's kind of funny and amusing. the corny harmonica music is pretty clutch, i always laugh when i hear it every episode. I want to rewatch kill la kill now that i'm actually learning nihon go (japanese language), but have plenty of hunter left.
I watch naruto as well. Haven't heard much of the other ones IMA have to check em out
Several shows i'm bouncing around watching right now as new episodes get uploaded. Second season of highschool dxd, absolute duo, maria the virgin witch, durarara season 2 , death parade ect. 
Frank if you haven't seen Deadman wonderland start there. Great show
I use to watch a bit of Anime.... i think alot more boundries can be pushed in animation that wouldnt work in live action or cgi.... some have some really interesting story lines too and are very well written. My nephew is right into it now... very much a passion of his.... he does his own drawings.... collects the figurines.... dresses up as characters and goes to all the convention....
The last series i watched completely was Deathnote which i thought was excellent. Others series i enjoyed are a bit older but good none the less.... Neon Genisis Evangelion, Rurouni Kenshin, Beserk, Trigun, Ghost in the Shell
Also a big fan of the Studio Ghibli films... hoping to visit the ghibli museum later this year. Might check out some of the other recommendations in this thread