• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Annie's 2014 Glog: FINAL Grow List before new 2014 glog

Began 2013 yesterday morning. 12 hour soak seed soak in potassium nitrate and H202 (diluted) in ice trays. Kept warm on heat mats. Mix is Promix BX with a lot of perlite added. Pre-moistened, then put in 72 cell 6 pack flats and bottom watered on heat mat to fully wet mix with Actinovate, kelp, Biotamax--a sliver--then drained, aerated with fork, then back to mats to await seeds. Lost a few seeds as I'm handier with turkey baster (obviously from seeds left in bulb when clean-up) when it's used for Q or turkey, but have plenty of viable seeds. Trying to prevent damping off. Seeds from Chris, Jamie (Romy6), Ed, Judy (pepperlover.com), peppergal, peppermania, Baker Creek, Trade Winds, Tomato Grower's Supply, My Patriot Supply . . . and my own saved. Now to prevent damping off. Have ordered Pyrethrin to go with Actinovate, lots of fans, soil temps were 85 this morning when wood stove was dying, restoked, back up to 90F, soil temps (sorry, no pic), as while carrying in wood in our ice and snow/ice storm yesterday morning, I fell. Sorta fell. Falling would have hurt less: why do we try to stop the inevitable? This is my first grow of superhots, so please, any suggestions?! Lemme know, please. Right now the domes are on again, but will be slanting them off in a couple days, if not sooner, and always, flats get 20 minutes fresh air in morning. (Freezing but fresh air <grin>.)




Lights and mylar box--other side of shelving unit is large white sheet (and I know the mylar is crinkled). Also there's some diluted Clorox gunk am gonna get off, but for now, I like the idea of diluted Clorox gunk.


Other side lights: fans


Thanks to so many helpful members here. I hope these seeds hook, live long, prosper, aka do not damp-off. Updates, I hope :rolleyes:. Peace, Annie

Looking good!

Mine are mas anemic, but workin' on that.

Lamer Exploder 9 won't let me quote here at work. But no I wasn't there..now rain you say? This had to be awhile ago, cuz it don't rain no mo..


Annie...your plants look good! The two "leetle" ones may have some nute lockout. Hard to tell from a distance, but I think there is probably an imbalance blocking nute uptake. Check your PH and see where it's at (7-7.5ish is good 8+ is bad) and maybe give them some walks out into the real sun on warm days and hopefully you can break them out of their funk.
Annie...your plants look good! The two "leetle" ones may have some nute lockout. Hard to tell from a distance, but I think there is probably an imbalance blocking nute uptake. Check your PH and see where it's at (7-7.5ish is good 8+ is bad) and maybe give them some walks out into the real sun on warm days and hopefully you can break them out of their funk.

God, this kid is reading a danged seminar presentation; I told them not to . . . YAWN.

I think ya might be right on the sunshine, Shane. Soil pH is 6.5 so that's not it. (I checked it for nute-lock.) I think some real sun. Which was going to be the idea for pics when I got home from work but rain . . . damn; Shane--thanks for rescuing me--kid thinks I'm typing notes on his boring presentation which is a SEMINAR pres--smh. Since pH is right, could this be my impatience too? Okay, back to my impatience with students who can't listen or read, obviously, lol. They had a chance to ad-lib, improv and use acting skills aka, fudge, but reading the presentation? UGGGGGGGGGH! :mope: Thanks Shane. Rescue me more if you feel like it, as I got another hour of this :banghead: that passes for evidence of a college education. I'll be here, if you have further comments, lol!
I think maybe more intense light will help them, but if they don't look better soon...maybe a repot in some fresh soil. Good luck. Warming the root zone a bit may help as well. When I get slow growers I throw a seedling heat mat under them for a week or two and it really helps with root development. Good luck listening!!! Gotta do some real work myself now.
My 2 cents, FWIW ;)

Let&rsquo;s start out with the JA Hab which I&rsquo;ll call little MS Kenya ;) Am I wrong in seeing a purple stem? If I&rsquo;m right, that means too much water at this stage. I&rsquo;d cut back on water and all nutes and as Shane said sun should help but not if it&rsquo;s 40 out like you say. Let little Ms Kenya dry out some &hellip; don&rsquo;t loose her, I&rsquo;d love to get your feedback on how you like the taste of my favorite pepper ^_^

On Jamie&rsquo;s (romy6) I can&rsquo;t tell for sure because the pictures are over head and I can&rsquo;t see the stems. Keep in mind that both Jamie and I grow outdoors, so dem seeds might want more light, plus I&rsquo;m not sure how artificial lighting affects them. Again what Shane said makes sense, if they don&rsquo;t like the lighting they&rsquo;re getting, as soon as it&rsquo;s warm enough take them for a bike ride (only if dem little stems can take it). This simulates the indoor fan and gets them out in dat wonderful sun :)

I can&rsquo;t see their stems but check them for too much loving, water, ferts/nutes, etc &hellip; Love their looks regardless all cept that last shot &hellip; blur &hellip; it indicates as you said &ldquo;eyes were not that wide awake yet,&rdquo; hehe I feel dat too when I first wake.

Edit: forgot to mention, great job ... you gots plenty muchacha and if you don't like my advice please tell me, I don't wana step out of line .... have a great week!
My 2 cents, FWIW ;)

Let&rsquo;s start out with the JA Hab which I&rsquo;ll call little MS Kenya ;) Am I wrong in seeing a purple stem? If I&rsquo;m right, that means too much water at this stage. I&rsquo;d cut back on water and all nutes and as Shane said sun should help but not if it&rsquo;s 40 out like you say. Let little Ms Kenya dry out some &hellip; don&rsquo;t loose her, I&rsquo;d love to get your feedback on how you like the taste of my favorite pepper ^_^

On Jamie&rsquo;s (romy6) I can&rsquo;t tell for sure because the pictures are over head and I can&rsquo;t see the stems. Keep in mind that both Jamie and I grow outdoors, so dem seeds might want more light, plus I&rsquo;m not sure how artificial lighting affects them. Again what Shane said makes sense, if they don&rsquo;t like the lighting they&rsquo;re getting, as soon as it&rsquo;s warm enough take them for a bike ride (only if dem little stems can take it). This simulates the indoor fan and gets them out in dat wonderful sun :)

I can&rsquo;t see their stems but check them for too much loving, water, ferts/nutes, etc &hellip; Love their looks regardless all cept that last shot &hellip; blur &hellip; it indicates as you said &ldquo;eyes were not that wide awake yet,&rdquo; hehe I feel dat too when I first wake.

Edit: forgot to mention, great job ... you gots plenty muchacha and if you don't like my advice please tell me, I don't wana step out of line .... have a great week!

No, Ramon, mi hermano, thanks! No stepping out of line when I need advice "I HAVE A FLAT TIRE!"--stems on all peps started out with purple tinge, but then turned light purple-brown. I only water/feed once per week when they bone dry. Here's another take on purple stems: the plants I ordered from X-country last year had them initially as well and were really healthy in the long run.http://thehotpepper....s-on-seedlings/ This seems to come from indoor lighting, but some of my jals that produced faster than I could keep up, get purple @ nodes, doubt lack of phosphorous as all the peppers get planted in high P bat guano and compost tea with same guano during flowering stage. MS Kenya and her hermanitas gonna be just fine: shocked at that growth, however! She took right off. Your plants aren't doing anything but blowing me away with growth :D Gonna be big girls to fight off the bad boys ;) .

But the 7 Pod Brown x Naga are confusing unless it's the Naga in them, making them grow slowly. I've checked pH and nothing making sense except my impatience. I tugged on one root gently when dry this morning and it HAS root! Made me remember this and while I'm a Brit Romantics freak, don't like Wordsworth too much. However: "Sweet is the lore which Nature brings;/ Our meddling intellect/ Mis-shapes the beauteous forms of things:/-- We murder to dissect" (Wordsworth, "The Tables Turned," 26-29, italics mine"). So, no more pulling on roots. Lest I made W-worth right!

I dunno. I think artificial light and the cross. I won't load them with phosphorous not unless near death. That might make any purple go away, temporarily, but do a lot of harm in long run; no matter how ya shake it, seedlings use 1000x more N than P. So, give them more P at this stage, they'll just suck up more N! Am gonna rearrange trays and stick place, the slowest growing under the most direct light can when get home--leaving shortly. But for a plant grown inside . . . that purple is pretty common until they get to be bigger girls like MS Kenya! Yes, the last shot sucks; in big hurry ;), and "do I wake or do I dream?"--Shakespeare and at moment, forget which play exactly, since waking and dreaming were themes in all of them . . . smh. Freakin' Eng lit! Last "customer" is just leaving. :dance: Outta here! Thank you, mi hermano!

I think you're doing fine:)

They sure do start slow. Watching them is like waiting for water to boil!


And . . . "watched pots don't boil" or "watching paint dry" (which means something with oil, as it never dries ;) and not testing that theory on a Van Gogh; "tested" one of my mother's painted when she was pregnant with me, when I was 13 = near-death experience :shocked:. "I brought ya in and I can take ya out!" Anybody else ever hear that? :rofl: It was never funny at the time).

Peppers do hit a stall but since lol, they're calling for snow next Monday?? to increase g-store sells of milk and bread (and why do people do that? They buy milk and bread even if they got milk and bread!)--it was in 70's last week--'at's awight--"♫♫let them grow, them them grow, let them grow . . . however slow, ever slow, ever slow ♫♫ . . . " Our last frost date is 4-15 and I trusted that heartbreak hotel, twice. Not again.Thanks Scott! ;)
And . . . "watched pots don't boil" or "watching paint dry" (which means something with oil, as it never dries ;)and not testing that theory on a Van Gogh; "tested" one of my mother's painted when she was pregnant with me, when I was 13 = near-death experience :shocked:. "I brought ya in and I can take ya out!" Anybody else ever hear that? :rofl:It was never funny at the time).
Oil painting dry times can vary depending on your environment, humidity, type of oil in paint, etc. &hellip; can be several days or much more. Ask me how I know, well beyond making a lot of art over the years, I had a famous Uncle from Spain/Peru that was one, Felipe Cossio del Pomar. While he wasn&rsquo;t famed here, both in the EU & South America he did very well. Now back to the oil, Linseed is the one used in the majority of oil paints because it tends to dry to the most durable. But Poppy seed oil is more fun to use :shocked: ;)

Peppers do hit a stall &hellip;
Not if you sing to them ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ and mine love Soca, Reggae and Dancehall ... tune up dat base muchacha ;)

&hellip; they're calling for snow next Monday?? &hellip;
That sucks :/ But you lost me with the milk & bread, that must be similar to when we have hurricanes passing 300 miles away and the news goes nuts like the end of the world is coming so you gotta run out and buy food, water, etc &hellip; what a scam!

&raquo;&raquo; Foobar2ooo \o/ ::: Jimmy Buffett - A-1-A (1974) - 09 - Trying To Reason With Hurricane Seasons ::: 0:11/4:23 (&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;) ::: 200 kbps &laquo;&laquo;
Oil painting dry times can vary depending on your environment, humidity, type of oil in paint, etc. &hellip; can be several days or much more. Ask me how I know, well beyond making a lot of art over the years, I had a famous Uncle from Spain/Peru that was one, Felipe Cossio del Pomar. While he wasn&rsquo;t famed here, both in the EU & South America he did very well. Now back to the oil, Linseed is the one used in the majority of oil paints because it tends to dry to the most durable. But Poppy seed oil is more fun to use :shocked: ;)

I know tu tio's work to some extent. Some go to Cancun, others, San Miguel de Allende: didn't he start the famous art school in San Miguel?

Not if you sing to them ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ and mine love Soca, Reggae and Dancehall ... tune up dat base muchacha ;)

My bass stays in tune. lol, no matter what, I play it every day. I hope they like Tosh, Marley, and Mikey Smith dub poetry! Because that's what they been getting! And saw Matisyahu at Atone's in Austin in 2008. Debuted "One Day" and I said, "Damn, this is a hit and he could be eaten alive by big success." But thought the same first time I heard Shakira in D.R. And was right on that one: amazing writer in Spanish but bimbo for Sony-USA :rolleyes: BTW: your hijas le gusta "Donde estan los ladrones?" y "Ojos asi" ;) for a little flavor of Malaga mezclado con el Carib.

That sucks :/ But you lost me with the milk & bread, that must be similar to when we have hurricanes passing 300 miles away and the news goes nuts like the end of the world is coming so you gotta run out and buy food, water, etc &hellip; what a scam!

Yes; weather channels make money off alarms!

&raquo;&raquo; Foobar2ooo \o/ ::: Jimmy Buffett - A-1-A (1974) - 09 - Trying To Reason With Hurricane Seasons ::: 0:11/4:23 (&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;) ::: 200 kbps &laquo;&laquo;

I like that one by JB! Actually "Cheeseburger in Paradise" is the most Zen song ever written. ??? Yes: it's about a cheeseburger! I teach that and kids think I've lost my mind . . . but most songs have form and the content varies toward deeper, mas profundo, but no: it stays as content within content! (Now maybe YOU think am crazy. Vale. :rofl: )
I like that one by JB! Actually "Cheeseburger in Paradise" is the most Zen song ever written. ??? Yes: it's about a cheeseburger! I teach that and kids think I've lost my mind . . . but most songs have form and the content varies toward deeper, mas profundo, but no: it stays as content within content! (Now maybe YOU think am crazy. Vale. :rofl: )

lol..............and a Beatle is just a beetle. I had an English teacher in HS that was bent on the Beatles, so much that he'd analize the songs...pretty bizarre.
He thought he was on a path somewhere...........we all new he wasn't.................... :D
Muchacha, we&rsquo;re not on the same page &hellip; if you are talking Buffett nothing beats &ldquo;AIA, A White Sport Coat and Pink Crustacean and Living & Dying in &frac34; Time.&rdquo; Of course I&rsquo;m old school so I&rsquo;m speaking of everything on dem albums ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ as it seems todays kids only buy tracks o_O IMHO his later releases took a turn towards bubble gum pop :( That said, it's hard not to like cheeseburger in paradise but then again I don't blame the JDF for trying to shoot his azz & his cessna 310 out of the sky *WGrollseyes* &hellip; I remember the days of getting drunk in the keys and watching him play for hours at some hole in the wall, no cover charge to boot \o/
Muchacha, we&rsquo;re not on the same page &hellip; if you are talking Buffett nothing beats &ldquo;AIA, A White Sport Coat and Pink Crustacean and Living & Dying in &frac34; Time.&rdquo; Of course I&rsquo;m old school so I&rsquo;m speaking of everything on dem albums ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ as it seems todays kids only buy tracks o_O IMHO his later releases took a turn towards bubble gum pop :( That said, it's hard not to like cheeseburger in paradise but then again I don't blame the JDF for trying to shoot his azz & his cessna 310 out of the sky *WGrollseyes* &hellip; I remember the days of getting drunk in the keys and watching him play for hours at some hole in the wall, no cover charge to boot \o/

Ya got me at great time: just off phone filing non-profit with IRS, grrrrr. :rofl: I like "Another Trip Around the Sun" with Martina! I never followed JB from the beginning, not a "Parrot-head," but even when I quit drinking--pretty much a necessity if I wanted to live, rather than die on "installment plan," still loved "Margaritaville"--"But I know/it's my own damn fault."

Might as well officially "out" myself as a recovering person because by laws of probability, science, no way I should be alive! It blows people's minds that my best friends are social drinkers: my best friends drink. BIG DEAL! I don't care. I'm probably as wild without extraneous stuff, but I remember it all now! March 25, 2013, Higher Power willing and my footwork, 20 years. And I still go to concerts, I still play music, I still perform, I still . . . but nobody is responsible for my failings but me. Most people on this site are not addicts. I can tell. But if any are: hell, there's hope. No; the music industry is not at fault, no man, no trauma, not God . . . no "but I know/it's my own damn . . ." :rofl: Peace, mi hermano! (Does IRS honesty bring out some bizarre form of holistic honesty? :rofl: )
Good for you Annie, drinking isn&rsquo;t all that it&rsquo;s chalked up to be and I have plenty friends that do and don&rsquo;t. I drink every now and then but didn&rsquo;t for 3 years because I think it became old/boring drinking every Friday or Saturday night. I&rsquo;ve never had a problem but I&rsquo;m not a social drinker &hellip; in most social events I just don&rsquo;t and I end up having more fun. I prefer to drink at home for the taste & effect &hellip; BTW this place is no longer called Fort LiquorDale :D ... It's hard to beat the taste of a great A&ntilde;ejo Rum & fresh Coconut!
Good for you Annie, drinking isn&rsquo;t all that it&rsquo;s chalked up to be and I have plenty friends that do and don&rsquo;t. I drink every now and then but didn&rsquo;t for 3 years because I think it became old/boring drinking every Friday or Saturday night. I&rsquo;ve never had a problem but I&rsquo;m not a social drinker &hellip; in most social events I just don&rsquo;t and I end up having more fun. I prefer to drink at home for the taste & effect &hellip; BTW this place is no longer called Fort LiquorDale :D ... It's hard to beat the taste of a great A&ntilde;ejo Rum & fresh Coconut!

:party: and ;), Ramon!
Good on ya Annie. My father died a crackhead in Ft. Lauderdale laying on his couch in his rundown shack he purchased when he got out the army years ago. There is much to be said for recovery before dying as recovery after is pretty much a mute point. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

or moot point. Whichever
Good on ya Annie. My father died a crackhead in Ft. Lauderdale laying on his couch in his rundown shack he purchased when he got out the army years ago. There is much to be said for recovery before dying as recovery after is pretty much a mute point. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

or moot point. Whichever

I'm really sorry, Pia. At the same time . . . and please don't misunderstand, I pray that you won't . . . it's only for the Grace of a Power that so loves me and who loves your dad, that I didn't go full-tilt where your father went. I've gone to so many funerals, wakes, in the past 20 years, that I just stopped asking "Why?" And realize that death is a spiritual experience too. "Why?" Most addicts die from this disease. Just a fact. That's why. And those of us who are addicts, albeit in recovery, will die with or from this disease and I'd just as soon die with it than from it. Unimaginable hell, unless ya been there. And it's hell on everybody around the addict. Everybody who loves the addict is wounded. I'm glad I lived to this day to make amends and to continue to make amends because I eff up! Life still happens and I'm still human, and I still run my mouth when I shouldn't, am silent when I should speak; inert when I should act and act too much when I should just be still and know that God is God. I don't mean to offend anybody by that term, "God." But hell, it took me 2 years into recovery to stop saying "The Big Dude Somewhere" and just shorten the term to 3 letters! :rofl:

I am sorry, hon. Your dad was and is a beloved child of God. Most importantly, you are! :dance:
Proud of you Annie...I feel ya. Runs in my family. Stay strong.

Thanks, Shane! Yep that "run in family" . . . I mean, had aunts broke their necks walking up or down stairs, uncles who decided to catch some z's in car on railroad tracks, PLU-EEZE! Nobody told me the truth! Heaven forbid, no! I guess I'm the first one to break the cycle. And the silence. Two of my nephews when they were younger were like "____'s daddy got a DWI!" And me: "Really? I did too a long time ago, and ya know, I should've gotten more. So let's talk about this game called, 'Russian Roulette' that you guys maybe have in ya genes." Hell, rattle them bones and shake skeletons out of closets so that they know what genetic hand they could be playing. I never used scare b.s. tactics with any of them, but no more DL in my family. Even if I am the shy and retiring type :rofl: Not. ;)
Thank you my darling. Its been 14 years now. I didnt have a relationship with him but im glad I went to Miami to his funeral. My mom and dad separated when I was three months old and she never looked back. He coulda walked past me in the street and I wouldnt have known it. Still, I am glad I said good bye. Addiction is horrible. I work for the Division of Child Protection and Permanency and 99% of our cases deal with drugs. I see first hand the effects of drugs has on kids. Some parents work it out for the babies. Some dont and the kids go to good homes (Most likely family). Stay the course GF. Remember its a disease and nothing you should be ashamed of overcoming. ITS A DISEASE. Like many other potentially lethal diseases, sometimes you live and are a survivor. Sometimes you don't. You, my friend, are a survivor. My BESTIE from high school is dealing with breast cancer right now. Her struggles are very similar to the struggles of a recovering addict. It is essential for both to STAY STRONG and have FAITH. Godbless