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Annie's 2014 Glog: FINAL Grow List before new 2014 glog

Began 2013 yesterday morning. 12 hour soak seed soak in potassium nitrate and H202 (diluted) in ice trays. Kept warm on heat mats. Mix is Promix BX with a lot of perlite added. Pre-moistened, then put in 72 cell 6 pack flats and bottom watered on heat mat to fully wet mix with Actinovate, kelp, Biotamax--a sliver--then drained, aerated with fork, then back to mats to await seeds. Lost a few seeds as I'm handier with turkey baster (obviously from seeds left in bulb when clean-up) when it's used for Q or turkey, but have plenty of viable seeds. Trying to prevent damping off. Seeds from Chris, Jamie (Romy6), Ed, Judy (pepperlover.com), peppergal, peppermania, Baker Creek, Trade Winds, Tomato Grower's Supply, My Patriot Supply . . . and my own saved. Now to prevent damping off. Have ordered Pyrethrin to go with Actinovate, lots of fans, soil temps were 85 this morning when wood stove was dying, restoked, back up to 90F, soil temps (sorry, no pic), as while carrying in wood in our ice and snow/ice storm yesterday morning, I fell. Sorta fell. Falling would have hurt less: why do we try to stop the inevitable? This is my first grow of superhots, so please, any suggestions?! Lemme know, please. Right now the domes are on again, but will be slanting them off in a couple days, if not sooner, and always, flats get 20 minutes fresh air in morning. (Freezing but fresh air <grin>.)




Lights and mylar box--other side of shelving unit is large white sheet (and I know the mylar is crinkled). Also there's some diluted Clorox gunk am gonna get off, but for now, I like the idea of diluted Clorox gunk.


Other side lights: fans


Thanks to so many helpful members here. I hope these seeds hook, live long, prosper, aka do not damp-off. Updates, I hope :rolleyes:. Peace, Annie
Promised rain has hither to missed us, but no wonder, my weather website appears to be not working properly.

We're getting pounded and don't know whether my back will hold up to wet vacuuming grow area (which will spread to rest of living/basement area). I'll PM you or have somebody do it with my address in case this puts me in a nursing home for a while, so that the plants can be used by somebody. I'm not being dramatic, just realistic, if this continues here as they say it will. Much peace, hon.
This is getting kind of hilarious: 6 inches of rain--basement totally flooded even after consistent vet vaccing for 30 hours, non-stop and threats of thunderstorms over weekend on soil that is, at least, not under water: my brother's bottom-land had 6 FEET of water in it; Catawba/John's Rivers rose above record highs, thank goodness his house is WAY uphill from that, flooding has left roads impassable, or cars submerged, it rained again last night, mildly but every little drop . . . nobody around here has planted out. Not even a tomato. We do get warming but early April weather Monday and Tuesday--lows at night in LOW 40's--Blackberry Winter, INDEED! Got some sleep last night, am not dead: some lost their lives in this mess. Many prayers to those whose loved ones remain, and many prayers to those who lost furnaces, water-heaters, when relatively new sump pumps died in their basements from overuse and french drains couldn't help. Damn. Sorry not been on here to read others' Glogs but finished wet vaccing last night at 2 am.

Funny, though, during lull in rain, ran up to 5th Season Asheville. Spent . . . a lot! And one of the more expensive singular items I bought esp. per weight, 2 oz. of Actinovate for fungal issues in WET COOL cold soil, they left out of my SubAru . . . lol. Dang. They supposed to mail it! :rofl:
Dang, Annie, makes me ashamed to complain about my little bit of weather. Hope you get things under control SOON. We're gonna get that LOW 40 stuff Sun and Mon nights so, no dry ground or weather to plant out here either. Summer might get here eventually. Haven't even seen a berry bloom yet, but they're budding.

This is this morning . . . supposed to have "showers" today smh. :rofl:


Now, if it really doesn't rain more today/tomorrow and if really we just get a few "isolated" and "scattered" t-storms on Fri/Sat, even with projected cold of 42 Tues. night, maters going in ground! I got PLENTY 5 gal nursery pots to cover them . . . in event of frost and with projected 4 mph winds, I just can't keep waiting! But then, I think about how stupid that would be IF IF the rest of the forecast is accurate after next Tuesday. Meanwhile, I got some rootbound maters. Actually good for those, but peppers, eh? They rootbound! :rolleyes: :rofl:

Funny story, in the wet vac event, I fell. In 2 inches of water in basement. Yeah, got french drains but they don't make a damn when 6" fall in 24 hours. So; I fell. Trying to keep the water back, no go, coming in from 3 different areas upslope in front yard. Around 30 hours in, I fell. So, am lying there in the water. Got up, fell again! That time I lied there, blowing freaking radon bubbles on a concrete floor. God said, "Get the HELL UP!"

Dang, Annie, makes me ashamed to complain about my little bit of weather. Hope you get things under control SOON. We're gonna get that LOW 40 stuff Sun and Mon nights so, no dry ground or weather to plant out here either. Summer might get here eventually. Haven't even seen a berry bloom yet, but they're budding.

Hey sugar!! Budding counts! :P I'm at the point (of maybe near insanity :rolleyes: ) that ya know, wheels churning . . . "if I create the effect of supersoil underneath inground plants could warm them and uh, they'd be alright . . . maybe." Geez. Do you think I should wait or plant out over weekend if we don't get A LOT more rain and just be merciful aka, let them get strangled by wet clay rather than pots, cover, or give them fighting chance after Tues.?
Annie, ya just need to find out who's doing the Indian Rain Dance and stick half a bhut into his shorts. Then go to the nearest Elem school and get them to gather all the kids inside the gym and start singing "Rain, rain, go away......."


Keep smiling sistah, prayers being lifted for you, your back, the weather, the hay bales at the garden plot, etc...
Annie, ya just need to find out who's doing the Indian Rain Dance and stick half a bhut into his shorts. Then go to the nearest Elem school and get them to gather all the kids inside the gym and start singing "Rain, rain, go away......."


Keep smiling sistah, prayers being lifted for you, your back, the weather, the hay bales at the garden plot, etc...

Bill, talk about praying during that wet vac, I was "I know ya won't do it with water again. You promised. Okay and if I don't keep this stuff off electric stuff . . . the other 'promise.'" I was breaking it down into 5 minutes "Please gimme strength, Lord. Please gimme strength." And on the bubbles, THE DUDE was ticked at me for lying there in that mess.

I like your idea of anti-rain-dance. Too bad my mother's retired from early childhood ed. Dang. I had a source there now. These new teachers are just too anally retentive and would likely think me some shooter or something I go in there . . . but I could wait until 20 minutes before school lets out when the SECURITY GUARDS GO HOME! Yeah: they leave even at HIGH SCHOOLS here 20 minutes BEFORE school day ENDS. Yeah. Why I declined to teach in h.s. PM me on the prog of that other in J-ville, okay? Would love to know. Their weather is MUCH better than here at the moment, at least.

I would not stick one bhut in the shorts of the "rain-dancer." Nooooooooooo. Not just one :halo:
Ah, heck, limped out there and got these out of that "greenhouse"--no pics of tomatoes, just couldn't--and only few of these. All are in 3.5 x 3.5 OR larger pots. smh :P


Have no clue how Sweet Banana got in here with the others--maybe height pairing--but Douglahs, Red and Yellow Fatalii, Yellow Manzano, Red Manz (shading everybody), 7 Pod Yellow, a Brain on that same track of shading one another, Choc Habs in back. (Bless their hearts.)


Lousy shot of Romy6/Jamie 7 Pod Brown x Naga BIG BOY in his own "container" garden--this is gonna be a giant pepper if it ever gets DIRT! :P :banghead: :rofl:


A Ramon/Walkgood PoP JA Hab on steroids, also craving dirt and in much larger pot. :party: "Mon, me and me bredren want dirt." I hate to hear that from "Quique." :rolleyes:

And pretty Mexican Manzano from Judy/pepperlover:


Gotta little blossom on top. In fact, most of the things have blossomed, more than once, so just keep taking them off, but did eat a Cayenne pot in rain. Warm little dude and even slightly bitter, had good sweet hot taste. Am gonna pot up the only Yellow Bouquet I have with hopes of it growing since these did much better once I up-potted. They still root-bound :mope: . Thanks for looking.

Glad to see the sun on the horizon in your 10 day'er. That rain crap sounds like a nightmare....a real life one....I've been there a few times.
There will be a day this summer that your soil will be bone dry. You can sit back and smile cause the past will have passed.

Hey I like your plants, ...are you taking your photos with qa camera or a phone?....is there a macro setting for the close-ups ...
Thanks Scott and Greg. + 1 on SRV, Scott!

Greg, I resist hell out of anything digital. I broke down to Point and Shoot. (I need to read the manual and get over myself.) Put a 35 analog in my hands and we're talking different story. Dunno know why I resist digital so much--hate, despise digital recording sessions too. Probably because they always wanting to loop and I'm saying, "Let's cut the entire damn song and make it sound REAL as in our old, and now very expensive, reel to reel recordings!" :rolleyes: I promise I'll check the manual since I still have it and . . . uh, try to do better :liar: :rofl: MY GOD: THE SUN CAME OUT!!! :dance: :party: :dance: :party:
Time to put that old Beatles vinyl on, "Here comes the sun"

How come Mom Nature can't just spread the rain out?

My dad retired from Technicolor and was in the film industry all his life, he taught me how to shoot pics the old school way, I think I was 8. F stop, shutter speed, ISO, focus. The cool thing about digital is the ability to shoot tons of images and choose what you like. My first digital camera, now 10 years old is a SLR and I can use manual mode. Great when trying to shoot a flower, in auto mode it wants to focus on anything but. I just wish my lens had macro capability....Now a days I can buy a camera for less than a SLR macro lens.

Enjoy that sun!
Muchacha sorry to read about all your rain trials and tribulations, sure made our rain event seem mild in comparison. The light at the end of the tunnel I see between the lines is how I envision you with a smile on your face thru it all. Also the humor you write in helps a lot with sanity, hehe. Hope you get some drying soon, plants look great but I agree with you &hellip; they need to get into the ground and get some sun lovin soon.

Here&rsquo;s an oldie hoping it sends some good vibes your way:
&raquo;&raquo; Foobar2k ::: Big Brother & The Holding Company - Cheap Thrills (1968) - 09 - Flower In The Sun ::: 1:35/3:05 (&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;&bull;) ::: 497 kbps &laquo;&laquo; ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪

....if I create the effect of supersoil underneath in ground plants could warm them and uh, they'd be alright . . . maybe." Geez. Do you think I should wait or plant out over weekend if we don't get A LOT more rain and just be merciful aka, let them get strangled by wet clay rather than pots, cover, or give them fighting chance after Tues.?

With those temps I'd think your ground is already warm enough to keep nightshades half way happy. I think your main hold up would be waiting on the clay to dry. I'd like to till my row garden once more before planting and that's looking like next Wed at best for me too. If my ground were a little warmer OR that early week cold spell weren't in front of us, I'd I be tempted to put some in my raised beds but I've pretty much resigned myself to wait out the cold spell :(
I've never won an argument with the weather yet.
Thanks Scott and Greg. + 1 on SRV, Scott!

Greg, I resist hell out of anything digital. I broke down to Point and Shoot. (I need to read the manual and get over myself.) Put a 35 analog in my hands and we're talking different story. Dunno know why I resist digital so much--hate, despise digital recording sessions too. Probably because they always wanting to loop and I'm saying, "Let's cut the entire damn song and make it sound REAL as in our old, and now very expensive, reel to reel recordings!" :rolleyes: I promise I'll check the manual since I still have it and . . . uh, try to do better :liar: :rofl: MY GOD: THE SUN CAME OUT!!! :dance: :party: :dance: :party:

I hear ya well, there are certain sound qualities you can get from an analog souce that can't be dup'ed in digital. We used 4 trac Teac with 10" spools, Fender, Vox, Sunn and Ampeg.........later the Marshall.........tube amps still rock. Tape loop Echoplex.......and so on. I miss the old Namm conventions with the newly ad on electronic shows that took place in Chicago every year back in the 70's/80's. I remember being in a sound proof booth with 10 other folks listening to Billy Cobham wham on his Tama's. So loud I could have put my fingers in my ears.......and thats what I did, hammer the remo's. A drummer never hears the amplitude of the drums while sitting on the (drum) throne. Just stand in front....a snare is really a snare..

Opps sorry for the rant, as this is a growlog not a sound check.........5,5,5,
I hear ya well, there are certain sound qualities you can get from an analog souce that can't be dup'ed in digital. We used 4 trac Teac with 10" spools, Fender, Vox, Sunn and Ampeg.........later the Marshall.........tube amps still rock. Tape loop Echoplex.......and so on. I miss the old Namm conventions with the newly ad on electronic shows that took place in Chicago every year back in the 70's/80's. I remember being in a sound proof booth with 10 other folks listening to Billy Cobham wham on his Tama's. So loud I could have put my fingers in my ears.......and thats what I did, hammer the remo's. A drummer never hears the amplitude of the drums while sitting on the (drum) throne. Just stand in front....a snare is really a snare..

Opps sorry for the rant, as this is a growlog not a sound check.........5,5,5,

"Testing . . . check, check please, no damn check, please 1an2an3an4an WEE OOO-OOO-uh-WEE-oom-umbalaaaaaay I was borned a coal miner's . . ." why can't we discuss audio engineering? My plants respond to music! ;)

AMPEX! Fred Rumfelt, rest his soul, and it's still hard for me to talk about that man (I revered him so; like the father from another farther) bought, before I cut my first album, an addition to his recording arsenal, a gigantic mofo 8 track from Sun. Ampex! Or the "thing" as we called it. RCA 1950's ribbons with some S-Heizer surround mike on vocals. I had Mosrite Mark I; guitarist used, primarily '65 Tele and some old Strat, because ya can cheat with a Strat but not with a Tele, Fender twins, some Marshall amp stacks on one song, vibrated whole place; bassist, on Rick; Fred played an old Epiphone 40's upright bass on couple funkabilly tracks--he'd worked with Bill Black in N-ville, played on several P. Cline albums, turned me on to Wanda Jackson when I was 19, LOVE ME SOME WANDA!--drummer was in room on 1/3rd Gretch/1/3rd Pearl/1/3rd Luds, Remos--long before Evans came out (I use Evans almost exclusively now)--but we had such a great ROOM sound, old warehouse in West Hollywood (emotion for fear?) and that is the weirdest, best sounding, psychedelic funkabilly, cowpunk . . . just the sound of the album--I have the reels in safe--keep all reels in safety dep.--but just frickin' around we got the best all-around sound I've ever done, from 16--those were great too with excellent room sound (bounce it down, lol), to 24 to 48+. But with digital, another nephew is composer, has digital, Logic Pro MAXIMUM, and I say, "What gives with all the pre-amp warmers, dude?" He snarls: he got to see/hear a 48+ analog a good friend/producer showed him at Brooklyn Sound Rec and even though neph has couple hundred grand in his system, he can't get that analog sound! (Ticks him off.) And Billy Cobbham is about GOD, imo. Heard/saw him with "McLaugh" a LONG time ago @ Bottom Line. Think Don Alias was on percussion: THAT combo? Wow. I just like live sounds, I suppose.

Speaking of feeding the soul, "pepper luv juice" is calling me to mix it up to feed babies aka adolescents who need to leave home, as we have 0 percent of rain and LOTS of sun forecast today, highs in 80's. Of course got no damn clue where am gonna put these things now that I up-potted on Monday night if 40F happens as they . . . predict. :rolleyes: