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Annie's 2014 Glog: FINAL Grow List before new 2014 glog

Began 2013 yesterday morning. 12 hour soak seed soak in potassium nitrate and H202 (diluted) in ice trays. Kept warm on heat mats. Mix is Promix BX with a lot of perlite added. Pre-moistened, then put in 72 cell 6 pack flats and bottom watered on heat mat to fully wet mix with Actinovate, kelp, Biotamax--a sliver--then drained, aerated with fork, then back to mats to await seeds. Lost a few seeds as I'm handier with turkey baster (obviously from seeds left in bulb when clean-up) when it's used for Q or turkey, but have plenty of viable seeds. Trying to prevent damping off. Seeds from Chris, Jamie (Romy6), Ed, Judy (pepperlover.com), peppergal, peppermania, Baker Creek, Trade Winds, Tomato Grower's Supply, My Patriot Supply . . . and my own saved. Now to prevent damping off. Have ordered Pyrethrin to go with Actinovate, lots of fans, soil temps were 85 this morning when wood stove was dying, restoked, back up to 90F, soil temps (sorry, no pic), as while carrying in wood in our ice and snow/ice storm yesterday morning, I fell. Sorta fell. Falling would have hurt less: why do we try to stop the inevitable? This is my first grow of superhots, so please, any suggestions?! Lemme know, please. Right now the domes are on again, but will be slanting them off in a couple days, if not sooner, and always, flats get 20 minutes fresh air in morning. (Freezing but fresh air <grin>.)




Lights and mylar box--other side of shelving unit is large white sheet (and I know the mylar is crinkled). Also there's some diluted Clorox gunk am gonna get off, but for now, I like the idea of diluted Clorox gunk.


Other side lights: fans


Thanks to so many helpful members here. I hope these seeds hook, live long, prosper, aka do not damp-off. Updates, I hope :rolleyes:. Peace, Annie
Annie I hope your plants don't like the poorly engineered loudness war crap :D &hellip; Did Greg say "tube amp" ... I love my Woo tube amp \o/

Back to peppers muchacha how&rsquo;s da weather &hellip; I wana see all your girls boys in da ground soonn :)
Time to put that old Beatles vinyl on, "Here comes the sun"

How come Mom Nature can't just spread the rain out?

My dad retired from Technicolor and was in the film industry all his life, he taught me how to shoot pics the old school way, I think I was 8. F stop, shutter speed, ISO, focus. The cool thing about digital is the ability to shoot tons of images and choose what you like. My first digital camera, now 10 years old is a SLR and I can use manual mode. Great when trying to shoot a flower, in auto mode it wants to focus on anything but. I just wish my lens had macro capability....Now a days I can buy a camera for less than a SLR macro lens.

Enjoy that sun!

Wow, Scott, you were/are BLESSED with that background! I bought Minolta SRT 101 in '73. 1.2 f was best lens I had (the original was eh, but not bad) aka, aperture, honkin' flash, and ISO? Just called it ASA. lol! Remember old Triex B&W? We ran it off by bucket loads down at Graphic Arts Building. Had a whole building for photography in h.s. with huge darkroom in back. Killer shots running with that thing, panning football games! I remember when 400 and 800 ASA film came out, grainy, yeah, but faster--I LOVE 8 mil film: might be grainy but good art cinemagraphic stuff--kept that camera for AGES over several different countries of travel--got beat up BAD--but kept ticking until it didn't--minor issue but tired of throwing money into it--and I traded it for a guitar. Mistake.

I just have a block on digital! It was WORK working those old cameras, but I have this reluctance to learn about digital, more than I've had to in music. I know: am getting off topic but mine took EXCELLENT close-ups, or I learned how to make it do that. Now, if I'd put a 1/1000th learning into the digital I have, it'd be great. Need to get over the block but just unloaded peppers, toms, from mini-greenhouse and back still smarting so . . . after the sun comes out with HEAT??!!! and they get "juice"--more pot-ups, and other errands today, might begin studying . . . the manual :P

Annie I hope your plants don't like the poorly engineered loudness war crap :D &hellip; Did Greg say "tube amp" ... I love my Woo tube amp \o/

Back to peppers muchacha how&rsquo;s da weather &hellip; I wana see all your girls boys in da ground soonn :)

Ramon, that album was brilliantly engineered! What is not, is digital and most transistor amps! I have old Ampeg tube bass amp head (and an ancient Acoustic transistor for road) with 2 15 Peavy's--kills rats at 1000 yards, but I never took it to max in over 30 years! Acoustic's close to tube, when dial in graphics and bass/treble/mid boosts fitted to room. I woo the Woo! GREAT tuber! :P My first "system" was based on Beomaster 2000; my parents ALWAYS had tube vinyl BIG stereo systems! Take up half the room. But MY plants hear music through my Ampeg tube--plug system through it--tweak it and man, nice, warm, sweet and clear sound ;)

The weather is GREAT (today). :party: Isolated, scattered t-storms over weekend with this WARMING, no prob; then cold front comes in for two days, lows of 40F for Sun/Mon nights? I'm with Carl: gotta be Wednesday: a full month after our last frost date, back when it was pretty hot! :rofl: Will come catch up on your glog today, still nursing back, healing well, given the fall(s) in water and finally just lying there :rolleyes:, so not pushing, and hell yes, need sense of humor when 6 inches fall in less than 24 hours and even with GOOD f-drains, and blasted wet vac, no stopping it. But Pollyanna here, those upcoming lows gimme a chance to build last fires in wood stove, toss some ashes on garden for potassium, lol, and bring plants in, keep the cats out of basement: no way peppers can go under lights: too big. Too tall. So they get any flat surface, in nice warm basement overnight, but bummer as got like 25 trays now. Hmm. Seeing your work at a glog near YOU soon mi hermano!

With those temps I'd think your ground is already warm enough to keep nightshades half way happy. I think your main hold up would be waiting on the clay to dry. I'd like to till my row garden once more before planting and that's looking like next Wed at best for me too. If my ground were a little warmer OR that early week cold spell weren't in front of us, I'd I be tempted to put some in my raised beds but I've pretty much resigned myself to wait out the cold spell :(
I've never won an argument with the weather yet.

+1. I keep thinking of "ways" and the way is plant out 1 month past av. frost date. Nope; never winning a battle with Mama Nature. Recent flood experience speaks to that reality :idea: .
Sorry to hear about all the rain Annie, we are now getting it up here in central PA. Falsh flood watches and warnings all over the damn place. I was hoping to plant out this weekend also but that has been postponed due to mutha nature. Cold and rain this weekend. Probably a good thing since mothers day is Sunday and that was, key word there, was supposed to be the driest. Now also the coldest.
Hope you get yours in the dirt soon. Got a helluva garden plot just waiting on some plants.
Sorry to hear about all the rain Annie, we are now getting it up here in central PA. Falsh flood watches and warnings all over the damn place. I was hoping to plant out this weekend also but that has been postponed due to mutha nature. Cold and rain this weekend. Probably a good thing since mothers day is Sunday and that was, key word there, was supposed to be the driest. Now also the coldest.
Hope you get yours in the dirt soon. Got a helluva garden plot just waiting on some plants.

Yeah, heard some of it headed your way but hit South and wrapped around, as storms normally do and came right up center--which is NOT Raleigh, lol--of NC, Charlotte and west, hung over us. And hung and hung. Am sorry you're getting it, however. Cold atop rain is becoming a tad of beotch--now hear mid-west is gonna get slammed, maybe some parts Texas, smh. Whew. Be safe with it, Ron . . . I was tempted end of week until I saw lows at night through Tues. :shocked:

Dang Annie, and I thought it was wet here. :shocked:

You'll persevere and get her done; can't see ya doing otherwise. :)

Yeah, Allen, we do persevere; the option sucks . . . LOVE yer wagon of peppers :party: but this root-bound crap is getting well, a tad old? Dried up enough for you to plant out yet? And OH: THANK YOU! Ya sent the system our way! ;) j/k Don't know how much or if you have clay-base but hoping today and tomorrows HEAT dries it out some here--an occasional storm in heat--no big deal but our lows are kinda low first of week, so looking at next Wed: a month after last frost date. On the bright side, onions and "rabbit food's" doing great things :rolleyes:
&hellip; Ramon, that album was brilliantly engineered! What is not, is digital and most transistor amps! &hellip; &hellip;
Annie, I wasn&rsquo;t talking about that album, I was more commenting on what sound engineers are doing today with most music &hellip; when will it stop, there&rsquo;s only so much clipping one can take and they&rsquo;re doing it to a lot of old stuff they transfer to digital. My ears aren&rsquo;t that great but good enough to tell the difference between crap mastered stuff and the really great stuff. Apologies if my post was misunderstood.
Yeah, Allen, we do persevere; the option sucks . . . LOVE yer wagon of peppers :party: but this root-bound crap is getting well, a tad old? Dried up enough for you to plant out yet? And OH: THANK YOU! Ya sent the system our way! ;) j/k Don't know how much or if you have clay-base but hoping today and tomorrows HEAT dries it out some here--an occasional storm in heat--no big deal but our lows are kinda low first of week, so looking at next Wed: a month after last frost date. On the bright side, onions and "rabbit food's" doing great things :rolleyes:

Nope, sky was cryin' when I crawled outta the sack this AM and it's still pourin' now. :(
Nope, sky was cryin' when I crawled outta the sack this AM and it's still pourin' now. :(

Not gonna "like" this babe. Dayum.

Let's get away from Elmore James, SRV, any old blues--always raining--"Texas Flood," "Rainy Night in Georgia" by Brook Benton. I decided to pay homage to rain gods yesterday and actually played SRV's version of "Sky is Crying," "Feels Like Rain (Buddy Guy), "Rainy Night GA"--I mean turned on PA system, blasted with my Tele, sang myself laryngitic and the sun came out--I think the a-holes r-gods just want some love. :rolleyes:

Am sorry Allen but it's what the freak it is, I reckon. Sheeiit.
Annie maybe sun Jah wants a funky foreign, oldie, super slowwwwwwww tune hehe
&raquo;&raquo; Foobar2k ::: Arielle Dombasle - Amor Amor - 06 - Cuando Calienta el Sol [When The Sun Heats] ::: 0:49/3:03 (&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;) ::: 320 kbps &laquo;&laquo;

When mama sun heats ya up it&rsquo;ll dry everything up for you :) What&rsquo;s the forecast looking like for you now?
Annie, I wasn&rsquo;t talking about that album, I was more commenting on what sound engineers are doing today with most music &hellip; when will it stop, there&rsquo;s only so much clipping one can take and they&rsquo;re doing it to a lot of old stuff they transfer to digital. My ears aren&rsquo;t that great but good enough to tell the difference between crap mastered stuff and the really great stuff. Apologies if my post was misunderstood.

Oh, sugar . . . I never thought . . . "Houston, we have a communication prob as I ain't hearin' right" . . . my bad, hon. Mea culpa.

But I concur 3000% with shitty engineering since everybody can own a studio now (and shouldn't). I could buy another one but I'd RATHER go to the pros I know, road trip to NYC or really nice set-up in Virginia as well on a horse farm (beautiful) all analog with digital mastering, entirely different matter, folks who have ears, and do it right or don't do it. I love primitive analog recordings because they sound real, if the band is good, but the crap I hear coming from, like this kid across town--12:30 last night and he was recording drum tracks. Thought it was weird thunder at first but just a HORRIBLY EQ'ed drum roll, looped, replaying it. I was about to get dressed, go over there and tell the idiot to destroy that roll. No matter how much he messes with it, can't shine shit. But he'll shine shit and that will be in local record stores. Got that much money go to Recording Institute Tech somewhere and learn--even a bad drum kit can be made to sound good using right mikes, room mikes, and EQ. Got enough money to sink into a studio, sink first into LEARNING the science/art of this. Ugh. Sorry for rant but am right there with ya on that one.

So, I guess we agreed again and misunderstood one another. Are you my biological brother? :rofl: But then, same bro (he's an artist too), we're so similar we think we disagree when we don't, smh; he can say "garage" the way Elton John sings it in "Levon"--way Brits say it--and I'm only one who gets it and says, "Well, don't 'dizgard' the parts ya take out . . ." and he's to his wife, "Hon, I've forgotten; are your eyes green or blue?" She like, "WHAT the hell are you two talking about?!" But we get a lot of pedestrian type misunderstandings with that closeness and similarity. And no "understanding" of misunderstandings . . . until we realize we been ticked with one another for 3 mos. over NON-communication, which is not the case here, mi hermano.

My bad; I misunderstood you, querido. And agree! ;)

Annie maybe sun Jah wants a funky foreign, oldie, super slowwwwwwww tune hehe
&raquo;&raquo; Foobar2k ::: Arielle Dombasle - Amor Amor - 06 - Cuando Calienta el Sol [When The Sun Heats] ::: 0:49/3:03 (&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;) ::: 320 kbps &laquo;&laquo;

When mama sun heats ya up it&rsquo;ll dry everything up for you :) What&rsquo;s the forecast looking like for you now?

Querido, hay sol! Hace calor hoy dia, secando, esta bastante seca . . . pero . . . Canadian (I think, might as well put it on them) coming in Sun/Mon with low Mon night of 39F. Last night? 59F. Which is projected high on Tues. during DAY??!! On Wed back into 50's at night. :rofl: . And we do have blooms on blackberries, blueberries, so just calling this: Blackberry Winter. They happen about every 10 years. Hmm. :rolleyes: :rofl: Love the song!
Hahaha I thought as much, no problema muchacha. Hey I like that name "Blackberry Winter," you should name your glog after dat :D

Edit: BTW I'm often misunderstood, I think it's the way my brain thinks forward while reading something. But gotta tell ya it's a huge dissapointment what these f&%ki#g sound guys have done cause digital can be much better than some of the crap that's out there. For those who love musica as much as Annie, I and others here that I've seen posting and don't know what we chattin bout, read http://en.wikipedia....ki/Loudness_war ... oh and I hate associated clipping, thanks God for great 5 band parametric eq software, lols
Hahaha I thought as much, no problema muchacha. Hey I like that name "Blackberry Winter," you should name your glog after dat :D

Lord, no! FEAR!! FEAR!! It might STAY if I named glog, "BW"! We could turn into North Pole sans Santa Claus! :rofl: Check this out from The National Weather Service before the guy who wrote it fixes it: For Saturday morning--"A chance of showers and thunderstorms before 9am, then showers likely between 9am and 10am, then a chance of showers and thunderstorms after 10am." Anybody else see a problem with this rhetoric? I mean, this is written out of Greenville, SC but sounds like a D.C. politician wrote it!
Mmm. Dirt porn. I envy all that dirt porn. Soon enough will be pod and veggie porn. Then jelly porn !!

And sauce/powder during/post pod porn! Actually, I wonder how a blueberry/choc hab or blueberry choc bhut jam . . . hmm. I always make a hot as hades jam--last year, Yucatan Hell Jam with Carib Reds, mango and a milder but still warm, chipotle jal jam w/key limes--smoke peppers with apple wood and fire up the . . . Orange Thai is a good bet for that too--those are excellent in relishes as well. Thanks for reminder, KD! Am so over dirt porn.
Dang...music appreciation class up in here! Woot! I play Bari-Sax does that count???

Maybe ma-nature will lighten up on you folks and let you get dirty this weekend!!!

Thanks, Shane-manzano-baritono saxy JAM man :party: . Plant out would be cool THIS weekend, but something (from Ontario) this way wicked comes--just two nights--Sun/Mon lows in 30's, but then we go back to nights in mid-upper 50's (after last weekend's deluge) . . . reversal Jackson Browne there, hmm. Only a few thunderstorms for tomorrow, maybe--solid wind today + sun. Really helped dry up the muck. I should post funny pic: not made room for curcubits outside, and having to bring it all in Sun/Mon nights, anyhow--dang tendril of cuke has reached up through the lights. :rofl: I double-took and was, "Wowee."
Before I bring them IN tonight--first night in since last Sat/Sun's deluge, some pics of "buddage" not taking off:


Yellow manzano! (I think--might be red but yeller is very tall . . . also think holding it still in wind gave better shot. Have taken buds off all annuums, few others, but not this.)


Rust belongs to hollyhock that I did NOT want . . . only like the black/deep purple ones and deep orange, mixed, so, somehow, I know, I KNOW a typical lavender came up, or can make good bet on that. Anyhow, light was weird, so tried shooting in chair. Wind is good: drying up garden from the 15 minutes of hades rain we had last night. Just when you thought I'd read the manual on the camera maybe, lol:


A Ramon/Walkgood PoP budding! No, not that big, but holding it up over bros/sistas in the flat. Leaving them on to flower since plant out should be this week. Next:


Tiny bud on a Romy6/Jamie 7 Pod Brown x Naga!! Since none of other 7 Pods are budding but Naga is, this thing frightens me in a good way!


Bloom on Scotch Bonnet red--letting it stay since it seems persistent to bloom, regardless. And near plant out. Recall the red fatalii, I cut WAY back in early March because it looked weird. Still looks weird but . . .


Rebounded and looks less like a holly tree.


I don't know what . . . when I potted these up, mixed a little vermicompost, high P bat guano, some older Tomato Tone--the kind with the cal/mag + micronutes--in with Promix. They were root bound, didn't untangle, no slitting, tearing, just put them down in that mix, watered in with kelp, larger pots with mycorrizhae. Seems like that's worked so, know what to do with planting holes. Sorta. Maybe.

Some nons:


Basils have already tried to flower, cut that back. Spotted squash is Red Kuri winter: it was born that way. Buncha other curcubits, summer and winter squash.


Same deal here, with some watermelon babies.


Boston pickling x gazillion, white wonder cukes, about same deal, Aunt Ruby's old timey something white cuke, lemon cukes, WI pickling, National Pickling, white zuke, black beauty zuke, more yellow straight-8 than anybody should have kept, but can give away.

No point in looking at tomatoes, because they frankly really scare me: am running out of space and had best become a container gardener fast. Dang. Have raised bed for about 15 cukes. That's a lot to throw in there with upside down tom cages, but doing best I can! Jeez. Thanks for looking!