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Annie's 2014 Glog: FINAL Grow List before new 2014 glog

Began 2013 yesterday morning. 12 hour soak seed soak in potassium nitrate and H202 (diluted) in ice trays. Kept warm on heat mats. Mix is Promix BX with a lot of perlite added. Pre-moistened, then put in 72 cell 6 pack flats and bottom watered on heat mat to fully wet mix with Actinovate, kelp, Biotamax--a sliver--then drained, aerated with fork, then back to mats to await seeds. Lost a few seeds as I'm handier with turkey baster (obviously from seeds left in bulb when clean-up) when it's used for Q or turkey, but have plenty of viable seeds. Trying to prevent damping off. Seeds from Chris, Jamie (Romy6), Ed, Judy (pepperlover.com), peppergal, peppermania, Baker Creek, Trade Winds, Tomato Grower's Supply, My Patriot Supply . . . and my own saved. Now to prevent damping off. Have ordered Pyrethrin to go with Actinovate, lots of fans, soil temps were 85 this morning when wood stove was dying, restoked, back up to 90F, soil temps (sorry, no pic), as while carrying in wood in our ice and snow/ice storm yesterday morning, I fell. Sorta fell. Falling would have hurt less: why do we try to stop the inevitable? This is my first grow of superhots, so please, any suggestions?! Lemme know, please. Right now the domes are on again, but will be slanting them off in a couple days, if not sooner, and always, flats get 20 minutes fresh air in morning. (Freezing but fresh air <grin>.)




Lights and mylar box--other side of shelving unit is large white sheet (and I know the mylar is crinkled). Also there's some diluted Clorox gunk am gonna get off, but for now, I like the idea of diluted Clorox gunk.


Other side lights: fans


Thanks to so many helpful members here. I hope these seeds hook, live long, prosper, aka do not damp-off. Updates, I hope :rolleyes:. Peace, Annie
Dang, what an adventure south of the border!

I grew up in San Diego. My friends and I started crossing the border into Tijuana at around 16 years old.
It was crazy down there even back in the 80's....Like a giant free for all....
I always carried an emergency $50 in my sock/shoe.
$50 will keep a crazy drunk on tequila friend out of mexican jail 99% of the time...lol

It is so bad down south of the border now, I wouldn't go there for any reason whatsoever!!

Here, Lancaster, is about an hour Due North of Los Angeles. And due East of the Grapevine.
About 2,500 feet elevation. In particular we are right in the path the wind takes from the west...through some canyons etc... then opens up into the big flat valley floor. So it's like a funnel. Other parts of the valley are a bit less windy.

The Grapevine! I know that! Heck, when living in Hollywood around 1980, this Thai-Brit friend and I took off, left town, probably loaded, and just drove. Those are impressive sights barely in LA County! It was fine until coming back down the mountain, horrific curves, his beat-up ole Toyota, hood came not only unlatched but UP. So, I had head out window telling him which way to steer, slow down, speed up, mostly slow down. We got down one hill and tied that sucker on with rope. Kinda bums a shroom high but, lol.

Naw; no WAY I'd go into Northern Mexico today. Nope! 50 bucks in sock/shoe for "a friend"? Really, a "friend"? :liar: LOL! Riiiiiiiight. I took 100 because as a woman, no-no-no-no: cost more to bribe them. Had "fun" ride through Mexico City once in a taxi, running from cops. Dude was kick-ass driver! Down alley's, chickens flying, tearin' UP that car . . . but he got away from 'em. I kept my mouth shut because I figured they were shaking him down. In D.R., as late as 1999, if going from Sosua to Puerta Plata, 30 minute drive, by guagua, half-van, half-bus, mostly beat up van, people get on with chickens, etc. Police'll stop the dang thing at least 3 times. I always carried enough money to pay for me, and for some old woman to keep her chicken, since ya got no money, they'll take whacha got. :rolleyes: Always sad to see old folks have to give up the chicken, ya know? ;) smh.

I've personally never had a problem in Mexico other than getting sick 3 out of 5 trips but I've had a few friends that have had really bad problems there :/

Montezuma's Revenge happens! Now, last time in San Miguel de Allende, nada. Completely safe and completely filled with PC Mexpats. I think I might have preferred M's R. Truly, no need to speak Spanish. Yes, SMA is beautiful, and some of the denizens, not exactly authentic, sabes? Muy seguro y triste? :rolleyes:

Perhaps because we're so close to the border here and hear so much about the violence. Heck I can stay home and get in trouble :D

:rolleyes: What kind of trouble, Scott? :rolleyes: :D Just kiddin.' Know what ya mean. South Padre is really, really iffy, too much of a risk, now. That's sad. Drug cartels are . . . well, what they are . . . and no thanks! Hell, I lived through riots, manifestaciones, in Spain, got through Basque country barely with my life, another time in Galacia, but because I could sing "Poso Maria Luisa" got out of a near-death experience there, since even though I said I was "Canadiense," about that time damn Guardia Civil, wanted to see passport and just had to say, loudly, "Americana!" Dayum! I done my 9 lives+ and just want to live in peace now. Of course, I kinda wanted to live in peace then too :rofl: You get them melons and stuffs planted? I potted up eh, 32 cukes, melons, a few squash: lows over weekend in high 30's? Tomorrow's high and Thurs. close to 90??? And then, down to . . . :mope:
HAHAHAHAhahaha, I never had to use the $50 for myself, but I did have to use it to prevent SEVERAL friends from getting put into the Tijuana Crossbar Hotel!!
My dang friends were always getting in trouble down there.

One of them even ran from the Tijuana Policia...Escaped them in a Cab....got in more trouble.... ran from the Federalis...escaped again...got to the border, but our border guys decided he was too drunk to enter the country.
So he jumped the little fence and ran down the freeway (The I-5) the cars use to cross over....with tons of our guys chasing him....They caught him after a mile or so, but he was at least on home soil. Nonetheless, he spent the night in the San Diego Crossbar Hotel....LOL
Wow you all have some killa stories, hehe ... when I said I never problems, I should have said that I was always able to talk my way out of them, lol, being bilingual has its benefits. One friend did get beaten near death by the modern day Mexican banditos down in Baja and left naked on the beach for dead. Another robbed at gun point in Cancun. I could reminisce more negatives but I prefer to remember all the killer surf & good times we caught from Southern Cal to as far south as Acapulco. By the time I was 20 we had changed our focus to Costa Rica, spent many months and years there till it started getting too developed, lol.
Hi Annie,
What doesn't kill them makes them stronger;)! So, why don't I quit beating around the bush!????? Did I read:"7 Pod Brown x Naga"??????? :onfire:

That sounds like :woohoo: ...what's the story there, and um, perhaps you could maybe direct me to a seed source , or a few seeds :shh: ? Happy to trade....
still have everything thats in my grow log from last year......no issues if its not avail, I'm just a sucker for cool "x's"
Have a good one-
I have friends in [background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]San Miguel de Allende. We went down to visit around New Years of '05. Cool little town. I could expat there I think.[/background]

I could as well, Carl, if they had a beach; the problem with Mex/Carib beaches are drugs now; any port in a storm and it's always storming with those guys.

Also, with what you're doing with "hoogle coolture," cisterns, water collection, distribution and your enormous mind that comprehends soil molecular structure, I'm with Ramon on another post he made about your soil contrasted with MG: you can create something as great, if not better, than HFrog or FFOcean Forest. I know you can. And you have a market right here. You're already using humus from forest soil . . . I tossed some from down in woods to brew in one raised bed, bugs, everything, let it sit, had mushrooms after 1. rain 2. sun. That was my hope: to create fungal base, because will use that kind of AACTea during, I should say flowering/fruiting but have the flowers already. It was just a test in one bed. But you get my point. Heck, I'd buy a ton from ya! But I believe you could develop a soil better than MG, after you clear the lower, upper 140, clean the Aegean Stables, cure AIDS, diabetes . . . etcetera.

HAHAHAHAhahaha, I never had to use the $50 for myself, but [. . .]

One of them even ran from the Tijuana Policia...Escaped them in a Cab....got in more trouble.... ran from the Federalis...escaped again...got to the border, but our border guys decided he was too drunk to enter the country.
So he jumped the little fence and ran down the freeway (The I-5) the cars use to cross over....with tons of our guys chasing him....They caught him after a mile or so, but he was at least on home soil. Nonetheless, he spent the night in the San Diego Crossbar Hotel....LOL

So tell me what that stay in the SD Jail was like, Chris! LOL: it usually begins, "I had this friend . . ." You sure you didn't write songs for Texas Tornados? ;) I'm just playin, sweetie. I know you'd NEVER get in trouble . . . never have, never would . . . NEVER! :shh: ;)

Wow you all have some killa stories, hehe ... when I said I never problems, I should have said that I was always able to talk my way out of them, lol, being bilingual has its benefits. One friend did get beaten near death by the modern day Mexican banditos down in Baja and left naked on the beach for dead. Another robbed at gun point in Cancun. I could reminisce more negatives but I prefer to remember all the killer surf & good times we caught from Southern Cal to as far south as Acapulco. By the time I was 20 we had changed our focus to Costa Rica, spent many months and years there till it started getting too developed, lol.

Yes, Ramon! Bilingual is how I've wormed out of . . . but we did get held up in Cancun in '88. On way to Tulum. My big mouthed estadounidenses thought arguing would work, but I elbowed them all; we gave up the cash, I talked . . . saved our lives. :rolleyes: "Beach trip" after h.s. graduation was Mazatlan, Puerta Vallarta, to Acapulco. I just had to go into slum area in Acapulco, because wanted to see who was waiting on us in those hotels, where and how they lived, and it was like the scene Liz Taylor's character recalls under hypnosis in Suddenly, Last Summer. (Maybe canibalized?) I got out of that one my saying I was a "una monja que trabaja en misiones de Cuba." Seriously, I had a bottled water, it became holy water, blessed everybody . . . whew.

Another time, later, with the finace I didn't marry :rolleyes:, man insists he see Acapulco because I had. :rolleyes: Aeromexico bumped us off flight to Acapulco. We had to take a taxi. From Mexico City to Acapulco. Driver screaming around curves on dirt roads, amazing scenery, driver making sign of cross after every curve, slinging gravel, dirt (Sierra Madre del sur is beyond BEAUTIFUL!!), but no Autopista de Sol back then, just suerte, and heck, LONG drive. I could see Acapulco Bay. Flares in road. Dark, guys in road with M-16's, NY Yankees' ball caps, some with Nike t-shirts, some in fatigues, some wearing boinas cocked to left. Hmm. Taxista says, praying, "Guerillas," keeps on praying and my fiance who spoke not a WORD of Spanish was gonna handle this? I was terrified because I know these guys don't play. Fiance didn't speak Spanish, knew nothing of culture, and he was gonna get me raped, murdered, everybody dead. I'd lived in eastern Spain, so as they were going through our bags . . . took a set of Cameo earrings my grandmother had given me, when I answered the taxi driver, who'd said, nothing, still praying, lol, "Che! Esta bien! Estamos todos amigos, aqui." They stopped. All looked at me. I was 22. Asked me where and how Che died, where his body was. I told them, we all said, "Hasta la victoria, siempre!" together; they gave me back the earrings, apologized, I was nudging fiance, "Raise ya left fist NOW!" They wished us well, wished us safety "in our work." :crazy: smh

Hi Annie,
What doesn't kill them makes them stronger;)! So, why don't I quit beating around the bush!????? Did I read:"7 Pod Brown x Naga"??????? :onfire:

That sounds like :woohoo: ...what's the story there, and um, perhaps you could maybe direct me to a seed source , or a few seeds :shh: ? Happy to trade....
still have everything thats in my grow log from last year......no issues if its not avail, I'm just a sucker for cool "x's"
Have a good one-

DJ, nice to meetcha! I got seed from Jamie/Romy6, none left, but will send ya some pods, if you want, or some saved seed. I might try to get my hands on 25 gal container to let that one do its thing. Usually anything "7" goes in ground but if tastes as good as I think they're gonna, want to isolate it. I want to intentionally cross a Bonda Ma Jacques with a 7 Pod Moruga Yellow. Bag, tag, one limb, see what happens. Love x's too! (Purity is overrated.) I expect my yellow 7's could produce some crosses with choc hab this year: that was the plan, at least. Will keep you updated, or PM me. Peace, Annie.
Arkansawyer, San Miguel de Allende is nice. It's safe and you'd like it. We're just goofing off, but I wouldn't mess with Northern Mex because of drug cartels. Does help if can read the signs. "Corre!" means, "Run!" j/k.


What! Are these weeds in my garden? Not exactly: Wheat. I did a strange and perhaps pointless experiment, last fall: tilled in horse manure, hardwood twigs, breaking down, some had lichen on them, 20 lbs. corn meal--not self-rising--and a lot of kelp with molasses, watered in with pond water, along with all the straw--heavy straw--with mulched leaves. I expected more wheat seed sprouting than this. This soil is THICK with fat earthworms (they liked it)! So, to further eradicate ANY negative fungi, am spraying entire garden after tilled in with MORE corn meal/molasses mix, with Actinovate to feed healthy fungi. Had some Septoria leaf spot and angular leaf spot last year, so seeing if this helps. Again, I expected a freakin' forest of wheat, but worms ate the stuff! Garden's on slope: have had FAR less erosion aka dead spots, than last year. My mother, who's actually interested in stuff like this, quipped, "So you actually think the worms were holding hands keeping it from washing?"

BUT am getting ready to call her and ask her if she thinks THIS is funny. Called my buddy at nursery about containers and he hooked me up! Cherokee Manufacturing, national, but a manufacturing site 13 minutes from here, has nursery pots for: 7 gallon, 11.75 deep and 12.5 wide @ 1.12 per, not including my non-profit rate, 10 gal, 14.25 deep and 16.5 wide @ 2.33 per and 15 gals for 4 bucks. And don't have to get them in bundles! I helped her, while my peppers were sunning in Neptune's Harvest DEEP bottom feed, yesterday, clear the weeds and stuff out of her flower pots, and prepping for tomatoes, peppers gonna give her, her worried, her pots weren't big enough, were worn out. Hmm. :party:
Annie, looked like you've accomplished something there with your experiment, you have worms! Did you plant Wheat? Or was this supposed to be seed from the straw?

I plant oats and rye during the off season, gonna look into the vetch.

I've yet to be able to attract them, well maybe they just don't exist near me. Too dry?

Had to chuckle reading some of those Mexico stories (not the violent ones) , now I know I'm glad I never went! Trouble me? Maybe it's been luck..
Sawyer, yea pass on Mexico and take up going to Costa Rica. It's really nice there, fishing, exploring, white water rafting, volcanoes, rain forest, etc. but crime has increased since I use to go every year and some area's that I loved are now fully developed :/

Annie, great find and price on the pots, they should do the trick for ya. Stories are great, keep dem coming :)
Sawyer . . . but crime has increased since I use to go every year and some area's that I loved are now fully developed :/

Did you have to say, "crime," Ramon?! :rofl: To a man I'm trying to get to travel outside States? :rofl: :shh: Arkansawyer, just grow some dreads and hit Kingston. On second thought, St. Thomas . . . Virgin Isles have lots of vehicular homicides . . . will remind you of Houston, man! But then, you're talking to a woman who feels safe in Spanish Harlem at 3 am. Scariest place I ever was, pulled down a dirt road in mountains here, came upon a "white" still. Thankfully some of the ole timers remembered my grandfather, so got out of there, okay; fear won't control my life. Honestly, when we moved back here down the road . . . I was running aka, jogging, this damn drunken fool came around a curve, went up a ditch, into a front yard, narrowly missing a kid on a bike, came back DOWN the ditch across the road, hit telephone poll, about to back up. By that time, my neighbor and the guy next door to him, had their Glocks out, trained on the fool, daring him to try to move that car, while I called the law. About hit that kid. Thus, danger is everywhere. But northern Mexico is certainly off my go-to-radar.

And yeah! Cool score on those pots, huh, mi hermano! 4 bucks for 15 gals? Feel very blessed. :party:

Annie, looked like you've accomplished something there with your experiment, you have worms! Did you plant Wheat? Or was this supposed to be seed from the straw?

I plant oats and rye during the off season, gonna look into the vetch.

I've yet to be able to attract them, well maybe they just don't exist near me. Too dry?

Had to chuckle reading some of those Mexico stories (not the violent ones) , now I know I'm glad I never went! Trouble me? Maybe it's been luck..

"Maybe it's been luck" Not getting caught, Scott? lol. Just kiddin.' :P Yeah, always have worms. But not like this year. Clay soil is good stuff IF amended. A lot. What I most wanted to do was have beneficial fungi eat bad fungi and worms, around here, help that process. Also, this place is a night-crawler den: after summer rains, I have an uncle still comes here to catch night-crawlers rather than buy them for cat-fishing, because they're huge. I never could do it. My grandfather could too, but I can't catch them in wet grass, at night with a flashlight, no way. I just uh, buy 'em! So far, catfish, so good!

Edit: I didn't plant wheat but LOADED the garden with wheat-straw as mulch last summer. Let it get wet, throw some blood meal on it, let it get wet again, and it suppresses weeds and doesn't rob soil of nitrogen, since the blood meal and H202 is composting at least one layer of it. As add compost teas, drips down on it, hopefully that did something for negative fungi as well.
Crime, I laugh in the face for crime and danger ... you're talking to one who survived the worst parts of Kingston, hey I just wanted to see what the hubbub about trench town was to Marley. That said, I later realized that I may have not made it out of some of the situations I've been in much worse but I see we're kindred spirits in that sense, lols.
LOL. My former neighbor, from whom I bought my place and who still owns the 25 acres right next to me (operates as an organic farm/commune sort of thing), packed up his whole family, mom, wife, and kids, and move to Costa Rica a few years ago. They are still there, so I guess they like it. Certainly whatever I've read about it makes it sound almost like a garden of Eden. He also owns 500 acres (was 1,000, but he gave away half of it) in Belize. He tried for years to get me to go down there with him, but I was wedded to my work back then. I've been to Canada, briefly, and spent quite a bit of time in Germany and Turkey, not to mention all of the 48 contiguous. Learned people are people wherever you are. Hah, I'm about the last guy to blend in in Kingston, fairly pale and prefer my hair as short as short can be.

Annie, that's an awesome way of overwintering your garden. Your going to have some kick-a$$ growing this year. I've kind of zeroed in on a winter rye/vetch cover crop for what isn't devoted to other winter crops, but flubbed the whole ball of bee's wax this past winter. Going to take some effort to get things back in shape.
My life looks pretty boring by comparison, but I do remember going down to Tijuana with my Dad and brother, while we were visiting relatives in San Diego in '85. My brother took a photo of a "Mexican Zebra", and this little kid, who couldn't have been more than 4 or 5, came running out to us, screaming and cursing at us in Spanish. None of us spoke Spanish, but we finally figured out that he wanted us to give him $5 for taking a picture of his donkey with spray painted stripes.
Sawyer, yea pass on Mexico and take up going to Costa Rica. It's really nice there, fishing, exploring, white water rafting, volcanoes, rain forest, etc. but crime has increased since I use to go every year and some area's that I loved are now fully developed :/

Annie, great find and price on the pots, they should do the trick for ya. Stories are great, keep dem coming :)

One of my little sisters is getting married there in May!! She loves that country.

Annie's GLOG has turned into the International story telling hotspot!!​


Did I tell you guys/gals about the time my friends and I were camping 400 miles south of the border?
3 cars, and one broke down....So we towed it back 400 miles with a few pieces of rope, Mountains, Dirt Roads, Policia....made it all the way to the border, and the Tijuana police began their extortion procedures on us....The $50 in my shoe was what got them to go away, and we went on our way.
Our Border guys said we couldn't tow a car like that on the Freeway, but let us cross and park on the side of the freeway to "get a towtruck".
Well....we just kept going...lol....took one of the first offramps, and made it the back roads all the way home :)

Oh the 80's....wonderful times :)