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Annie's 2014 Glog: FINAL Grow List before new 2014 glog

Began 2013 yesterday morning. 12 hour soak seed soak in potassium nitrate and H202 (diluted) in ice trays. Kept warm on heat mats. Mix is Promix BX with a lot of perlite added. Pre-moistened, then put in 72 cell 6 pack flats and bottom watered on heat mat to fully wet mix with Actinovate, kelp, Biotamax--a sliver--then drained, aerated with fork, then back to mats to await seeds. Lost a few seeds as I'm handier with turkey baster (obviously from seeds left in bulb when clean-up) when it's used for Q or turkey, but have plenty of viable seeds. Trying to prevent damping off. Seeds from Chris, Jamie (Romy6), Ed, Judy (pepperlover.com), peppergal, peppermania, Baker Creek, Trade Winds, Tomato Grower's Supply, My Patriot Supply . . . and my own saved. Now to prevent damping off. Have ordered Pyrethrin to go with Actinovate, lots of fans, soil temps were 85 this morning when wood stove was dying, restoked, back up to 90F, soil temps (sorry, no pic), as while carrying in wood in our ice and snow/ice storm yesterday morning, I fell. Sorta fell. Falling would have hurt less: why do we try to stop the inevitable? This is my first grow of superhots, so please, any suggestions?! Lemme know, please. Right now the domes are on again, but will be slanting them off in a couple days, if not sooner, and always, flats get 20 minutes fresh air in morning. (Freezing but fresh air <grin>.)




Lights and mylar box--other side of shelving unit is large white sheet (and I know the mylar is crinkled). Also there's some diluted Clorox gunk am gonna get off, but for now, I like the idea of diluted Clorox gunk.


Other side lights: fans


Thanks to so many helpful members here. I hope these seeds hook, live long, prosper, aka do not damp-off. Updates, I hope :rolleyes:. Peace, Annie
Podvert! ...
Ok, I'm out of the closet ... if loving red hot chilies is the definition of podvert, I'm one, ROFLMAO

Edit: Chris, I don't have anything against Mexico per say, I had great times there camping, surfing, drinking and exploring. As I stated earlier I never had any issues other than getting sick. Strange thing is that I've never gotten sick on any of the numerous islands that I've been at throughout the Caribbean, Central American or South America.

I like to think of myself as having a strong stomach but the last trip spending 24 hours on the can was no fun, lol. Would I go back? Yes! Would I recommend gringo's American's to go, I'd say it's up to you and tell them my stories (too many for here). That said, I found some awesome places that I camped in Central America, lived for over a month hassle free and barely spent a dime, got by on loads of trading ... although that was back in the day, I&rsquo;m sure things have changed.

BTW congrats to your sister, she should have a great time there and I&rsquo;m sure you will too&hellip; I know I did, hehe

Oh almost forgot, I have a Mexican cousin and I have nothing against the people.
Sawyer, short hair is the norm all over JA for me other than rastas or wana be rastas and while I'm not pale, I am white I think, lolz. Color prejudice is rare outside of the USA and does not exists in Jamaica. The only prejudice there is social and monetary class.

THANK YOU, Ramon! True "dis" as you would say! Only loathings or heavy dislikes also based on one other: regionalism and nationalism. Which are all rooted in "social and monetary class" aka power OR perceived power. But my skin color, even if usually tanned, has never been an issue. Given what just happened in Boston . . . Franklin in his Memoirs of the Lifea and Writings of Benjamin Frankin writes, "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary saftey, deserve neither liberty nor safety" (Art. 14, 270). (That included Franklin's liberty to obtain temporary saftey by jumping out of a window, breaking both legs in Paris, when a noble-woman's husband came home! :rofl:) Part of my liberty consists of the freedom to travel if I want, stay home if I want. Nothing wrong with not traveling, but I like the perspectives, heck, just sensing, the feeling, the sound of cobblestone streets late at night below the Miguelete (or Micalet) in Valencia, having done all the "tourist" stuff in first 3 months, gone to top of it, seen Mediterranean, and just how, a piece of dust in wind I am . . . it was finished in 1420's! Of course, one can look out upon the ocean, up to a mountain, feel the same :dance:

Never been to Aunt Jane's! What gives with all the Tijuana?! Love it, though! Keep stories coming. I decided one day, freshman in college, just bored with school, so packed a small army duffle with guitar, headed to NYC. Simple enough--hitch from Chapel Hill to NYC. It snowed some, and I was pretty blessed, truly. Lots of nice folks heeded my thumb. But got in City and knew nothing, except that it was snowing and I was under-dressed in unlined fatigue jacket. Hung out with some folks in Village, played some music, decided to take the bus back, as would be safer. Yeah, right. Guy gets on in Port Authority, sits down beside me at back of bus, no problem. Still snowing, warm in bus. We talk. He's a 'Nam Vet. I knew lots of 'Nam Vets. No biggie. Then, he opens this big brief case; he's got an arsensal of hand-guns in there. He decided in dark of night, pointing one at me, we're getting married. And he's coming home with me. Hmm. "Restroom" on bus, but I convinced him I wanted to go to clean one near Hickory, NC, thought go by, see the 'rents since was already "out of town." I told a woman in there to call SBI, FBI, CIA, KGB, SOMEBODY, as I was kinda getting abducted, or kidnapped, or sumpin like dat. Got off at Morganton, they nabbed the poor guy, all these cats in suits and shades. Something about handguns and crossing state lines on buses. I called my mother, told her my car had broken down in Chapel Hill, caught a bus home for weekend, she picked me up. But I waited until that poor dude--guy was crazy either from the war or was before he went in--waited for him to be safely out of sight before calling her. Besides, they needed my statement :rolleyes: but gave them the number of RA in Chapel Hill, not my parents' in event they needed to contact for further . . . see, I don't HAVE to leave the country.

And ain't it grand: high of 80 today, but F-S lows at night in low 40's, along with high winds and rain . . . smh
Geez Annie, you certainly have lived an exciting life!

Tijuana stories are plentiful because I grew up 15 minutes away from there :)

I agree....The Mexican people are great! Love them and their food! In fact I could eat Mexican food every day, for every meal!!
The Mexican Police, and Cartels, I could do without...lol

Ramon, I wish I could go to Costa Rica for my sister's wedding, but I draw the line at international travel for weddings.....

OK, back to our regular scheduled programming :) (Annies garden :) )
One of my little sisters is getting married there in May!! She loves that country.

Did I tell you guys/gals about the time my friends and I were camping 400 miles south of the border?
3 cars, and one broke down....So we towed it back 400 miles with a few pieces of rope, Mountains, Dirt Roads, Policia....made it all the way to the border, and the Tijuana police began their extortion procedures on us....The $50 in my shoe was what got them to go away, and we went on our way.
Our Border guys said we couldn't tow a car like that on the Freeway, but let us cross and park on the side of the freeway to "get a towtruck".
Well....we just kept going...lol....took one of the first offramps, and made it the back roads all the way home :)

Oh the 80's....wonderful times :)

Chris, you've qualified as a lunatic as well! No: "adventuresome." Good on your sister! I never met finer folks than most Mexican people and Mex-Americans. + 1 Ramon!

Geez Annie, you certainly have lived an exciting life!

Tijuana stories are plentiful because I grew up 15 minutes away from there :)

I agree....The Mexican people are great! Love them and their food! In fact I could eat Mexican food every day, for every meal!!
The Mexican Police, and Cartels, I could do without...lol

Ramon, I wish I could go to Costa Rica for my sister's wedding, but I draw the line at international travel for weddings.....

OK, back to our regular scheduled programming :) (Annies garden :) )

+1 Chris!

"Annie's garden" is expecting freakin' temps in low 40's F, S, Sun, Mon night :tear:. Guess maters and couple manzanos going in Outback . . . hope I don't have dreams of them driving it to Tijuana for warmth! :rofl:
&hellip; Never been to Aunt Jane's! What gives with all the Tijuana?! Love it, though! Keep stories coming. I decided one day, freshman in college, just bored with school, so packed a small army duffle with guitar, headed to NYC. Simple enough--hitch from Chapel Hill to NYC. &hellip; &hellip;
What gives, neither have I with all my Mexico travels, nope never did Tijuana &hellip; I should go one day.

&hellip; It snowed some, and I was pretty blessed, truly. Lots of nice folks heeded my thumb. But got in City and knew nothing, except that it was snowing and I was under-dressed in unlined fatigue jacket. Hung out with some folks in Village, played some music, decided to take the bus back, as would be safer. Yeah, right. Guy gets on in Port Authority, sits down beside me at back of bus, no problem. Still snowing, warm in bus. We talk. He's a 'Nam Vet. I knew lots of 'Nam Vets. No biggie. Then, he opens this big brief case; he's got an arsensal of hand-guns in there. He decided in dark of night, pointing one at me, we're getting married. &hellip; &hellip;
While I&rsquo;ve had a few close calls in my life, only had a gun pointed at me once and I was fortunate enough to run and not look back, lol. That said of all the wild adventures I&rsquo;ve had in my life, none of them were here in the good old US of A other than the gun pointing at me. Muchacha you tell a mean cuento, gracias par la diversion ^_^

Geez Annie, you certainly have lived an exciting life! &hellip;
+1 she&rsquo;s a keeper ^_^

&hellip; I agree....The Mexican people are great! Love them and their food! In fact I could eat Mexican food every day, for every meal!!
Throw in a little Cuban food as well and I&rsquo;ll agree, Mex-Cube, lol. And yes we could all do without the cartel & police, hehe.

&hellip; Ramon, I wish I could go to Costa Rica for my sister's wedding, but I draw the line at international travel for weddings &hellip;
I hope you don&rsquo;t think I implied that, if my sister was getting married on the moon I&rsquo;d have to figure a way to hitch there as those Russian space tickets are too dam expensive on my income :D

OK, back to our regular scheduled programming :) (Annies garden :))
Good point, her garden rocks ^_^

Chris, you've qualified as a lunatic as well! No: "adventuresome." Good on your sister! I never met finer folks than most Mexican people and Mex-Americans. + 1 Ramon!
I&rsquo;m glad we agree, most Hispanic cultures rock except dem Cubans ;) (disclaimer, I'm Cuban and only joking). Now let&rsquo;s talk wild pepper stories, a few minutes ago I was making a Hab dip. I noticed that one of the peppers was dripping juicy. I decided I had to try that juice ... Wowza what an eye opener, lols

"Annie's garden" is expecting freakin' temps in low 40's F, S, Sun, Mon night :tear:. Guess maters and couple manzanos going in Outback . . . hope I don't have dreams of them driving it to Tijuana for warmth! :rofl:
Tijuana might be great for dat, throw them peppers in the pick up and road trip. Certainly different than the 70s road trips, lol. Sorry to read about the cold nights mi hermana, I feel for ya and hoping our warmth here makes its way to you soon ^_^

&hellip; I need to do some crazy shit stuff to catch up with 'yall!
Pass on the crazy stuff, travel when you can and watch out for dem crazies all around us, lolz. Heck 95% of the time you could be sitting next to a loon and not even know it ... Keep in mind it's not always crazy people you need to watch out for. I was down camping in Dominical (Costa Rica) one trip, sleeping like a baby in a tree hammock &hellip; zzzz &hellip;. All of the sudden a loud animalistic growling sound, not once but enough times to wake me and realize I wasn&rsquo;t dreaming. As I fell ten feet to the ground below me, I could just picture this panther tearing me apart :0 A loud BAM as my head hit th ground, only a minor skull bongo and no cat in sight ... Again with the growling, I was sure now I wasn't dreaming and I scurried up the tree only to find out that I had ripped my mosquito netting when I rolled out of the hammock and was beginning to be eaten alive by the bugs, obviously they had never heard of army issued mosquito repellent, hehe. I decided to make a run for the truck, the minute I hit the ground some rustling out of the bushes and another growl &hellip; at that moment I could have been a Miami Dolphins receiver that dropped the ball and didn't care, I took off running, made it to the truck but the door was locked. Holy sh*t this large black cat came out of the bushes so I climbed another tree, only to find out they can climb better than me, lol. Luckily I found the keys in my wax pocket and darted back down, needless to say I made it into the truck but didn&rsquo;t sleep a wink all night, to this day I occasionally wake in the middle of the night trying to climb back up that tree &hellip; funny I never make it in my dream but wake before the bite, lolz.
I'll trade my weather for yours! 8+ inches of snow yesterday, and a low of 14 degrees last night! I'm beginning to think spring is a myth ...

I'm sorry, Bonnie. I know spring is a myth this year! Big April Fool's that keeps giving. It's been overgenerous but with 8 inches of snow . . . DAYum! smh

Ramon, como se dice, "Chico de la jungla, selva?" lol! It was just a gatito, wanna play! ;)

Okay, send some that heat anytime, Ramon! Looking at National Weather Service, until next Wed., plants look like they'll qualify for permit to drive. Lows in low 40's won't kill tomatoes, or probably the manzanos, HOWEVER, particularly with maters, those stress-factors, when they're accustomed to 50's at night, sane weather like we've had, do make them more disease prone once in-ground if they're exposed to couple nights of ~<38 degrees, as is forecast. And talking this "stuff" until next Wednesday? At least, as is in Bonnie's case, not able to have a snowball fight . . . yet. :party:
Unless they're in the ground already I play by the 45 rule, but I get to see what 40 does to the crop Sat morning.

I think your smart bringing them in. Better safe than sorry, you have to much time invested already.


I need to do some crazy shit stuff to catch up with 'yall!

Should have been:

I would need to do some crazy shit stuff to catch up with 'yall!

I'm at the I'm behaving stage of my life...well kind of:)

That cat story is way scary, I've heard them, make the hair stand up on your neck, and seen them a few hundred yards from the house. Bad kitty.
Our forecast is a lot the same 40ish -60ish range everyday starting Sat. for a week.
Pear trees are blooming -haven't seen any apple bloom yet.
I think we're gonna be OK this year.
We had a long winter, but it was mild in that there we're no long stretches of bitter cold.

Oops, I was reading your weather report :D
We're gonna get a couple of lows in the high 30s this week end.
carry on.
Updates . . . first is maters. "Nons" but to me, they really, really exist.


Maters in waiting. Really liking looks of potato leaf varieties, Earl's Faux and hybrid, Brandy Boy, as I'd like a few more than Celebrity tends to yield.

Excited about this tray: these were the babies. A bunch of Ramon's/Walkgood PoP's in here along with Jamie's/Romy6 7 Pod Brown, and 7 Pod Brown x Naga. They really want it to . . . WARM UP AND STAY THAT WAY!!! Whew. Feel better now. :D


Where I have written Ixtapa Jal, I mean, Cracked, the corked kind, that ostensibly emerge corking. We'll see. Missed that bud on Serrano or Cayenne in front. Stems have gone woody, smh, but kinda normal with annuums. Some pretty Scotch bonnet in here too :party:. Waaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiting.


Tabs, cayenne, sweet apple, sweet banana, other annuums. I think the sweet apple's gonna plant itself, walk out door for dirt, commit suicide if weather doesn't warm up, lol. It's kinda tired of well, waiting. Ha! Some overgrown eggplant in here too. Along with dill. Sigh.


More chinense, a few baccatum, Inca Red Drop and Aji Limon are really wanting dirt, few pubescens, like that Mexican manzano, red manzano, rocoto, whatever and the yellow went on a growing spree; probably gonna try these in 10 gal containers just in case we have an early fall but then again, might go with shorter, bushier hab chocs, carib reds, for that. I can dig up and prune to OW. From that growth spurt, definitely looks like a tree. Vine? Want to give it all the little ole room it's roots want. Although I got zinnias popping in that greenhouse, they might go in big garden, and use my flower beds for PEPPERS!

And no pics, have about 24 white wonder cukes potted up inside, probably 50 Boston pickling--am giving some to my cousin, some ole timey version of another white cuke, zukes, summer squash, winter squash, inoculating curcubit fam with Actinovate/Biotamax and aspirin water to see if that helps with any "fungally" issues later on, rather than direct seeding. Some nice looking Sugar Baby watermelon too :party:. One Blue Hubbard squash seedling looks like it wants to go outside, in bad way . . . Butternut squash etc. Just an experiment to see if . . . but this one kicked my butt--yesterday afternoon had one of those Fiskers stomp, twist, clearing out a flower bed (crab and bermuda grass-be gone), and found a curcubit of some kind, growing . . . in this cold--must've come from fall dousing of compost . . . and ya know, just gonna let it grow there and pray it's not neck pumpkin. Or butternut squash but think it is from size of cotys! In which case, it gets moved! Pretty amazed since they hate cold but been out there all winter. I usually get a few tomato volunteers but not usually squash of any kind, has happened but, thought that was cool!

Better feed cats before one, Buddy, the impish s*head from total hell . . . yesterday taking tomatoes from car to outside, pit-stopped in basement with them. Came out of bathroom, heard a scramble . . . he'd knocked over 4 tomatillos, so big I have to put them on shelf and let light shine on the soil--lights will go no higher--and he got the yellow manzanos too, just knocked them over. Pottting soil, plants in floor. Before I vacuumed and got the mess back together, anger, nay a rage went through me; I took the closest thing, a gallon jug of de-chlorinated water, scruffed his 22 lbs. took him to shower, poured the gallon of water over his BEING. Then took him BACK and showed him the plants, why I did it, and what was left, amidst his protests, poured rest over this big a*, me screaming, "NO! NO! NO! SOME ASIANS EAT CATS LIKE YOU! GET OUTTA MY SIGHT, BUDDY! AND STAY GONE!" And . . . he did. I wasn't gonna feed him but a few hours later, he peaked out from another room, looking well, wet. Sad. His sister wouldn't even lick his head, like, "Naw; I go near you, guilt by association, ya dumba*." I couldn't do it. I called him, he came (slowly), I brushed his wet a*, his head down ashamed acting (wanting food, con-artist). A friend of mine told me I was mean, but I wasn't: I FED him. I didn't give him to this family across town where they don't have stray dog/cat issues, so, no: I was not mean! But he'd do it again in City millisecond. Other half: "Why's Buddy really wet?" Me: "He's alive." Heck, he told me I was mean too. NOT! Thanks for lookin'! ;)
Funny cat story...nothing wrong with giving him a bath...he must've been filthy with all that potting soil all over him...The Manzanos/rocotos will need a very big pot or a large area in the garden. Some grow treelike, some vine...ish, but the roots on my plants last year were huge. Rootball about 5' in diameter and about 3' deep. Huge thick surface roots too. Very cool plants, but they do take up some space. I did keep a couple in 5# pots and they did alright and produced, but were small by comparison and when I removed them from their pots the container was filled with roots...not just bound, but a solid mass of root that you could cut through with a chainsaw. I have mine in an 18 gallon tote this season. If you have an inground spot that gets filtered sun most of the day they'd love it. I have read of some folks even planting them completely shaded but that will make a big pretty plant with no pods on it...

Your little bushes are looking very happy...thinking next weekend should be plant out??? I see you're hardening them off a bit!
Bad Buddy knocking your plants down &hellip; our dog wasn&rsquo;t garden friendly either in the beginning. Took some working with him (smacks on head while showing him what he&rsquo;s done wrong), we all have different methods. I did the water one too a few times but now Max doesn&rsquo;t like swimming so that was an error on my part. Not a big deal with a cat as they don't like swimming ... Which reminds me, we had two cats many moons ago and one was worse than Buddy. Left alone he would knock all potted plants over on purpose as he felt ignored. If I punished him he would go and knock twice as many down :( Nothing I did changed his behavior till I did your water trick but I used the shower while showing him potted plants, that finally did the trick as he hated water, hehe.

Everything looking great; looks like they wana jump out of dem pots and into the dirt. Here&rsquo;s hoping the weather cooperates with your plans to finally keep them outside. Keep up your awesome grow! Have a great productive week and thanks for sharing ^_^
Looking good Annie. My plants are hardening off very well this year. I planted two tomato plants in the garden about a week
and a half ago. Amazon Chocolate and Italian Heirloom. Even with the cooler nights yesterday and tonight, it hasn't bothered
them at all. End of this month I will plant the rest of the tomatoes.
Plants look amazing! How long before dirt day? It can't be far off.

Sorry about Buddy's escapades, your not mean, he's alive right?

Those volunteers sure are hardy, maybe we could learn from that?

Thanks, Scott! They'd look even more amazing not dragging them in and out of house. Buddy's alive and thriving :halo:; and very clean. Yeah, that big squash, whatever it is, is still blowing my mind: not saying we should plant those in fall in this area, but, just wow! I honestly don't see a plant out with weather until beginning April 26th, because not risking it. Should weather change . . . Canadian high move faster . . . but also have to get garden tilled, amendments ready and maybe some help. Dunno, lol. It'll be what it will be . . . :P

Some grow treelike, some vine...ish, but the roots on my plants last year were huge. Rootball about 5' in diameter and about 3' deep. Huge thick surface roots too. Very cool plants, but they do take up some space. I did keep a couple in 5# pots and they did alright and produced, but were small by comparison and when I removed them from their pots the container was filled with roots...not just bound, but a solid mass of root that you could cut through with a chainsaw. I have mine in an 18 gallon tote this season. If you have an inground spot that gets filtered sun most of the day they'd love it.

Your little bushes are looking very happy...thinking next weekend should be plant out??? I see you're hardening them off a bit!

Shane, probably 26th, begin? Called the tillerman today, and we don't have gobs of chances for lots of rain (yet), but also have to get straw . . . trying to cajole, beg, plead like a DAWG to get my bro to go pick it up with his trailer if I pay him gas, offer to fix him something rare, like uh, local fish guy has red snapper; bro likes it stuffed, grilled in banana leaves: yes, I'll go to those lengths! Manzanos are confusing me deeply! I have access to couple 15 gallon nursery pots, so . . . don't know which are gonna go vine or go tree. :rofl: Then again, a couple may "go" in back of flower bed, which does catch some filtered . . . not sure. Thanks for info on root-balls, however! Sounds like the 7 pods and yellow bhuts I had to dig out of ground last year :shocked: . Hmm . . .

Bad Buddy knocking your plants down &hellip; our dog wasn&rsquo;t garden friendly either in the beginning. Took some working with him (smacks on head while showing him what he&rsquo;s done wrong), we all have different methods. I did the water one too a few times but now Max doesn&rsquo;t like swimming so that was an error on my part. Not a big deal with a cat as they don't like swimming ... Which reminds me, we had two cats many moons ago and one was worse than Buddy. Left alone he would knock all potted plants over on purpose as he felt ignored. If I punished him he would go and knock twice as many down :( Nothing I did changed his behavior till I did your water trick but I used the shower while showing him potted plants, that finally did the trick as he hated water, hehe.

Everything looking great; looks like they wana jump out of dem pots and into the dirt. Here&rsquo;s hoping the weather cooperates with your plans to finally keep them outside. Keep up your awesome grow! Have a great productive week and thanks for sharing ^_^

Thanks, Ramon! Yeah, that much water as being "air-lifted" shocked him. Shocked me: he's a big cat. I have no clue whether he learned anything or not. I tried to make the association w/him but . . . not stupid, far from it; mischievious to nth degree. He's on his 10th life with me, almost. Yep: ready for outside but would like to get some of the above lined up so could be more prepared, esp. what can do in container and what would rather not . . . space . . . lol! ;)

Looking good Annie. My plants are hardening off very well this year. I planted two tomato plants in the garden about a week
and a half ago. Amazon Chocolate and Italian Heirloom. Even with the cooler nights yesterday and tonight, it hasn't bothered
them at all. End of this month I will plant the rest of the tomatoes.

Linda, thanks! Great you got some maters out! I couldn't risk it: anything west of middle of NC has just been hit by these fronts/frosts. I know couple folks already lost a lot of stuff . . . but anybody planted watermelon and such while back . . . that was kinda REALLY silly. :doh: (Exception: some lunatic curcubit that comes up from last fall's compost in pre-40 degree weather and then doesn't die . . . ) And ole timers around here continue to say, nothing but onions, lettuces, etc. before May 1. I've been able to way push that sometimes, others, like now, waiting. But it's all good! :dance:
"Red snapper; bro likes it stuffed, grilled in banana leaves ..." Thanks for the reminder, I love that too ... stuffed with callaloo, onions, penny tomatoes and spicy seasoning. Hell I&rsquo;ve got everything, need to catch a fish and buy some fresh callaloo. Muchacha if you forget to take pictures this time there&rsquo;s no excuse ;)