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Annie's 2014 Glog: FINAL Grow List before new 2014 glog

Began 2013 yesterday morning. 12 hour soak seed soak in potassium nitrate and H202 (diluted) in ice trays. Kept warm on heat mats. Mix is Promix BX with a lot of perlite added. Pre-moistened, then put in 72 cell 6 pack flats and bottom watered on heat mat to fully wet mix with Actinovate, kelp, Biotamax--a sliver--then drained, aerated with fork, then back to mats to await seeds. Lost a few seeds as I'm handier with turkey baster (obviously from seeds left in bulb when clean-up) when it's used for Q or turkey, but have plenty of viable seeds. Trying to prevent damping off. Seeds from Chris, Jamie (Romy6), Ed, Judy (pepperlover.com), peppergal, peppermania, Baker Creek, Trade Winds, Tomato Grower's Supply, My Patriot Supply . . . and my own saved. Now to prevent damping off. Have ordered Pyrethrin to go with Actinovate, lots of fans, soil temps were 85 this morning when wood stove was dying, restoked, back up to 90F, soil temps (sorry, no pic), as while carrying in wood in our ice and snow/ice storm yesterday morning, I fell. Sorta fell. Falling would have hurt less: why do we try to stop the inevitable? This is my first grow of superhots, so please, any suggestions?! Lemme know, please. Right now the domes are on again, but will be slanting them off in a couple days, if not sooner, and always, flats get 20 minutes fresh air in morning. (Freezing but fresh air <grin>.)




Lights and mylar box--other side of shelving unit is large white sheet (and I know the mylar is crinkled). Also there's some diluted Clorox gunk am gonna get off, but for now, I like the idea of diluted Clorox gunk.


Other side lights: fans


Thanks to so many helpful members here. I hope these seeds hook, live long, prosper, aka do not damp-off. Updates, I hope :rolleyes:. Peace, Annie
I shed a few tears reading this Annie...I know through the pages of your glog how much you loved your Mawmaw. Peace be with her and more importantly, peace be with you and your family in this sad time. Sounds as though she lived a full, wonderful life full of love and heartache. She really LIVED...Your words above are a wonderful tribute. Thank you for sharing.

I'm sorry to read about you & your families loss but her lessons and memories will always live on as long as you pass the information along to your loved ones. May she RIP and may you all have strength to carry on as she would have ...
I shed a few tears reading this Annie...I know through the pages of your glog how much you loved your Mawmaw. Peace be with her and more importantly, peace be with you and your family in this sad time. Sounds as though she lived a full, wonderful life full of love and heartache. She really LIVED...Your words above are a wonderful tribute. Thank you for sharing.


I am sorry about your loss of your Mawmaw. My heart goes out to you and yours at this time. Thank you for sharing her stories here.



So sorry for your loss.

Thank you, everyone. Seriously. Thank you ;)
Thank you, Carl and Scott. Really.

Isn't it interesting when people you've not seen in five gazillion years, don't recall the names of, suddenly drop by with food and won't leave and talk about every miniscule detail that happens in a small town (or ever did happen) and what my mother really needs is to rest?

But then, my father says, in some line of reasoning that somebody might've led him to, "And yeah there was that man who ate his wife . . ." and that's when ya put the food down and want to run everybody out with a broom handle . . . it never fails . . .

So, my middle brother and I picked up on that one and said, "Yeah cannibalism is completely accepted in some cultures." "And cheaper than funerals . . ." My oldest nephew is a dentist in Naples, FL., and being raised in this family, knew precisely what bro and I were doing, and jumped in with the details of a pretty grotesque root canal. (That was the coup de grace, such an excellent touch!) So the "unknown folks" thankfully hastily exited, which was the plan, so Mama could get some peace since she's the executor of the estate, has to finish planning the funeral, ad infinitum. I know my grandmother was looking down, laughing her ass off, thinking, "I have some smartassed offspring who know how to protect their Mama and grandmother: I done good!" (At some point ya gotta find some humor, which is how Mawmaw would want it!)

Again, thank ya'll! So much.
Annie, it was such a blessing to all of us for you to celebrate the life of your Mawmaw here. She sounds like an amazing woman. I celebrate with you her return home and pray for you that your sorrow for your loss is short and filled with the great memories of the wonderful times you two shared together.

Those babies are looking like they can't wait to get into the dirt and grow, grow, grow.

Happy Easter, my lady. What a great time of year :)
Annie, it was such a blessing to all of us for you to celebrate the life of your Mawmaw here. She sounds like an amazing woman. I celebrate with you her return home and pray for you that your sorrow for your loss is short and filled with the great memories of the wonderful times you two shared together.

Those babies are looking like they can't wait to get into the dirt and grow, grow, grow.

Happy Easter, my lady. What a great time of year :)

Thank you, dearest Bill . . . ;). So, so true!
There is a gospel song that I listened to for a long time after I lost my grandma. Kinda brought me comfort. Words go like this.

May His peace be with you till we meet again​
May His peace be with you till we meet again​
Till we reach that distant shore​
And we'll shed a tear no more​
May He give you strength to endure​
Till we meet again​

May His love be with you till we meet again​
May His love be with you till we meet again​
Till we reach that promised land​
And we'll walk hand in hand​
May He give you strength to stand​
Till we meet again​

Kirk Franklin​

Peace be upon you and your family my friend. Heartache dont last always.​
There is a gospel song that I listened to for a long time after I lost my grandma. Kinda brought me comfort. Words go like this.

May His peace be with you till we meet again​

May His peace be with you till we meet again

Till we reach that distant shore

And we'll shed a tear no more

May He give you strength to endure

Till we meet again

May His love be with you till we meet again

May His love be with you till we meet again

Till we reach that promised land

And we'll walk hand in hand

May He give you strength to stand

Till we meet again

Kirk Franklin

Peace be upon you and your family my friend. Heartache dont last always.

Pia, thank you sweetie. Seems like the days after are just . . . well . . . didn't feel, had no room to feel, the shock at the time, and now, am allowing myself to feel it, knowing that I can never call her again and ask her what's wrong with some tomato plant, what treatment I should apply to a rose bush . . . or just go by with a KENtucky biscuit and leg for her and talk/laugh with her. . . thank you for the gospel song! Seems like I've lived off them and faith over past few days and that's all we can ever do: live on faith. I know I'm being selfish because she's finally being able to "play in the dirt" again and do what she did best: nurture people and plants, all living creatures. Again, thank you, dearest. I'll be back on this site with more regularity in next while after I help my mother, who lost her mother as well as best friend, do what she has to do. Once more, thank you, hon. Much peace "in deeds" to us all. Mawmaw used to say, "I don't see why folks want to show their butts and do cruel, hurtful things, because just by being alive, pain's gonna come to us." Peace . . .Thank you ;)
Annie I hope all is well with the start of a new week, and that the sun is shining for you. ............peace

It is, sweetest Greg! Put up the riser for that greenhouse today with a friend and another friend gave me a "prescription" for a therapeutic healing massage, pressure point, meridian . . . about half Emotional Freedom Technique "event" tonight with a licensed practitioner. Worked wonders. As he said, "nurture the heart-math-mind-body healing" and am going to! AND he's licensed to deal with cardio patients so, am "gifting," as Ramon/Walkgood says, my mother one :P. Yes, peace, yes! Annie
Update . . . Am potting up gazillion tomatoes later today so . . . here's some THP shots (aside from eplant)


Trini CARDI, Perfume, JA Reds, 7 Pod Browns, 7 Pod Brown x Naga, Ramon's Pops, Choc Habs, Red Manzanos, Mexican Manzanos and the little Douglah (that actually is growing, but slowly . . . unlike his bros but that's okay too!)


Just had to get shot of that little Yellow Bouquet (Kevin/Wayright seed--thanks Mr. Kev!): he said it made a great powder with yellow 7's so . . . I think I may actually (maybe) see. Not planting out until end of month. It's got good stem now.


Objects on computer are larger than they seem? Ramon's Pop JA Hab has shot UP in last couple days . . . though lost JA Red in this, the "baby tray" but they got fed today and are happy about that! Thanks Mawmaw! ;)


Some fatalii yellow and red, red naga, choc habs, some seed a friend gave me and by her description, sounds like Kev's Yellow Bouquet (yay!), Harold St. Barts, Orange Thai (one of my LOVES) and . . . friends.


Now, that Naga on end looks like . . . death but food seems to have resurrected it. I said, "Dude, Easter was Sunday. Get a grip." And he might not be ascending soon ner nothin' BUT looks very healthy now. Just needed some food! Imagine. (Thanks, Mawmaw! :party: ) A bunch of stuff in here, grouped by height: 7 Pod Browns, some of Ramon's seed (the girls), more fatalii, some bells, some . . . that anaheim's tried to die couple times (he had help: "operator error") but looks really healthy now. Amazed at how the Naga came back, but no shots of it at the moment.


These things are about 6" tall, and I'd put them in soil (with extra secret special planting mix now but . . . can and will wait). Nice serranos, jals, and Jalapa as well as Ixtapa Jals, Giant Jals . . . need to open a canned jal in chipotle sauce store or sumpin. Hoping for some great pico de gallo from Se&ntilde;or Serrano and his bros. Empty spots? Death. Life, death, life cycle. A couple poblano went to active compost bin, giving life back again . . . if got two plobano am good, if got one poblano, am good.


A few eggplant, pasilla, one of Ramon's gals, hiding behind the pasilla, and on far right in back is a big Scotch bonnet . . . Weather's supposed to turn warm and stay there. Which would be a "warm welcome." Again, thanks for looking! Much much peace. Annie
Sorry to hear of your loss. She sounds like an exceptional person, who lived a fulfilling life. I hope you will always feel her with you when you garden. You are an amazing grower and she must've played a large part in that. Best of luck to you and many happy memories of your Mawmaw.
Hi Annie,

Nice update, those babies are coming along!

It won't be long until dirt day! I think (now that's dangerous) I read somewhere you were planting 7,500sq'? Wow! that's a huge garden AND it rains there! Weeds!

Good luck girl!

Hi Annie,

Nice update, those babies are coming along!

It won't be long until dirt day! I think (now that's dangerous) I read somewhere you were planting 7,500sq'? Wow! that's a huge garden AND it rains there! Weeds!

Good luck girl!


"AND it rains there! Weeds!" Now, Scott, it didn't stop "floodin' down in Texas" did it? ;) (I have to explain Stevie Ray lyrics to some folks around here and others have seen too many John Wayne movies. Now I just say, "IT'S a BIG STATE with about 20 different climates and . . . never mind." "You might be a Texan when you defend it and it's been 15 years since you had a Tejas driver's license." "You might be a Texan when you put a grille guard on a Subaru . . ." Actually, friend of mine from San Angelo traded her old truck for a VW Rabbit. Goes home to see her parents in Sand and Jello; when she went out with her mother for lunch, her father put a "low-flyin' billy goat catcher" painted green, to match the Rabbit, on the front of that little car. I mean, WELDED. Professionally. She was livid! Drove up to her house one day, and all of our skilled male friends were out there with disc grinders, dremels, one had weld torch . . . never came off. I thought guard was pretty cool, personally. She bought a new truck. We'd do Bob Wills' "Ahh haaaaaa!" every time she drove up in that damn Rabbit.

Ah . . . da weeds. Yes, sometimes it rains here. But weeds happen even if it doesn't (Satan created crab and bermuda grass) so . . . winter before last, after pulling and burning and pulling and burning, I put down a good foot of tamped straw, wet cardboard/layers newspaper between rows. Blood and bone meal, bat guano, worm castings, Azomite, kelp meal only in planting holes. ("Weeds will get no nitrogen, no phosphorous, no potassium, no micronutes.") Nary a weed, my friend. And it held in moisture so I didn't have to irrigate as much. But straw did raise soil pH so have already limed that field :rolleyes: . It's always windy when ya lime, if needed.

But yep. Almost time . . . almost. :party: Which is close enough for me! How's your garden and nice irrigation system going? Don tell me temps, or I might cry for missing my BIG adopted home-state. Here's one for ya, my dear friend back in the 70's; Joe was about 17. One of the greatest albums of all time, imo. Jimmie Dale's best song, imo ;) Dang that theramin! How totally and wonderfully . . . weird. Enjoy! (That theremin makes this, More a Legend than a Band, truly the first "alternative" music EVER recorded. More psychedelic than Jimi!) Thanks for lookin' Scott! "Dallas" by The Flatlanders:

Looking great Annie! It does rain in TX...but Devine, well not so often. When it does rain down there its the kind that makes the news with folks on the roof of their grill-guarded VW's floating down a "Dry Wash" that ain't so dry anymore. Weeds however...worst nut-grass ever! I hope you don't have that trouble Devv!
And believe it or not it rained .8 last night and .6 today! As dry as it's been you're liable to see old timers splashing around in puddles (I was tempted). Puddles! I saw one today!

Ah it's the damn Bermuda grass at my place, but I have my ways of punishing it.

Annie we're ready for Stevie Ray's song to ring true! Can you say turd floater? Bring it on!

Garden's "hanging", I'm out there trying to keep the tomatoes in their cages, can't miss a single day.

We used to do the same thing when we lived in Magnolia Tx. with the newspapers very effective, at the end of the season till em in.

Two more days work days left.

Take care,
