• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Annie's 2014 Glog: FINAL Grow List before new 2014 glog

Began 2013 yesterday morning. 12 hour soak seed soak in potassium nitrate and H202 (diluted) in ice trays. Kept warm on heat mats. Mix is Promix BX with a lot of perlite added. Pre-moistened, then put in 72 cell 6 pack flats and bottom watered on heat mat to fully wet mix with Actinovate, kelp, Biotamax--a sliver--then drained, aerated with fork, then back to mats to await seeds. Lost a few seeds as I'm handier with turkey baster (obviously from seeds left in bulb when clean-up) when it's used for Q or turkey, but have plenty of viable seeds. Trying to prevent damping off. Seeds from Chris, Jamie (Romy6), Ed, Judy (pepperlover.com), peppergal, peppermania, Baker Creek, Trade Winds, Tomato Grower's Supply, My Patriot Supply . . . and my own saved. Now to prevent damping off. Have ordered Pyrethrin to go with Actinovate, lots of fans, soil temps were 85 this morning when wood stove was dying, restoked, back up to 90F, soil temps (sorry, no pic), as while carrying in wood in our ice and snow/ice storm yesterday morning, I fell. Sorta fell. Falling would have hurt less: why do we try to stop the inevitable? This is my first grow of superhots, so please, any suggestions?! Lemme know, please. Right now the domes are on again, but will be slanting them off in a couple days, if not sooner, and always, flats get 20 minutes fresh air in morning. (Freezing but fresh air <grin>.)




Lights and mylar box--other side of shelving unit is large white sheet (and I know the mylar is crinkled). Also there's some diluted Clorox gunk am gonna get off, but for now, I like the idea of diluted Clorox gunk.


Other side lights: fans


Thanks to so many helpful members here. I hope these seeds hook, live long, prosper, aka do not damp-off. Updates, I hope :rolleyes:. Peace, Annie
I'm with Ramon on the 40s thing. It might slow them down a bit, but they'll recover quickly. Some plants, no not those, will curl up and die at those temperatures, but peppers aren't one of them, in my experience.

Don&rsquo;t get me wrong, if you can keep them in or bring them in and you feel better, by all means do so. Wind can damage plants, dry out the conditions but the word &ldquo;wind chill&rdquo; IMO relates to the wind theffing our body heat and thus the supposed colder temp quoted for wind chill. Plants don&rsquo;t have body heat to lose &hellip;

Edit: My apologies as I do not intend to insult anyone via my posts but was only throwing in my two cents when I read "+ wind chill today" below:

Carl . . . eh, there's a definite cold front coming through . . . day's are fine but eh, 40's? Do you have any kind of shelter and somebody to put the peppers in it at night? Am leaving tomatoes and even few squash in that li'l greenhouse--it stayed here with "Toto" in winds last night--but closing screens on it once temps start falling this afternoon to hold some heat, open first thing tomorrow. I gave mine sun yesterday too . . . but have to figure in wind + wind chill today because the children got used to HEAT! But if absolutely sure no wind . . . naw: I wouldn't do it but you do what you think is best! ;) ... ...
Hi Annie! I finally had time to catch up on the last half dozen or so pages of your glog. Your glog is a real treasure! Even though I'll admit to sometimes having trouble following your train of thought as it bounces from station to station, :rofl: I thoroughly enjoy every word!

It was nice to see your plants outside soaking up some sun! Hoping mine can start taking field trips soon, but we had a dusting of snow the last couple of days, and a low of 16 the other night, so it might be a little while longer ...

Best wishes on your grow!
Yeah, I'm gonna leave them inside for the weekend.
They won't recieve as much heat in there as they did last weekend and they were OK.
I 'll leave the fan going just in case.

Probably a wise choice. There's more outside to worry about than cold temperatures, unexpected wind or rain. Specifically, critters, two-, four-, or six-legged. Make sure the fan won't overly dry them.

Edit: that, than, whatever.
You just reminded me I need to start my cucumbers today, and Old Timer Banana Cantelope. I have never
been able to grow a melon to maturity yet. Maybe this year. I like the outdoor shot of your plants. Looking
very good. I started hardening off my plants the beginning of this week. It's been too warm for April, but we
should get back to lower 70's tomorrow. I think you have similar weather.
Don&rsquo;t get me wrong, if you can keep them in or bring them in and you feel better, by all means do so. Wind can damage plants, dry out the conditions but the word &ldquo;wind chill&rdquo; IMO relates to the wind theffing our body heat and thus the supposed colder temp quoted for wind chill. Plants don&rsquo;t have body heat to lose &hellip;

Edit: My apologies as I do not intend to insult anyone via my posts but was only throwing in my two cents when I read "+ wind chill today" below:

Ramon, sweetie, I teach college students . . . babydoll, ain't no way you can insult me! OTH, I'm just not that "insultable" by nature. I got what you mean and you got what I mean, so it's all groovy! As you, Sawyer pointed out, had I started these plants outside, I'd have less concern, if lived in warmer climate, I'd be less concerned. I'm just gonna harden them off. A friend of mine freaked when he heard I left squash fam out last night in that greenhouse but I zipped it closed early enough for it to hang onto heat: melons, squash, cukes, less likely to survive any cold than peppers. Then again, should those fail, I can direct seed when soil gets and stays at around 75 constant during day, and at this rate, Lawd knows when that'll be, but, likely to happen. I didn't harden diddly off today, because with no sleep, I'd probably have dropped at least one flat :shocked:. And that would have made me: :mope: AND sought out a good friend who'd hold a sword so I could just fall on it! :rofl: Tomorrow, during the cook/grill session, when I trust myself after some sleep, they gittin' it.

Thought maybe would pot-up some maters into peat pots today and instead of pre-wetting Promix, I heated and wet an entire R-maid tote of straight peat. :crazy: (I am gonna use it . . . but that was not the idea today. After that, I asked myself, "Can I take this flat of cuke, melon, squash seeds OUT to heat/AC unit, sit it there, without doing something entirely ignert?" lol! I got it out there; so now just to get it back in! Peace, sweetie! ;)

Yeah, I'm gonna leave them inside for the weekend.
They won't recieve as much heat in there as they did last weekend and they were OK.
I 'll leave the fan going just in case.

Sounds good, Carl. A good drink and fans won't dry out! Be safe and have fun!

Hi Annie! I finally had time to catch up on the last half dozen or so pages of your glog. Your glog is a real treasure! Even though I'll admit to sometimes having trouble following your train of thought as it bounces from station to station, :rofl: I thoroughly enjoy every word!

It was nice to see your plants outside soaking up some sun! Hoping mine can start taking field trips soon, but we had a dusting of snow the last couple of days, and a low of 16 the other night, so it might be a little while longer ...

Best wishes on your grow!

Dang girl, you did mean 40 days to plant-out! Bonnie, you got some pretty plants! You'll be able to take them to park for picnic soon! My train of thought is generally not too linear. It can be, but thanks for trying to stick with the tangential . . . yeah :rofl: , that!

Probably a wise choice. There's more outside to worry about than cold temperatures, unexpected wind or rain. Specifically, critters, two-, four-, or six-legged. Make sure the fan won't overly dry them.

Edit: that, than, whatever.

I think I hate the 6 legs worse at this time . . . at least ants--don't they got 6?--but we're not in groundhog season yet! :evil:

You just reminded me I need to start my cucumbers today, and Old Timer Banana Cantelope. I have never
been able to grow a melon to maturity yet. Maybe this year. I like the outdoor shot of your plants. Looking
very good. I started hardening off my plants the beginning of this week. It's been too warm for April, but we
should get back to lower 70's tomorrow. I think you have similar weather.

Linda, last week was first really warm week, according to my skin, that we've had since a few weeks ago. All the crappie fisherpeople, including me, are ticked because this is nearly like what led up to summer 2011. Remember those 104-110 days? Without rain? Or it was rough here on "irrigation" needs. What's an "Old Timer Banana Cantaloupe"? (Not that I need another curcubit seed of any sort.) Just curious? If it doesn't run X-country, am really interested . . . next year! :P I do okay with watermelon, winter squashes, but cantaloupe gets munched on, then rots. . . I keep trying, though!

Am trying them all indoors from seed so that I can beef their immune systems with Actinovate and Biotamax. (Maybe they'll learn martial arts with that stuff?) And birds find them even in close mesh if a seed head is remotely attached! :rolleyes:
Wow quite a bit of activity here today!

Glad no 'naders came to visit! We had one hit the East side of town last year, took out several homes and damaged even more. Lucky no one was hurt, except maybe the guy on his Harley.. direct hit on him, never heard about his status. A guy from work called me and said "I'm taping a tornado, it looks like it's in town". We're up high (180' above Devine) and I started walking to the rise where I can see Devine from, it was really dark off that way and all I heard was Whoooosh! Power went out as the Oaks parted like the Red Sea (I did get that Biblical stuff right yes?)...some scarey stuff! The next day I could see the path of that sucker took and it did come right over us but had went back up off the ground some. It dumped tin and branches on our place, the road out front had a 1/4 mile trash line in front of the house.

Anyways glad you're safe!

I'm with the cautious ones better safe than sorry when it comes to cold. Better to live and fight another day :rolleyes:
Greg, I posted a response to you . . . maybe I dreamt it . . . but that would freak me (your son) and I imagine again, your plants are 5' tall with 2" thick stems! ;)

Wow quite a bit of activity here today!

Glad no 'naders came to visit! We had one hit the East side of town last year, took out several homes and damaged even more. Lucky no one was hurt, except maybe the guy on his Harley.. direct hit on him, never heard about his status. A guy from work called me and said "I'm taping a tornado, it looks like it's in town". We're up high (180' above Devine) and I started walking to the rise where I can see Devine from, it was really dark off that way and all I heard was Whoooosh! Power went out as the Oaks parted like the Red Sea (I did get that Biblical stuff right yes?)...some scarey stuff! The next day I could see the path of that sucker took and it did come right over us but had went back up off the ground some. It dumped tin and branches on our place, the road out front had a 1/4 mile trash line in front of the house.

Anyways glad you're safe!

I'm with the cautious ones better safe than sorry when it comes to cold. Better to live and fight another day :rolleyes:

Oaks . . . parting like Red Sea . . . woooooooow. Damn. smh . . . how's your weather? (Wow . . . hardwoods coming down . . .) Okay, enough that! Everybody is gonna be safe! wow . . .
After fixing this Caribbean inspired dinner for my parents' anniversary yesterday, lime/mojo grilled shrimp, onion, zuke, yellow squash grilled in same marinade, tostones, jasmine coconut rice, all that in reverse order, which they seemed to--my father almost ate all the tostones while I was grilling--which really shocked me as he likes nothing new, I caught whatever my little "carrier" niece brought when she came to visit: stomach bug. The 'rents got it too. But we enjoyed the meal. :rolleyes: Called bro to see how the disease carrier was today and she's just fine. Bummer :rofl: . The plan was to pot up all maters today into peat pots, hope to sell some, stick them out for sun, or whatever, then into little greenhouse but was just too sick after last nights attack of the "carrier disease child." Since it's 24 hour bug, should be over it by tonight but not potting up maters in dark, so will probably be Wed. as we're supposed to have rain/drizzle next few days. Have potted up tomatoes in rain, and that's kinda crazy! Took the "baby" peppers, maters out and the maters are still out: in the little greenhouse where they will stay. Few shots.


The "baby" peppers. Some are not so "baby" any longer but there's everything in this tray from Brainstrain to Trin Moruga Blend, to Carib Red, Tabasco, and a Fatalii, which consistently looks like a holly tree, for some reason, but the other Fatalii do too, alive, growing, no biggie.


Forrest of maters. To be potted up as soon as we have a dry day. Now in with their brethren here:


I kinda tried to kill these but in spite of me, they lived. I think the less ya care, the more they wanna live to spite ya!


Very healthy tomatillos!


Also healthy basil . . . the Genoa looks so different from the Lemon and Thai basils . . . fine by me.


Rosemary and "Money Plants." I have no clue what they really are, but my grandmother, who I miss so much today and dunno why . . . anyhow, she gave me this seed ages ago and once ya have the seed, ya got "Money Plants." They self-seed but not obnoxiously. Biennials so, when some are growing some are flowering.


Cilantro that overwintered in beat-to-crap pot, arugula, mesclun mix, and bunch of other loose leaf lettuces, with onion.


A few signs of early spring. Have some Iris about to break open. My grandmother gave me these tulip bulbs so long ago, many have gone back to yellow. She just shared some of hers. Yep, she shared some of hers. Dang, why today, this grief? Anyhow.

AFTER, hauling/feeding peppers, taking the big ones out, then indoors, same with babies, reseeded another tray.5 of cukes, zukes, yellow squash, as I've had life from only one white zuke, one yellow straight 8 summer, and nothing from winter squash yet, so for insurance, re-did another tray.5. Tried something might regret but mixed in some vermicompost with Promix for those BIG-A Blue Hubbard squash seed. Beats me how a Red Kuri comes up and is fruitfully coming up but no Butternut, Neck Pumpkin, not even Acorn, but am being impatient and I wanted more Boston Pickling cukes to share with cousin so, slammed some more soaked seed in . . . gonna have to transplant those others very soon and not about to try to divide the cukes. I hate that too! Anybody with any pointers on how to divide cucumbers without killing them, hit me up. Again, thanks for lookin'!
Nice update Annie, sorry to hear about the stomach thang.

I haven't had one in years, last time I though I did it was my Appendix, made for a bad few days!

Our vine crops this year have not done anything, they came up but just sit there. Staring at them doesn't work:)

Dinner bells a ringing.

have a great week!
Thanks Buddy!

Here's an update. Luv it. Saw them, and many others yesterday but just posting this as a :welcome: last frost date, not that I trust it, for our area:


Cayenne with flowers.

Thought would post update of grow as well, what peppers have, what's living, kicking, etc.

Cayenne: 6
Giant Jalape&ntilde;o: 6
Cracked Jal: 5
Jal M: 3
Jaloro: 2
Serrano and Serrano Tampequino: 8
Tabasco: 6
Datil: 4
Naga red: 3
Trini CARDI: 2
Trini Perfume: 2
Red Scotch Bonnet: 3
Yellow Scotch Bonnet: 3
Inca Red Drop: 3
Aji Limon: 3
Orange Thai: 3
Harold St. Barts: 2
Bonda Ma Jacques: 2
Fatalii yellow: 3
Fatalii red: 2
Douglah: 3
Trini Scorp Moruga Yellow: 2
Trini Scorp Moruga Red: 3
Chocolate Hab: 4
7 Pod Brainstrain yellow: 2
7 Pod Yellow: 4
7 Pod Brown: 3 (Jamie/Romy6)
7 Pod Brown x Naga: 2 (Jamie/Romy6)
Peach Bhut: 2
Chocolate Bhut: 2
Ramon's PoP: 4 (Ramon/Walkgood)
Caribbean Red: 5
Mexican Orange Manzano: 4
Red Manzano: 3
Yellow Manzano: 3
Yellow Bouquet: 1 (Kevin/Wayright)

Some of rest saved from last year's seed, should be some cross surprises :P, some ordered.

I also have Pasilla, Guajillo, Poblano, Anaheim, Aconcagua, Sweet Apple, Red Hot Cherry, Giant Marconi, Blushing Bell, Red Bell, Sweet Banana, "Kat's Yellow and Orange"--no clue but a sweet smaller pendent pepper--and Big Bertha bell as hybrid.

Am having to do containers. Thinking maybe 20 of these since my friend only has like 15 gallon and pretty beat-up nursery pots: they're 6 gallon. I'd like to have 7 gal but can live with 6. Some 12" x 12" pavers under them. NOW, I know none of the 7 Pods are good ideas for containers for me, as I have garden space. Tabasco not either as mine turn into trees and I like the sauce. I was thinking, the Choc Hab, Caribbean Red, even if it doesn't bush out as much, just some ideas of what might go in those size containers?? And be productive! Thanks!

Your last post reminded me that I really need to get the new "out back" garden area ready, and sow the squashes, melons and cukes etc..... soon!!!

Well, hop to it, Chris! ;) "Tote that barge, lift that bale!" Dang, I love Paul Robeson's voice.
Great sounding dinner, mental note I learned long ago &hellip; &ldquo;you can&rsquo;t make too many tostones,&rdquo; lol. They will certainly all be eaten and it sounds like Mom & Dad loved your cooking and as long as Mom & Dad are happy, everyone&rsquo;s happy &hellip; that&rsquo;s the important thing!

Holy forest of peppers &hellip; I love that second shot, really looks like there are zillions :) Also the &ldquo;Money Plants&rdquo; in honor of abula, that kicks azz for sure. Hope you don&rsquo;t have to keep hauling them out and in, that you get dem in the ground soon and be done with it, yea right, hehe. Hope you have a great week and feel better :)
LOL, it is like a hurricane out there right now.... only gusts up to 65mph, but dang unpleasant! It is supposed to stop blowing wind tomorrow, so it is close :) very close :)

Chris, do ya'll . . . eg. Austin kinda or Central Texas used to have, what we called "rain season." It rained, often flooded, for days and hard, in like May/June and again in September/October. Like Buffalo, NY has a "snow season" and it's usually called, "most of the year" and so like you guys got "high wind season"?

Funny story. A friend from Austin and I were visiting another friend around Las Cruces, N.M. Other friend was pregnant, taught school, they had a break for that week . . . we ran out of stuff to do after plundering around in the Gila Nat'l Forest, so my buddy from Austin gets this idea, "Let's go down to Mexico for the day. Annie speaks Spanish." Okay. Then she says, "But let's not go conventional. Not Ciudad Juarez or Nogales." So, we got lost in Las Palomas, New Mexico . . . but on rural road, keep going South, will find the border. We did. Judy, pregnant friend, was cussing and handing out bandanas. "What? Ya think these things were invented for Willie to hold his hair out of his eyes?" And Chris, in that walk from car to border entry point, the sand cut us! Wind was whipping like mofo, and border guards got on face bandanas too, both sets, and both were rude. "Pechos muchos." That was the Mex. border guard to Judy, pregnant one. They looked at me; I wasn't opening my mouth to translate for sand, got into that dip-town, 12 year old prostitutes walking sand street, wind howling slamming sand, and dangit Joanie wants to SHOP?! I just want to turn around, lowrider vans, circling the prostitutes, calling them viejas or old women. :shocked: Hmm. And then I pushed Judy, the pregnant one, from under a Corona sign as it fell. I saw it swinging above, not exactly sidewalk, "acera," my ass, just sand, part of the road. We went in to rink-dink tourist shop, lousiest one ever seen, got Joanie, got out of there! She thought it was funny. NOT. Shortest amount of time ever spent out of this country. Said winds were at 70 mph. We gave Joanie pure hell for that stupid suggestion. Took several washings for me to get sand out of . . . some embedded in skin! From that moment on, Joanie couldn't suggest an idea to anybody. I told everybody, so, "We don't care if it's a cure for cancer! HUSH!" My one and only experience with high winds. And sand. Aside from looming tropical storm/hurricane hitting Dominican Republic but at least I could get out of it, some. I just can't imagine your 65 mph, but in a way, I love the song, "They Call the Wind, Maria." This is for you, Chris:


But on the bright side, if any wind continues to blow, ya gonna have some strong stems! I'm just curious about your weather, as not familiar with anything south of San Diego or east of there.

My garden looks hilarious! Little wheat grass coming up everywhere! I COATED, DEEP, in straw last year and will do so again. Nary a weed, held moisture, less watering, no weeds, was NICE! I figure that's just some green manure, turning it under. Not yet. We got a Canadian cold front coming in this weekend, lows in 30's. Plants going from greenhouse to my Subbie Outback.

Great sounding dinner, mental note I learned long ago &hellip; &ldquo;you can&rsquo;t make too many tostones,&rdquo; lol. They will certainly all be eaten and it sounds like Mom & Dad loved your cooking and as long as Mom & Dad are happy, everyone&rsquo;s happy &hellip; that&rsquo;s the important thing!

Holy forest of peppers &hellip; I love that second shot, really looks like there are zillions :) Also the &ldquo;Money Plants&rdquo; in honor of abula, that kicks azz for sure. Hope you don&rsquo;t have to keep hauling them out and in, that you get dem in the ground soon and be done with it, yea right, hehe. Hope you have a great week and feel better :)

You make me feel better, Ramon :P! Always do. Very upful, positive vibe, querido!

As told you, gonna have to stick maters in Outback, seats down over weekend at night, dang cold front. Got no clue why even potting them up into peat pots, aside from not wanting to give those nice plastic REUSABLE, pots away. But that's on agenda for today. I so meant to get shots of the meal, as I tricked my parents--I put the entire Carib Red de-seeded in marinade. With some brown sugar. They never noticed. My father called last night about how to make tostones. Then handed the phone to my mother! I bet they eat them all summer and I never get a bite :mope: lol! Which is fine, will make some all summer for here. You just don't understand how opposed my father is to anything new, so to please him feels WONDERFUL, since at heart, am a Daddy's Girl ;). Worse "azz" beating I ever got don't remember. I was 2 and wanted to go with Daddy to work. Mama was pregnant and not in mood for my temper tantrum. I don't think I did it again. (Although he took me to work with him at night when he had to go back in to office after dinner ;) . Great shot one my SILs got at Mawmaw's funeral: all of us with Mama and Daddy. Daddy told me to stand beside him in photo. Has his arm around me and Mama. Cute!) Hope she got those instructions down as I just can't spend the entire summer fixing tostones for my dad! See what you started, mi hermano? ;)
lols, what I started ... everything sounds great, both in da garden & with family, now if the weather just turns in your favor. I could send you a warm dance :dance: (similar to the rain dance I sent Scott, lol), that will warm things up quick ~_^

Now onto a different topic, "like this" I me WTF ... yesterday I was dishing dem things out all day expecting the very next one I click would be the last and today it's none :( If anyone understands how that works or how many you have, I'd love to know ... then maybe I'd hold back a few for posts like this :) I'll have to come back and "like you," lol. Have a great day!

Edit: I hope you are feeling better ^_^
Dang, what an adventure south of the border!

I grew up in San Diego. My friends and I started crossing the border into Tijuana at around 16 years old.
It was crazy down there even back in the 80's....Like a giant free for all....
I always carried an emergency $50 in my sock/shoe.
$50 will keep a crazy drunk on tequila friend out of mexican jail 99% of the time...lol

It is so bad down south of the border now, I wouldn't go there for any reason whatsoever!!
It is actually fairly dangerous to be down there now.

Here, Lancaster, is about an hour Due North of Los Angeles. And due East of the Grapevine.
About 2,500 feet elevation. In particular we are right in the path the wind takes from the west...through some canyons etc... then opens up into the big flat valley floor. So it's like a funnel. Other parts of the valley are a bit less windy.

It is suppossed to be rainy season now, but we actually have had 0" of rain this year :(

There are plenty of times with no wind, but it does come a few times a year like this.
Mostly it is in the 15-25 mph range, but can get crazy enough to strip shingles right off the roofs.

Nowhere near as bad as a hurricane or tornado, it's just constant for days at a time, and almost always coming from the west.