• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Annie's 2014 Glog: FINAL Grow List before new 2014 glog

Began 2013 yesterday morning. 12 hour soak seed soak in potassium nitrate and H202 (diluted) in ice trays. Kept warm on heat mats. Mix is Promix BX with a lot of perlite added. Pre-moistened, then put in 72 cell 6 pack flats and bottom watered on heat mat to fully wet mix with Actinovate, kelp, Biotamax--a sliver--then drained, aerated with fork, then back to mats to await seeds. Lost a few seeds as I'm handier with turkey baster (obviously from seeds left in bulb when clean-up) when it's used for Q or turkey, but have plenty of viable seeds. Trying to prevent damping off. Seeds from Chris, Jamie (Romy6), Ed, Judy (pepperlover.com), peppergal, peppermania, Baker Creek, Trade Winds, Tomato Grower's Supply, My Patriot Supply . . . and my own saved. Now to prevent damping off. Have ordered Pyrethrin to go with Actinovate, lots of fans, soil temps were 85 this morning when wood stove was dying, restoked, back up to 90F, soil temps (sorry, no pic), as while carrying in wood in our ice and snow/ice storm yesterday morning, I fell. Sorta fell. Falling would have hurt less: why do we try to stop the inevitable? This is my first grow of superhots, so please, any suggestions?! Lemme know, please. Right now the domes are on again, but will be slanting them off in a couple days, if not sooner, and always, flats get 20 minutes fresh air in morning. (Freezing but fresh air <grin>.)




Lights and mylar box--other side of shelving unit is large white sheet (and I know the mylar is crinkled). Also there's some diluted Clorox gunk am gonna get off, but for now, I like the idea of diluted Clorox gunk.


Other side lights: fans


Thanks to so many helpful members here. I hope these seeds hook, live long, prosper, aka do not damp-off. Updates, I hope :rolleyes:. Peace, Annie
Well, I wanted to leave some positive votes here, but apparently I've used my quota for the day. How does that happen only a half hour into the day? What is the quota anyway? Anyway, here's a "like this".
Thank you my darling. Its been 14 years now. I didnt have a relationship with him but im glad I went to Miami to his funeral. My mom and dad separated when I was three months old and she never looked back. He coulda walked past me in the street and I wouldnt have known it. Still, I am glad I said good bye. Addiction is horrible. I work for the Division of Child Protection and Permanency and 99% of our cases deal with drugs. I see first hand the effects of drugs has on kids. Some parents work it out for the babies. Some dont and the kids go to good homes (Most likely family). Stay the course GF. Remember its a disease and nothing you should be ashamed of overcoming. ITS A DISEASE. Like many other potentially lethal diseases, sometimes you live and are a survivor. Sometimes you don't. You, my friend, are a survivor. My BESTIE from high school is dealing with breast cancer right now. Her struggles are very similar to the struggles of a recovering addict. It is essential for both to STAY STRONG and have FAITH. Godbless

My prayers are with your best friend, sweetie. Prayer's powerful. I'm glad you went to his funeral too. Not for "closure" because that term's being bantered about like "co-dependency" used to be. I sense you're at peace with it.

You have an absolute heart of gold . . . brought a tear to my eye first thing this morning, well after checking my onions transplants to see if they were allium-sicles . . . maybe they made me cry, reading this ;).

I was a Licensed Professional Counselor and because I took those 18 hours in Family/Marriage, I worked with families of addicts . . . a lot. And Department Social Services. And foster care and . . . babies, adoption . . . ya know the drill. And anywhere else in the country, say, Austin, NYC, Atalanta even? I'd stress the bio-psychosocial model of addiction. Around here, I stressed the disease model (which the bio-psych-sosh includes), because I had families just short of bringing in snakes to office or me going to their homes, and they broke out speaking in tongues because addiction was "a si-iii-ii-ii-ii--nnnnnnn"--that has about 5 syllables in the rural Bible belt. I tried explaining disease to them but if they wanted to go with moral model, heck; nothing I could do to change their minds since these folks think diabetes is a "sii-ii-ii-ii-nnnnn" (just keep the snake fondling away from me).

I feel ya and respect your work. After 15 years I had to get out! And developed a pretty morbid sense of humor. Went to one woman to tell her that her son was dead and she said, "Ya mean I hit him?" Me: "Ma'am, excuse me?" The muthaf**a came up in here want to take my box last night, gonna sell it for crack, so shit; I shot at him." Me: "Oh. No, Ma'am. He OD'ed." The mother: "Well. I missed." Oh yeah: family work is just lovely. I got back in the car and strarted laughing. Felt like I was in midst of a Fellini film. "Well. I missed." I truly respect your work, Pia! But after 15 years, I had to go that other grad degree and teach at uni level. In NC, they'll burn ya faster than a dry Christmas tree. I wondered if the Board in Raleigh's theme song was Wither's "Use Me." But they ain't that smart! smh. Again, prayers with your friend, dear woman! :dance:
:bday: to me! 20 years :dance:

Enough of that. Pepper growth update.


The babies have grown a lot since last week. Some Ramon's/Walkgood JA Habs, Jamie/Romy6 7 Pod Brown and X Nagas one little one potted up yesterday from Kevin/Wayright a Yellow Bouquet. Needs to bootokay it's butt up and grow ;) and it will. Or it will die. Ain't that the truth will all thangs. Next:


Sorry not to relabel some of Ramon's but these are his JA Habs, not MoA's and Carib Reds.


Lost a Jaloro, no biggie as got plenty but it had great root structure for a neglected, underwatered plant. Somebody sang taps. :rofl: These are manzanos, Inca Red Drops and a gigantic Trini Scorp at left front.

Some Choc Habs, 7 pod yellows, Bonda Ma Jacques, and Fatalii: :party:


Close up of one Trin Douglah that has decided to be big boy smh . . .


Choc and Peach Bhuts and Trin CARDI (thank you Jamie/Romy6!)


I couldn't resist! Most have 2nd set true leaves. So what does Early Girl tom have business in same 1020 with Earl's Faux and Black Krim? Dunno. Gonna pot up at end of week. They got fertigated yesterday. Dang, lotta maters.


Orange Thai, Cayenne, Tabasco, a lot of varieties of Jalapeno . . .

Have more pics but will post some more later. It was SNOWING when I shot these. Just flurries. :rofl: 25F below normal.

I went out took soil samples of big garden late Saturday pH low, I suspected cal/mag low so tilled in 15 lbs. of dolomite lime. That, and the junk I put in planting holes should do it. Or help. Now, I had planned, because another great recovery saying, because this is how "normal" people think and adjust, "Make plans, make God laugh," I had planned on having that little greenhouse 8 x 4 up and running in warmth by now. Wrong. Mama Nature/God plans exceeded mine, as usual. So, will wait it out. Did a great freakout and called Dixondale onions to buy more and they said not to worry unless we got down to single digits. Not quite there. Y.E.T. = You're Eligible Too. And if baby kale and beets don't make it, that become a cucumber bed, since have some lemons and Armenian really want to try in super controlled soil :rolleyes: . So got this question: which if any of these would do well in containers? The 7 Pod yellows, Brains, Fatalii, were so so so easy to pick last year: stand up and pick lots, and I'm 5'6." The choc habs, carib reds, stayed closer to earth. Thai orange? Does it grow compact like Thai Red but then I've had Thai Reds be gonzo. Same goes for jals, esp. since growing the Jalapa and Giant this year. Tabasco is huge, tall inground. I imagine manzanos . . . ya'll tis a space issue! Any ideas? Will gladly repost and update grow list. Thanks for looking! Much peace, Annie
Wow 25 below burrrrrr and I just got out of the pool ;) I hope your onions kale and beets make it, is there anything else that I missed? The little girls look great, not just mine, but all dem muchacha! Keep da faith and the warmth will soon follow. Here&rsquo;s a tune from William Royce that is sure to bring you some warmth your way from &ldquo;Miss Sun!&rdquo;
&raquo;&raquo; Foobar2k ::: Boz Scaggs - Hits! (1980) - 03 - Miss Sun ::: 0:39/5:32 (&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;) ::: 669 kbps &laquo;&laquo; ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪

OMG almost forgot to wish you a Happy Natal Day!

&raquo;&raquo; Foobar2k ::: Beatles, The - The Beatles (The White Album) Disk 2 (1968) - 01 - Birthday ::: 0:06/2:43 (&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;) ::: 481 kbps &laquo;&laquo;

*BTW when you see my irc tunes here, they're really playing so I'm think of you by this tune on your special day, so get off da net and have some fun!
Thank you so much, querido! ;) Hay personas en nuestras familias de nacimiento y hermanos y hermanas en nuestras familias de elegir, escojer . . . family of choice . . . mi hermano :party: Thanks for the song and "hot" pic :P

Plants are looking good!

Sorry for the weather, hopefully this is the last blast! We're scheduled for 30's in the AM. I'm home due to AC installation tomorrow so I can watch things. They lied about this morning it was 42 here (Yeah!).

Happy B-Day!

Happy belated birthday Annie. Glad to see your babies are growing up . :party:

If I understand your question about which plants will do better in containers I would grow the yellow 7's and brains in containers. They are very vigorous and seem to react well in containers. As for the jal's and Thai's I think they would do better inground . I have had a red hab in the same container for over 3 years . And a choc hab for over two. Also heavy producers. :fireball:
So did you have a great day yesterday ... more importantly did you get all your natal day wishes? Hopefully mama sun shined a little warmth your way ...

It was my sobriety b-day b-day, but then, I celebrate them both equally as are equally fun: thank you sweetie! :P

I "got" a power outtage as was typing replies to everybody last night! High winds, ice on trees, hmm. I could have posted on laptop but had gone to meeting to meet a friend giving me my 20 year medallion, flew in from Austin, who has other friends here as well.

After the meeting and dinner, bunch of us went up to Brown Mountain to look for the lights, no lights, lots of snow and Austin buddy saying, "Shit, it's COLD up here!" (I neglected to tell her about the cold snap . . . maybe intentionally! :rofl:.) She's like "Snow! Cool!" :rolleyes: Then it got colder and colder and it was no longer "Cool!" "Okay my plane leaves Charlotte in 3 days . . ." lol, and it's not wise to leave car on at Brown Mnt. Overlook, as if the lights appear, they tend to kill ya car. We sat there drinking hot coffee from thermoses: friend from Brooklyn is good friends with buddy from Austin, saying, "Damnit, beotch, it's balmy. I thought I sawr a light!" (It was downtown Morganton and Hickory.) I've known these folks for over 20 years so . . . then . . . power went out here. Lights didn't appear for us but friend from NYC is convinced he "sawr" the Brown Mountain Lights so I let him believe that since he would not be convinced he didn't! Power went out so I'm, "Here's a bedroom, down comforter, there's one, same deal, or sleep together, don't care, going to bed. Nite!"

Thanks so much Ramon! Crazy and fun evening. Went to Los Arcos Iris Mex restaurant after the A.A. meeting and closed the place. All my buddies speak Spanish too, so we got great service.

Hubbie is snowed in at Cherokee, casino, ran out of money :rofl:: I told him to trout fish on the rez since he can't count cards in b-jack, obviously. (He'd have better luck catching a trout in snowstorm! They at least do bite in snow. Okay maybe not a blizzard . . . ) Fun day and no: didn't wire him more money to blow! 2k loss in one day is quite enough. At least we could smoke and eat the trout :rofl: ;)
Annie, Plants are looking good! Sorry for the weather, hopefully this is the last blast! We're scheduled for 30's in the AM. I'm home due to AC installation tomorrow so I can watch things. They lied about this morning it was 42 here (Yeah!). Happy B-Day! Scott

Thanks Scott! . . . beginning to wonder about that warmth but we do have an expected high of a total 61F at end of week, 15 below average. . . lol. See above post to Ramon, power went out here last night with guests in . . . just as was about to post here after an excursion to one of our strange/natural phenom spots, late . . . I didn't mess with lap top. They're out thinking they gonna hike South Mountain trails this morning but eh, let an Austinite and Brooklynite figure it out: there's ice all OVER those rocks. They'll be okay . . . gave them the trail map . . . once they figure out rocks ain't happening, they do the trail

Well, well, well. It's my girls Bday. Dooooo tell!!!!! Happy born day to ya. Many many more. Those big babies look terrific and ready for some good ole sun. I had snow today. I am completely over these weather schinanigans.

Pia, thank you! Yeah, we had snow here too, grrr. I'm gonna checkout your glog as trying to dry maters enough to transplant next couple days . . . wish it would warm up so that greenhouse would be of some value. Babies were chanting, "Dirt, dirt, dirt" before this week. Now they're "Huntuh! What you talkin' about ME goin' out THERE." smh! Peace girl!

Wow, I love this! :P

NO DOUBT! Coolest cake ever seen!
Happy Birthday! :bday:

Sobriety/clean date, GA! 20 years. But one would not have happened without other . . . there I go with Zen koans again! THANK YOU, hon!


Thanks Aranksawyer!

Happy belated birthday Annie. Glad to see your babies are growing up . :party: If I understand your question about which plants will do better in containers I would grow the yellow 7's and brains in containers. They are very vigorous and seem to react well in containers. As for the jal's and Thai's I think they would do better inground . I have had a red hab in the same container for over 3 years . And a choc hab for over two. Also heavy producers. :fireball:

Thank you, Jamie! Okay, 7's are going inground, unless I run out of ground . . . soooo just in case, what do you use to prop them/cage/hold up those tall chillren in pots, sweetness ? You got some TALL sons growing up here in the new Arctic North. I think somebody was talking about sq. inch gardening but . . . and what size containers? I'd thought about choc habs, carib reds, JA reds, scotch bons, Bonda Mas in pots . . . but what size since am probably using 15 gal these:http://www.greenhous...0340/containers Root Pouches. Be good for bushing/low like the chab, bonda ma, carib reds, JA reds, etc. Sit them on big pavers, cut CRW to fit pot . . . 5-1-1 mix and drip emiters! If my husband hasn't accessed our account (or mortgaged house :shocked:) to blow more money at casino, at which he is snowed in. Damn, if a man can't play cards . . . why? :banghead:

I can get some 5 and 7 gal npots from my h.s. buddy with tree nursery but he suggested the root pouches since they're using lots of those now. He said he'd pass along his wholesale savings but I don't need 25 gal pots. Unless you can come up with something totally engineery and ingenius with that idea? With 5-1-1 mix, filling wouldn't be that expensive but not sure 5-1-1 was intended for rootp's or smartp's or . . . the cloth thingies. Thank you so much for all you do, Jamie! Got some hot/sweet Mountain Chow-Chow with your name on it brewing in my head. I think Douglah would be nice in that moihaha!
You Da Poo...Happy B-Day lady. 20 years is a HUGE accomplishment. My dad is 15 this year...and 68.

Plants are looking great! The weather is being fickle, but that'll make the harvests that much sweeter when they come. Keep them green and put them out when the time is right...one false step with the weather is a sure end to the season, so better safe than sorry!!! Always fun reading your posts.
Annie, you have a wonderful glog. I have learned much-- and googled much, too! I didn't know about the mosquito dunks and gnats. They have seemed to be multiplying this week. Not fun for me and my floaters-I see bugs everywhere (ha ha). They seem to be coming off the OW'd peppers and lemon tree and I don't want them to find my tender babies downstairs.

Congrats on the twenty years!!!

Sorry I missed the Birthday train.......hope you enjoyed your day!

No problems on the Eastern front...... your plants will be ready when the weather warms up.

Look at all those tomato plants.....I don't know about you but when I thin mine maters out of the flats thay all get potted up. Its difficult to even throw away the weak at heart...sometimes they'll turn out to be the strongest plants.
You Da Poo...Happy B-Day lady. 20 years is a HUGE accomplishment. My dad is 15 this year...and 68.

Plants are looking great! The weather is being fickle, but that'll make the harvests that much sweeter when they come. Keep them green and put them out when the time is right...one false step with the weather is a sure end to the season, so better safe than sorry!!! Always fun reading your posts.

Thank you so much, Shane! So, so, SO good for your dad, hon!

Right now just "harvesting some heat sounds sweet! :rofl:

Walked into Bottom Line in '87, Marti Jones and Friends (by invite) show. This was one of her "friends." Never heard of him but was transfixed. Manager saw my face, said, "That's John Hiatt." I shook my head. "Nope: that's the Janis who lived." Check out the last verse. Around 3:00. Dedicated to ya dad and . . . ALL of us:
from the album, Bring the Family. Much peace ;)

Annie, you have a wonderful glog. I have learned much-- and googled much, too! I didn't know about the mosquito dunks and gnats. They have seemed to be multiplying this week. Not fun for me and my floaters-I see bugs everywhere (ha ha). They seem to be coming off the OW'd peppers and lemon tree and I don't want them to find my tender babies downstairs.

Congrats on the twenty years!!!


Thanks much, Michelle! What I know, I got from here. Amazing site: outstanding folks/teachers, so willing to help!

Sorry I missed the Birthday train.......hope you enjoyed your day!

No problems on the Eastern front...... your plants will be ready when the weather warms up.

Look at all those tomato plants.....I don't know about you but when I thin mine maters out of the flats thay all get potted up. Its difficult to even throw away the weak at heart...sometimes they'll turn out to be the strongest plants.

Thanks Master Greg! ;)

I'm soooooo with ya on the maters. Boy, am I, which is why I need the weather to warm up so I can pot up each tomato seedling. Hate to run a heater out to that little greenhouse but it's not been warm enough in DAY for it collect sun. Just can't do a heater 24/7 in greenhouse . . . in snow . . . smh. Gonna try to hold them off one more week . . . dang :lol:

I'm on a serious John Hiatt roll tonight. Next time ya fix ribs (or Jamie fixes those "flat chickens with the weird bones" :rofl:) Memphis "dry rub"? Do you recognize this venue in "sweet home" Chicago?
This glog is now dedicated to the life and memory of my grandmother. Her love of plants, growing, teaching me how, teaching me how to grow and nurture plants, people.

Forgive me if I'm still in shock, crying for myself, missing my HERO.

Drove Mama and Daddy to nursing home at 4am. And was with my mother, and my grandmother, kissed Mawmaw, as she took her last breath at 5:45am today.

Mawmaw taught me to have fun. She rode rides with me at fair when I was a kid--the stuff ya need adult permission to ride. What a daredevil! Love it!

At 42, she began live over, job, drivers license, took the land my grandfather left her in his will, built a house, created her flower beds, herbal beds, a huge garden space . . . raised her brothers, sisters, lost them, buried them, lost 3 of her six children, took her bible to the woods, her temple, found peace in nature with God.

She never ceased to make me laugh with introspection. When I had two years sober--this was a woman who was raised by and grew up around alcoholics--who had kids who followed in her husband's footsteps--so, I called her when I had 2 years sober and said, "Hey, Mawmaw, I got two years sober today!" And she said, "Well Annie honey, I've got 79 years sober today!" She giggled and said, "Honey, I'm just actin' a fool. I'm proud of you and I wished so many I've loved would've tried. I'm so grateful I have you here, honey."

Uncle Jimmy, the hell-raiser of several counties, when he was older, was . . . similar, young, used to climb the highest tree he could to run from her when he was a kid; she'd try to rock him down but he'd climb higher, yell, "Whacha gonna do 'bout it, Maw?!" Mawmaw said she got "so damn mad," but as she walked back to the house, "I got tickled." She couldn't whip him when he eventually came home because "I was over my mad. Why whip a youngin, when ya over ya mad?"

Never forget the time she told me to plant garlic in June. I was older. In my teens. Then she told me to dig it all up. I asked her why. She said, "Child, ya plant garlic in the fall. You wanted something to do so I just taught ya a lesson. Ya plant garlic in the fall and it comes up the next spring. Bet you won't ferget it neither." Then she brought me tea as I dug up those bulbs and stuck 'em back in that burlap sack she hung in her smokehouse. :rofl: Nope. Never forgot it. (Very large bed of garlic.)

She was the only one in my family who ever apologized to me, because we all mess up: takes humility to apologize. She taught me to know when I was wrong and admit it without being prompted by an external source.

She loved a lot of gospel music, a lot of blues, gave me her Robert Johnson 78 album a few months ago. Kind Hearted Woman Blues, 1936. Loved Willie Nelson. She wanted the CD of this song she heard on radio when she was driving home from work. So I bought her The Rose soundtrack. "The Rose."

Ya'll, thank you! Thank you for growing. Because people who can nurture a seed to a seedling to a plant to harvest, to overwinter, to allow to fade, in this ceaseless cycle of life, death, life also nurture human beings, who go on to nurture seeds to seedlings to plants . . . Pass it on! That's what Mawmaw most taught me: pass it on. Much peace. Annie


Ethel Mae Arrowood Brown. March 29, 1915--March 27, 2013. Photo 1972.